544 files found in Library "Programs for Wildcat ver 3.x"

Return to the area Index
Name Extracted Size Date Description
1MENUS.ZIP Yes 3428 5/21/1992 Set of Wildcat Menus for Wildcat 3.x.
1TRIMZIP.ZIP Yes 26419 10/23/1992 Activity Log Trim and Archiver.
20FLST.ZIP Yes 21233 10/6/1989 It makes a file of all files on Wildcat! BBS.
23CODES.ZIP Yes 3015 6/23/1992 WC3.5 @-codes with cross reference to WC2.
2400SP.RAM No 127 12/29/1991 Init. String for a SupraModem 24600
2DAYUP25.ZIP Yes 56345 6/15/1992 Daily Upload Bulletin maker for WC! 3.xx
2TO1.ZIP Yes 48838 5/3/1992 Makes single-line list from WC 2-line file list. V1.20
300LAST.ZIP Yes 24779 10/5/1992 WC3.x util builds color list of last 300 callers. V1.13.
355I.ZIP Yes 81403 9/10/1992 Full 3.55I patch.
355M.ZIP Yes 120781 9/10/1992 Full 3.55M patch.
355P.ZIP Yes 121110 9/10/1992 Full 3.55P patch.
355S.ZIP Yes 119212 9/10/1992 Full 3.55S patch.
3DNN01.ZIP Yes 29784 9/3/1992 Adds caller name and user to activity log.
3SCRNROT.ZIP Yes 22061 8/31/1992 A Screen rotater for FD/WC.
9600V42.ZIP Yes 755 4/21/1992 Cardinal External Modem RAM MDM for WILDCAT!
9600WILD.EXE No 14484 1/31/1991
ACOLOR62.ZIP Yes 13731 10/29/1992 ANSI Color Generator ACOLOR.EXE v6.2 Add ANSI color to ASCii files. Supports WC!3.x and PCB special color codes. Also creates files using ANSI color. Fully SysOp configurable. Registration: FREE
ACTIV9.ZIP Yes 3255 10/3/1992 Creates a zipped activity by day of week.
ACTIVE.ZIP Yes 35725 7/31/1992 Send messages to selected users
ACTIVE11.ZIP Yes 33656 8/27/1992 Scans activity file, sends various messages.
ACTRIM13.ZIP Yes 12205 9/25/1993 Activity log trimmer for Wildcat! BBS
ACTSTRIP.ZIP Yes 12684 3/28/1992 Removes references to any specified USER from WC 3.x ACTIVITY.00x file. Can be used to for example take out SYSOP logons which can create 'unrealistic' statistics, etc. Does not over-write existing log, writes a new one which can be copied back, etc.
ACTV331.ZIP Yes 96710 5/19/1992 Actview 3.31 Wildcat Activity Manager.
ACTV333.ZIP Yes 96387 1/1/1993 ActView 3.33 Activity Log Viewer for WC!
ACTV340.ZIP Yes 86924 5/7/1993 Activity Log Manager for Wildcat BBS.
ACTVP233.ZIP Yes 94341 1/1/1993 Actview PCB 2.33 Caller Log Manager.
ACTZIP.ZIP Yes 27934 7/31/1992 Daily activity log archiver.
ADACT03.ZIP Yes 29545 4/22/1992 WC3.x activity log enhancerator
ADDFILES.ZIP Yes 70357 2/13/1992 Wildcat Utility the 3.x database.
ADDLOG1.ZIP Yes 5152 11/29/1992 Add stuff to your activity log.
ADD_DES2.ZIP Yes 14131 3/28/1992 New ver of ADD-DESC. Now supports ARJ & LZH as well as ZIPs.
ADD_DESC.ZIP Yes 12754 12/1/1991 Puts WC3+ file descriptions into DESC.SDI in all .ZIP files.
AE_QUOT.ZIP Yes 4336 4/15/1992 Animal and ECO quotes for WC 3.x
AFLC10.ZIP Yes 32923 9/17/1993 WC3.x Allfiles Lister. No File limit. Fast! 
AKA.ZIP Yes 26122 9/30/1991 Allows Users To Choose An Alias
ALLSDI.ZIP Yes 13169 12/6/1991 Add DESC.SDI/FILE_ID.DIZ to ALL WC3x+ database records!
ALLSDI2.ZIP Yes 13797 3/28/1992 New ALLSDI prog, now supports ARJ/LZH as well as ZIP.
ALOTMUSI.ZIP Yes 31817 3/9/1992 A Lot a Music for bbs screens, with tools. Updated 3/9/92.
AMSTRAD.MDM No 321 8/14/1992 MDM file for the AMSTRAD 2400 modem
APDZ21.ZIP Yes 62309 11/21/1992 Apply-Diz v2.1 � Did you ever wish there was an easy way to insert your PCBoard directory descriptions into the archives as a FILE_ID.DIZ description file? Well, look no further! Apply-Diz is the utility that will make your file system complete, and best of all, it will enhance the service you provide to subscribers who download files from your BBS. Major enhancements! See APP-DIZ.HIS *** SHAREWARE *** Compiled 11/21/92
APUTDESC.ZIP Yes 14542 6/5/1992 APUTDESC is a Wildcat 3.x+ utility which adds a DESC.SDI to any .ZIP, .ARJ, or .LZH archive when it is uploaded. It runs in SCANFILE.BAT along with AUTODESC (if used). If the upload already contains a DESC.SDI file, it is skip- ped.
AREA909.ZIP Yes 17651 10/30/1992 WC3.x SysOp util updates user records for 714/909 AC split.
ARQ2MNP.ZIP Yes 12328 5/13/1990 FD utility to convert /ARQ to /MNP for WC!
ATI24MNP.RAM No 354 5/22/1991 ATI 2400 modem file for Wildcat 3.
ATI9600E.ZIP Yes 609 1/29/1992 This is the Initialization string for the ATI 9600 etc/e modem for use with PCBoard. 
ATI96ETC.ZIP Yes 1460 6/27/1991 .MDM file for WC 2.xx and ATI9600ETC/e
ATIV42.RAM No 354 7/31/1991 ATI v.42 RAM file for Wildcat 3.
ATIV42.ZIP Yes 1309 7/15/1991 ATI 2400etc/i .RAM/.MDM files for WC! 3.xx
ATIWC.ZIP Yes 10623 6/3/1991 ATI init strings
ATTACHE.ZIP Yes 17124 1/16/1992 WC3.x SysOp util reports messages w/attached files Ver 1.00
AUTODES2.ZIP Yes 17520 6/5/1992 AUTODES2 is an update of AUTODESC. Differen- ces are, less memory needed, faster, but does NOT put descriptions based on archived file FILE_ID.DIZ files. What it does, is automat- ically add archived 'description file', DESC.SDI to a Wildcat 3.x+ File Database Rec- ord...the uploader doesn't have to type in the description if DESC.SDI is in the archiv. Works with ZIP, ARJ, and LZH archives as desired.
AUTODESC.ZIP Yes 24018 12/7/1991 Add stored descrip to WC3 u/ls automat'ly. W/entry prog too!
AVIEW63E.ZIP Yes 64661 6/7/1992 Online Archive Viewer DV aware
AVWRUN11.ZIP Yes 18721 7/24/1992 AVIEWRUN JDLove AVIEWCOM Companion for Sysop Rel 1 Rev 1
AWUP320.ZIP Yes 71957 11/18/1991 Actview 3.2 for Wildcat (11/18/91) update for registered 3.11 users! Registered Actview 3.11 required. Reports available through support BBS now! Shareware version available
AWUP330.ZIP Yes 138067 3/31/1992 Actview 3.3 for Wildcat (04/01/92) update for registered 3.23 users! *Registered* Actview 3.23 required. Shareware version available.
BBSBUL11.ZIP Yes 115799 5/1/1992 WC BULL of BBSes from database. vers 1.1.
BBSBUL19.ZIP Yes 116721 11/9/1992 Makes BBS list w/ or w/o WC 3.x color codes.
BDAYPREP.ZIP Yes 50067 6/6/1992 WC3.x/2.x User Birthdate extractor for TODAYBBS, etc. V3.06
BFX2WC.ZIP Yes 1268 12/1/1992 Setup BFX200 to work with Wildcat.
BIBLQUES.ZIP Yes 68489 6/12/1992 2 Bible oriented WC3 Questionaires
BICAT45S.ZIP Yes 99788 2/6/1992 New Bicats Version 4.05 Evaluation Copy.
BICAT51S.ZIP Yes 151701 5/16/1992 Bicats v5.1 WC! 3.x Bimodem to WC! interface
BICAT5S.ZIP Yes 105798 4/12/1992 Door that will allow upl/dl for Wildcat 3.*
BIGLIST.ZIP Yes 11725 12/1/1991 WCat3.0+ Files lister. No limit on # of WC database entries.
BIGLIST2.ZIP Yes 11407 4/4/1992 Wildcat 3.x+ Files Listing program. No limit on files database size! Allows IN- CLUDING only desired Areas, or EXCLUDING desired areas.
BIKIT32S.ZIP Yes 247652 5/24/1992 Add Bimodem to Wildcat 3.x.
BIMODWC.ZIP Yes 553 3/5/1992 Bat files for Wildcat Bi_Modem.
BITSBAUD.ZIP Yes 4860 10/1/1990 This is an excerpt from THE MODEM REFERENCE
BM_V11X.ZIP Yes 30887 5/28/1992 Bulletmaster v 1.1 update Bulletin generation utility
BOBCAT3M.ZIP Yes 143479 12/1/1991 Callback verifier door MULTI-LINE WC!
BOBCAT3S.ZIP Yes 143224 12/1/1991 Callback verifier door SINGLE-LINE WC!
BOBCHECK.ZIP Yes 7753 5/25/1992 Send "welcome" msg. to users after BobCat!
BOBCT36S.ZIP Yes 140693 10/4/1992 On-line User Verification for Wildcat.
BOBSCRNS.ZIP Yes 4281 8/1/1992 BobCat alternate screens
BOCA.MDM No 321 7/1/1992 MDM file for BOCA 14.4 fax modem!
BOCA.ZIP Yes 1219 7/3/1992 Description file for WC 3.5 Boca 14.4K
BOCA144.ZIP Yes 1217 8/4/1992 Boca 14.4Kbps internal MDM and RAM file
BPS_MDM.ZIP Yes 3873 10/27/1991 Wildcat ver 3 setup for Compucom modems
BREAKCAT.ZIP Yes 35785 5/31/1992 ** BreakCAT! v1.0 Beta ** Breaks up Michael Conley's FLOP file listings to separate the listing into individual area files to be imported by WCFile.
BULL1292.ZIP Yes 102122 12/7/1992 InterNational Wildcat! BBS Directory.
BULLS.ZIP Yes 4978 9/26/1992 Ansi Menu Screens for Wildcat 3.xx.
BWTOP100.ZIP Yes 29446 7/30/1992 Boardwatch Magazine Top 100 Readers' Choice
B_CRC2.ZIP Yes 311396 12/1/1992 B-CRC(c) File Upload Checker for WC! A file upload duplication checker for Wildcat 3.0+ BBS systems.Verifies ZIP, GIF and sfxEXE's by CRC check. Complete report of duplications on your BBS. SCANS files after U/L for duplicates and sends report to user & log. Easy to setup and maintain. Version 0.91 Released 12/1/92 Support Board: The Solar System BBS 714-837-9677/3218
CALCAT3.ZIP Yes 86455 10/19/1992 Holiday swapper 4 WC3.++ for Wildcat.
CALLS11.ZIP Yes 16074 2/20/1993 CALLER LOG 1.0 FOR WILDCAT 3.xx (S or M) It is easy to install and easy to operate! Creates bulletins for who called the bbs today, and who called the bbs yesterday. It generates bulletins using your activity logs. It also generates a Summary Screen. It supports multi-node or single node WILDCAT & uses WILDCAT's @ commands for all color changes. 'NO KEY IS REQUIRED' Program is shareware and completely functional. GlassWare Software H. Allen Cravener The Glass Menagerie II 215-376-1819 V32.b
CAMCRC20.ZIP Yes 88064 10/29/1992 Cams-CRC Upload Processor for WildCat v3.5 Tests the integrity of GIF/ZIP files. Will scan for a virus. Can remove/add ZIP comments. It will check for an oldest file date as well. Best of all, it checks for duplicate files. Very fast and efficient. Registration $20.00. Call our 800 number and order today.
CAR96V42.RAM No 354 1/29/1992 RAM file for Cardinal 9600 V42bis Modem.
CARD96.MDM No 271 7/22/1991 Settings for Cardnal 9600 V.32 MNP Internal.
CARD9600.ZIP Yes 2010 11/13/1991 MDM and RAM files for Cardinal 9600 v.32
CARD9632.ZIP Yes 2343 11/25/1992 Cardinal 9600 v.32 with WILDCAT 3.55M.
CAT2D200.ZIP Yes 10789 9/15/1992 CAT2DIR v2.0 Make ASCII file of CATDISK.DTA file, and optionally a 0 byte file directory. Useful for PCB BBS to list off-line files that were never on-line so are not in any BBS file directory. Can block dup uploads. Freeware from Scott Johnson for the Freeware Hall of Fame BBS. CATDISK 3.6 or later format.
CATADD15.ZIP Yes 54622 7/22/1992 CatADD v 1.5 Adds SDI & DIZ description Files to Uploads Catadd works with Catscan and checks if there is a DIZ or SDI description file in an archive if there is then it Not only adds that information to the Description but puts this whole message in to the Wildcat Extra file information area. It adds keywords to the file record if catadd fills in the short description. Lets you define how long the DIZ/SDI description is before it imports it into the extended info. It is Sysop configurable on when to overwrite the users description. This File will ONLY work for REGISTERED CATSCAN OWNERS! information on how you can register Catscan is included in this archive.. This version gets rid of that funny arrow at the end and allows editing the Information after its imported.
CATADFF.ZIP Yes 15368 8/10/1992 CatAdFF.ZIP Adds SDI/DIZ Desc to existing files in Wildcat If you use Wildcat file forward Ver 2.51 it will make a runlater.txt file that Catscan2 will use to update the file archive format. This Program will use CatAdd to add the long desc file to the database. This program will also add SDI/DIZ descriptions to files that are in the WIldcat Database but do not have long descriptions for them even though they have DIZ/SDI files in the archive. Catadff uses the runlater.txt file to pass the filename and path to Catadd so it can be run from a batch file. I have included sample bat files just modify to suite your needs. You MUST have CatAdd.EXE to run this program. Contact Farrell Reis For questions about how to run CatAdFF BBS Number (916) 368-7518 HST/DS
CATBUL1.ZIP Yes 42818 11/12/1991 Convert text files into Wildcat ver. 3 codes
CATCH1.ZIP Yes 45215 4/23/1992 A color graphics Newsletter Generator.
CATCH12.ZIP Yes 47767 5/4/1992 Color Graphic Newsletter Generator for WC3.x
CATCL21B.ZIP Yes 65926 11/8/1991 CATCALLS v2.1 Telix dialing companion
CATCOLOR.ZIP Yes 54764 4/29/1992 Shows WC 3.x files as they will look online. Ver 1.30
CATFILES.ZIP Yes 13999 9/29/1991 A Fast WC 3.x files list maker program
CATFLS3X.ZIP Yes 17433 9/25/1991 Creates an ALLFILES type list for WILDCAT 3
CATGIF.ZIP Yes 11173 10/24/1991 Scans GIF files, put resolution into descript
CATLIST1.ZIP Yes 151067 8/23/1992 CatList v1.0 Initial Release! A Wildcat! 3.x specific BBS List Door that may be set for a specified number of days to keep a lising current. At the end of that time, CatList will notify the lister that his listing has expired and will be deleted. Creates a Full- Color bulletin using WC!3.x color codes and a text file resembling WCLIST.TXT from Mustang! BBS. $25 REG Fee
CATLOG40.ZIP Yes 64243 11/10/1991 Replacement for WCPRO statistics generator
CATS40DU.ZIP Yes 81856 9/27/1992 CatStat v4.0c - A Wildcat 3.x+ Utility that replaces /augments WCPro for creating Stats on a Wildcat BBS. Can do the following: 1) Keeps a breakdown of calls by hour and Day for History of BBS. 2) Keeps track of the use of each door by name for that Day. 3) Includes dynamic Download/Upload Screens including type of Protocol Used and problem listings. 4) Keeps track of TomCat if it is active in the system. SHAREWARE - Three Paws Productions (513) 745-0965 BBS 
CATSCAN1.ZIP Yes 163047 5/16/1992 Catscan v1.1 for WC! 3.x Systems Scans U/Ls
CATSCAN3.ZIP Yes 147633 10/27/1992 CatScan V 1.3 The Ultimate File Scanner and Maintainer WC3.x Catscan will litterly let the user upload any kind of a file and it will check it for integrity, the date of the files in the archive, TD0 files, Imbedded archives, recursed directories, unwanted files in the archive and then if the newly uploaded file is not in the form of your default archive it will change it to that form (Should only be used in Catscan2 at this time) with out you lifting a finger. 
CATSCANU.ZIP Yes 162388 4/6/1992 Catscan v1.0U On-Line Virus Checker for WC ul
CATST20A.ZIP Yes 47093 9/21/1991 Makes a bulletin of Activity on a Wildcat sys
CC.MDM No 271 4/22/1991 Mdm file for Compucom Speedmodem
CDCATGIF.ZIP Yes 14464 5/11/1992 Wildcat 3.x+ utility. Goes through WC files database, puts Height/Width/Colors of all .GIF files on CD-ROM into the description of each file in WC's database. Works like CATGIF, but for CD-ROM files!
CDCOM.ZIP Yes 216757 10/20/1991 CD ROM access door Wildcat! versions 2 3
CDHELP.ZIP Yes 7638 11/11/1991 Detailed Explanation using CD ROMS w/WC3.x
CDRPATH.ZIP Yes 18126 7/12/1992 WC3.x SysOp Util stuffs CDROM path in ALLFILES.DAT. V1.00
CHATMODE.ZIP Yes 5668 9/14/1991 Text file-use Wildcat 3.0 inter-node CHAT
CHATMUP.ZIP Yes 18785 6/18/1992 WC3.x SysOp Util globally enables CHAT by sec level. V1.00
CHATON.ZIP Yes 10433 1/15/1992 WCAT3.0+, reset all user records to 'chat available'. Fast.
CHECKACT.ZIP Yes 90175 6/4/1989 Check Wildcat BBS activity and log it
CHGCLR21.ZIP Yes 31413 8/20/1993 Perform bulk Wildcat 3.x color changes
CHKDOBBS.ZIP Yes 8057 9/25/1992 Send Correct Parameters To Wildcat. New Ver!
CHKMAIL.ZIP Yes 97314 5/11/1992 CheckMail v1.03-avoid SCAN if no msg entered
CHKSEC21.ZIP Yes 20912 5/2/1992 Limit door access by AGE or multi- security levels. WC!3
CIMEX.ZIP Yes 16189 11/1/1992 List of Charlatan's Cabin WC! 3.x SysOp utils/doors. V1.01
CLOCK1.ZIP Yes 37535 12/14/1991 Generate statistics for Wildcat! 3 systems.
COLORWCL.ZIP Yes 47344 7/24/1992 Colorize the WCFILE.TXT for use as a bulletin
CONFCHG.ZIP Yes 36421 1/27/1994 CONFCHG v1.1 let's Wildcat! Sysops change a users confrence number after a Door or Dos Drop. Can be used with a Callback verifier or many other programs to give your users access to you BBS in new and FUN ways! It is Sysop defineable to which confrence the user will return to. 100% invisible to the user. Quick, Clean, and self contained. No additional programs needed. No messy Config files to worry about. Logs actvity to activity logs. <<<<>>>> From Brian's World (714) 821-3123
CONFFIX.ZIP Yes 19063 7/25/1992 Conference rearranging utility, v1.05a,
CONFSEC.ZIP Yes 21275 5/30/1992 WC 3.x util globally sets security level conf. access V1.00
CONFXREF.ZIP Yes 24596 1/22/1994 WC3.x util cross-references echomail config files. V1.20.
COOLMENU.ZIP Yes 5447 5/28/1992 Set of Wildcat 3.x Menus for Wildcat 3.x.
CP100A.ZIP Yes 34527 12/13/1991 Doorfile conversion control util for WC! 3.x
CSF10.ZIP Yes 13546 7/18/1992 for WildCat! v3.xx & CatScan - 07/18/92 This is a little program to create a log of the FAILED Scan entries from your Activity.Log(s). It's primary purpose was for the use of remote sysops, but I have found it very handy for my own use in local mode. It will be easy for multi-line systems to implement using an unused node number, or the sysops local node. Single line systems could utilize any file name for the output file and have it in their files database to type the file out on line. CSF.EXE can be located in any pathed directory.
CSP_MAN.ZIP Yes 99362 4/29/1991 Information Setups for CompuCom Modems...
CSP_V32B.ZIP Yes 15265 7/14/1991 New V32/V32bis CompuCom modems/$199/$299
CT102.ZIP Yes 33511 1/10/1994 Call Traker v1.02 For WildCat BBS!
CVT2TO8.ZIP Yes 30903 7/10/1992 Convert old SysOpMaker to new version 2.0
DALLAS.ZIP Yes 825 9/7/1992 Dallas Fax modem MDM RAM files.
DATAV20E.ZIP Yes 50725 10/19/1991 DataView v2.0E Archive file viewer for BBS's
DATAV30.ZIP Yes 111100 7/18/1992 DataView v3.0: The Online Archive File Viewer for WildCat!
DATAV31.ZIP Yes 101345 9/2/1992 DataView v3.1: The Online Archive File Viewer for WildCat!
DAYB4_10.ZIP Yes 54542 12/8/1991 Makes bbs screens for "days b4 xmas" wc!3.x
DBWC30WM.ZIP Yes 13514 12/13/1991 Sample file for D'Bridge, WC! 3.*/Wildmail.
DB_WC.ZIP Yes 3676 1/17/1994 Dbridge setup with WildMail and fido Text Help...
DDCALL21.ZIP Yes 21854 2/12/1994 DDCALL2 v1.11 WCTD *FREEWARE* caller activity bulletin.
DDFILE21.ZIP Yes 21776 2/12/1994 DDFILE2 v1.11 WCTD *FREEWARE* file bulletin maker.
DDMESS21.ZIP Yes 23223 2/12/1994 DDMESS2 v1.11 WCTD *FREEWARE* message activity bulletin.
DIGICOM.ZIP Yes 1879 10/11/1991 Setup for DSI 9624LE+ FAX/Modem
DIZCAT10.ZIP Yes 45439 7/26/1992 DIZzyCat! DIZ Importer v 1.0, 07-27-92. Imports FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI from an upload to Wildcat!'s file description. (Wildcat! version 3.50 or higher required.) -AV by author, Affordable Computer Services. Shareware, $10 registration.
DOORATIO.ZIP Yes 32144 6/28/1992 WC3 util, reject caller from a DOOR/HOOK for d/l RATIO!
DOORSEC.ZIP Yes 6449 10/31/1991 Restrict door usage to SPECIFIC security levl
DOORTIME.ZIP Yes 4594 9/29/1991 Limit any door to certain time periods.
DPAGER2U.ZIP Yes 37040 5/30/1992 TALKING sysop pager! NO expiration
DRAWCAT.ZIP Yes 33137 11/19/1991 Makes Wildcat 3.0 coded screens.
DROP125.ZIP Yes 45496 10/8/1991 Creates display listing who dropped carrier.
DROPCL12.ZIP Yes 35407 10/30/1991 Will list users who dropped carrier.
DROP_MSG.ZIP Yes 12072 11/14/1991 WC3+, create USERxxx to who drops carrier
DTXMAS.ZIP Yes 6805 10/9/1992 Days till Christmas v1.0 - WC!3.x Screen Maker
DULWC10.ZIP Yes 8193 7/20/1992 Door Usage Logger v1.0 - Wildcat! 2.x & 3.x Systems Makes Log file of door usage. Inludes upto user's name, door # entered, time/date called/door entered, connect rate, ansi/mnp enabled, databits, security level, minutes left, whether or not caller dropped carrier in door, com port #, dte locked rate, and many more! BRUN45 is required but not in archive. 
DUPEUSER.ZIP Yes 20863 5/3/1992 WC 3.x util reports users with dupe phones/passwords. V 1.11
DUPMSG1.ZIP Yes 49991 11/14/1991 Finds/deletes dup messages from databases.
DUPMSG2.ZIP Yes 64561 6/16/1992 WC 3.5 Dupe Message 2.0 needed for upgrade
DUPMSG24.ZIP Yes 62725 12/11/1992 Dupmsg: v2.4 message base util for WC 3.x.
DZKBB008.ZIP Yes 27201 5/30/1992 DZK BBS-List Datafile, number 8, June edition. Contains detailed information on over 175 BBSes World-Wide. Requires DZKVIEW2.ZIP, BBS-List searching/browsing utility, to view. By DZK Development Group: Data - (908) 566.8267 HST DS, FidoNet@1:107/607
EQT20.ZIP Yes 42819 9/15/1991 Makes a bulletin of daily Environmental Trivia
ERRCODES.ZIP Yes 5480 10/22/1992 Error Codes for WILDMAIL!, WCFF! and WILDCAT!
EVTIME20.ZIP Yes 4972 10/3/1991 Reads DOOR.SYS for time to next event.
EV_960.ZIP Yes 711 12/29/1991 Everex EV-960 Modem Files for WC3.x
EX_LIST.ZIP Yes 2299 4/6/1992 Exchange List: A new BBS List
FACT35M.ZIP Yes 19425 1/5/1994 Makes Bullx of File Act,Multi-Node Capable. ,Area cfg., WC3x Makes a bulletin showing file activity on your BBS. Includes such information as Callers Name, Filename, whether it was U/L or D/L, Connection Baud, Protocol used and the CPS as reported by Wildcat!. Now Works on Multi-Nodes and Sysop can configure it to not show file names uploaded to a private area. From Larry Edwards 
FFEED31.ZIP Yes 76521 5/4/1992 Force new users to download registration.
FFEED35A.ZIP Yes 91529 7/5/1992 Force Feed v3.5a Forces callers to D/L file.
FIDOCAT.ZIP Yes 40092 10/7/1992 Set up Wildcat 3.55M with BinkleyTerm 2.50.
FIDOHELP.ZIP Yes 11210 6/17/1992 This is a HELP file for new PCBoard Sysops.
FILEPROB.ZIP Yes 11293 10/18/1991 WCPRO replacement for file maintenance.
FINDUSER.ZIP Yes 22650 9/2/1992 WC3.x Util searches ALLUSERS.DAT fields for match. Ver 1.01
FIREWORK.ZIP Yes 2986 11/26/1991 Firework display with clock from MUSTANG.
FIXFILE.ZIP Yes 9765 12/7/1991 Fix some WC3 File database problems (corrupted, etc.).
FLIPCAT.ZIP Yes 21972 12/1/1991 Rotate ANY screen in BBS in one pass..
FM96_144.ZIP Yes 1661 8/6/1992 FAX/MODEM RAM AND MDM FILES FOR WC3.xx 9600 FAX/14.4 MODEM. !NOTICE! In order for the locked 57600 DTE to work properly, you MUST be utilizing the newer 16550NA UART chipset. If you don't accept any uploads, than the earlier 15450 UART will work just fine. Up- loading with the 15450 will create many errors, whereas the 16550NA will eliminate those problems.
FORVAL.MDM No 321 3/29/1992 Forval SA14400 modem setup I'm using
FORVAL.RAM No 354 3/29/1992 Forval SA14400 setup for nvram I'm using
FORVALWC.ZIP Yes 2995 1/27/1992 FORVAL 14400 V.32bis modem/WC! 3.xx BBS setti ngs. These work!
FREEDOWN.ZIP Yes 23002 10/21/1991 Creates a Listing of FREE D/L files.
FRESHALL.ZIP Yes 9540 11/3/1991 Make file database item agree w/files on disk
FRESHEN.ZIP Yes 10129 10/30/1991 Freshen your Files Database with Date/Time
FROMFIX.ZIP Yes 10149 6/18/1992 Uses City/St fields to build FROM field..
GBYROT.ZIP Yes 23723 9/19/1992 Rotates your goodbye screen.
GIFCAT.ZIP Yes 51924 1/20/1992 WC3/GIF utils! Auto-add GIF INTERNAL DESCRIP to WC uploads!
GIFTXT10.ZIP Yes 44339 9/11/1992 GIFTXT v1.0, GIFTXT scans existing and uploaded GIF's and inserts the internal GIF comment into WILDCAT! databases. It also has a standard text export mode which may allow BBSes other than WC! to use GIFTXT. A FREEWARE first from Planet >< Programming!
GOMAIL11.ZIP Yes 255034 12/7/1992 GOMail v1.1 a Echo Mail Message Tosser for Wildcat v 3.x ! systems. It creates packets that get sent from one system to the next. It also receives packets and puts them into your message databases so you and your users can read and reply to them. GOMail works in conjunction with a "Front End" to get mail to and from your system. GOMail has been tested with two front ends D'bridge and Front Door. GOMail's beginning started on Oct 7th 1992 and will continue to be enhanced for the months to come. 
GPAPER51.ZIP Yes 19685 5/24/1992 Sysop utility to add greenbar efect to txt files. WC!/PCB
GPAPER53.ZIP Yes 18994 10/29/1992 Compu-Paper Generator - GPAPER.EXE v5.30 Adds computer paper effect to text files. SysOp configurable as to background color. Creates ANSI, WC!3.x and PCB color coded files. Set environment variables for different BBS systems and file extensions. Registration : FREE
GRAFSTAT.ZIP Yes 76725 7/4/1992 Make single screens out of WCpro statistical output. Great!
GVC14400.ZIP Yes 9327 5/12/1992 MDM and RAM files for GVC 14400 FAXmodem.
GVC9600.MDM No 271 6/7/1991 GVC 9600 V.42 w/o bis
GVCSET.ZIP Yes 658 1/8/1992 GVC9600 v.42 mdm files ram files for WC 3x
GWHQPR21.ZIP Yes 18609 1/25/1994 GWHQ PRO! v2.10 Wildcat Prompt Designer. 2/01/94 This clever utility allows you to easily change the color(s) or prompts within any of the Wildcat BBS Software version 3.90 Single, Multi, Professional or Intelli-port Prompt files. New global Help, utility Configuration, global prompt error checking and both system and software recognition insure a safe effortless utility that any SysOp can easily understand and quickly use. You can easily run this utility from a batch file as an event to update your prompt file(s) regularly or from the command line to give your BBS the new fresh look. Tired of that mundane yellow? Well GWHQ PRO! can easily and safely change it to any color and/or any internal part of any prompt file you choose. It can save you hours worth of frustrating and sometimes buggy work with the editor. Free friendly support is available and this software is fully functional. Give it a try.
G_UFO.MDM No 271 5/8/1991 Galaxy Network UFO modem mdm
H96SYSOP.TXT No 12847 10/31/1991 Information HAYES SYSOP PROGRAM
HALLOWS.ZIP Yes 6428 10/7/1992 Days till Halloween v1.1 - Bug Fix for Halloween Day
HAYS144.ZIP Yes 799 11/27/1991 MDM RAM files for Hayes Ultra 144 Modems
HELLOBBS.ZIP Yes 100029 10/3/1992 BBS DailyReport screen maker for WC! 3.x.
HELLOXX.ZIP Yes 833 2/5/1992 Set of Hello Screens for Wildcat 3.x.
HI_SPE.ZIP Yes 53096 2/9/1992 2 Articles on hi-speed modems and data comm.
HNR121.ZIP Yes 82010 6/12/1992 HEADLINE NEWSROOM v1.21-News File Generator
HOLICAT.ZIP Yes 33691 10/14/1992 Days till Holiday screen maker v1.0 - for WC!3.x
HOLISCRN.ZIP Yes 21127 9/1/1992 Great news daily program for WC.
HSCATS.ZIP Yes 93996 2/20/1992 Add High Speed Link Protocol to Wildcat.
HSCATS13.ZIP Yes 128496 2/8/1992 Bug Fix HsCats 1.3 HsLink to Wc3.xx Intface.
HSTDSNEW.MDM No 271 5/6/1991 Modem setup for the NEW HST Dual Standards
IBM7855.MDM No 321 8/14/1991 .MDM file for WCMODEM for IBM 7855 (V.32)
IE100B05.ZIP Yes 172535 12/31/1993 InterEcho 1.00 beta 5 - Echomail tosser for Wildcat, PCBoard, *.msg. Fast and easy to setup. Works with any mailer but best with InterMail. Will soon support Squish, Novell MHS, Searchligt, JAM, EzyCom and others. Wide area beta version expires 01-31-94. Call our BBS at 1-305-436-1884 for more info. 
IMWCMNP5.ZIP Yes 23886 1/8/1994 IMWCMNP v5.0 - Passes the MNP flag from InterMail to Wildcat. IMWCMNP parses the DOBBS.BAT file created by InterMail and passes the MNP flag to Wildcat. Now supports "oddball" connects, connects greater than 19200, and no error correction connects passed as "/None". Freeware.
INFO.ZIP Yes 59932 3/24/1992 Door that allows viewing specific text files.
INTEL144.ZIP Yes 713 10/30/1992 MDM/RAM for the Intel 14.4k EX.
INTL24EX.MDM No 1024 2/1/1991 Modem setup for Intel 2400EX MNP
INTL96EX.MDM No 271 5/9/1991 MDM file for Intel 9600EX modem FOR WC 2.x.
INTRECHO.ZIP Yes 19199 12/31/1993 Info about InterMail 2.26 and InterEcho 1.00 Front end mailer, echomail tosser, message editor, nodelist manager and setup program. For Wildcat, PCBoard, *.msg. Fast and easy to setup. Will soon support Squish, Novell MHS, Searchligt, JAM, EzyCom and others. Call our BBS at 1-305-436-1884 for more info. 
IOMON2.ZIP Yes 35644 4/13/1992 IO Monitor 80386 control program watches COM ports acting as a line monitor. Originally in Programmers Journal, modified by Terry Hughes of TurboPower Software, containing the full ASM, C, & PAS source and executable for a 386 control program TSR with a new report program converts the memory buffer to an Ascii report.
ISCOLOR.ZIP Yes 26419 6/28/1992 WC3.x+ util. Check if user in door/hook is using COLOR.Fast!
IWCIUN01.ZIP Yes 61523 12/31/1993 Add Your BBS..To The INTERNET Community! Save your time, money and energy because IWC/LCL can now provide you with quality Internet/Usenet services. No hassel, no nonsence, we'll have you, up and running in no time. We provide up to date feeds and, provide over 100 Usenet conferences available thru standard "QWK" packets in a format you are already familiar with!! [010194]
JMSTS101.ZIP Yes 46150 11/26/1992 JMSTATS is a complete activity log file analyzer for Wildcat! bulletin boards. It will read from either a 3.55 or 2.55 version activity log file and create multiple display files. There are many different outputs to show how your BBS is operating and where the majority of the time is being used. It will allow the use of either ANSI or WILDCAT! color codes to be added into the output files. These files can be automatically added in as HELLO or Bulletin screens and can be configured by the sysop to meet his own needs. One of the major features of JMSTATS is it's ability to keep track of what files a person has downloaded. There are 8 different output displays and many have optional sorting paramaters. It will allow you to do both long and short term tracking of your system. 
JSMDOOR.ZIP Yes 29114 7/4/1992 Subtracts 5 min from user's time in a door
KATNEWS.ZIP Yes 21209 10/17/1992 KATNEWS! v1.00 Newsletter Creator for WC!
KCONF120.ZIP Yes 8419 10/2/1992 KatConf v1.20 Bug Fixes from 1.0.
KILLDIZ.ZIP Yes 18198 11/28/1992 Util to globally delete FILE_ID.DIZ/DESC.SDI.
KSUTIL.ZIP Yes 24156 10/14/1991 Karl Schnieder's DOC's for his WC 3.x Utils..
LAST1.ZIP Yes 3483 4/15/1992 Last '1' - A last caller utility for Wildcat 3.0
LASTRANS.ZIP Yes 171081 11/28/1991 Lets users know when last mail run was made.
LFILS101.ZIP Yes 10780 4/15/1992 WC 3.x util to automate BADFILES.LST creation
LGNP9.ZIP Yes 98314 3/16/1992 Grabs 8 items from DOOR.SYS writes to db
LOADR.ZIP Yes 19795 5/27/1992 Loads BBS with DOS option plus more
LOGBACK.ZIP Yes 24597 3/29/1992 Backup ACTIVITY.xxx files to an ARJ file.
LOGCHK32.ZIP Yes 24117 3/31/1992 Wildcat 3.x (Single) Activity Log analyzer.
LOGFILE.ZIP Yes 41367 4/26/1992 LOGFILE version 2.22s, archives Activity Log
LOGPRINT.EXE No 18916 4/30/1992 LOGPRINT.EXE for the LOGUTILS.EXE archive
LOGTRIM.ZIP Yes 43327 6/23/1992 ASCII LOG file trimmer keeps /nn/ days. Ver 3.03
LOGUTILS.EXE No 29927 4/3/1992 Two log utilities for Wildcat 3.x
LTCOM144.ZIP Yes 1816 6/20/1992 LightCom 144f /RAM/MDM files for Wildcat 3.x
LTV21.ZIP Yes 37829 6/21/1992 Last Ten Visitors v2.1 Bulletin Creator
LTV22.ZIP Yes 36592 10/14/1992 Last Ten Visitors v2.1 Creates Bulletin!
LVCAT35M.ZIP Yes 342785 4/6/1992 Door management program for multiline WC 3.x.
M2NC102B.EXE No 36641 10/18/1992 Msg to next caller door Wildcat 3.x.
MAILCHEK.ZIP Yes 7035 5/4/1992 Check if last caller entered new messages. WC!3
MAKEDIZ.ZIP Yes 30017 1/10/1992 MakeDIZ version 1.0 - This is a great sysop's and author's utility for maintaining the new FILE_ID.DIZ and the older DESC.SDI file description formats. You can use MakeDIZ to create, edit, and add either one or both of the above formats to a .zip file or you can save them to text files on disk. Easy to use and saves a TON of time! Not Crippled! Registration $10 - US Funds.
MAKEREP.ZIP Yes 31077 7/31/1992 Creates a QWK format .MSG from a text file
MAKETAG.ZIP Yes 16059 4/27/1992 "Steal" taglines from ASCII text files.
MAXHST.ZIP Yes 19215 2/9/1992 Maximum performance from USR modems!
MBULL219.ZIP Yes 130538 6/24/1992 MakeBull Bulletin Generator for WC!,
MDR40.EXE No 122402 4/3/1992 Modem Doctor v4.0; serial/modem test program
MENUMUS.ZIP Yes 13244 3/29/1992 Instructions to add music to WC Doors Menu!
MENUX11.ZIP Yes 25730 4/18/1992 Redirect callers to WC3.x menu of your choice
MIMIC.ZIP Yes 16794 10/22/1992 WC3.x util preps TEXT for UTIIMPRT to MSG database. V 1.10
MKLIST.ZIP Yes 5821 12/3/1992 MkList - Makes a list for "WCFILE" Converts a file list made by "FLOP" into one that can be used in WILDCATs "WCFILE" program to restore the files database. 
MODUSR11.ZIP Yes 20443 6/24/1992 Modifies USERINFO.DAT security and time left
MPQUOTES.ZIP Yes 3488 9/18/1992 Monty Python Quote-of-the-Day file.
MSGCAT12.ZIP Yes 37654 5/12/1992 New Shareware MsgCat 1.2
MSGCAT28.ZIP Yes 89259 7/18/1992 MsgCat Version 2.8 For Wildcat 3.02 and 3.50 If you have used the scanfile.bat feature in Wildcat, you know what a powerful feature it is. I thought it would be nice though if when a file failed the scan that the sysop would be notified via a message that the file did fail, what the file's name is, and who the uploader was. Plus a message to the uploader that the uploaded file failed. I also thought it would be nice if the file passed the scan that the uploader get a personal thank you message. That is what MsgCat does....and now much more too! 
MSGCAT30.ZIP Yes 76427 10/10/1992 MsgCat Version 3.0 For Wildcat 3.02 and 3.50 If you have used the scanfile.bat feature in Wildcat, you know what a powerful feature it is. I thought it would be nice though if when a file failed the scan that the sysop would be notified via a message that the file did fail, what the file's name is, and who the uploader was. Plus a message to the uploader that the uploaded file failed. I also thought it would be nice if the file passed the scan that the uploader get a personal thank you message. That is what MsgCat does....and now much more too! 
MSGCATD.ZIP Yes 53400 6/6/1992 MsgCat v1.6, writes message to user for U/L
MSGCOMP.ZIP Yes 18840 7/21/1992 Allows users to gain 'upload credits' by posting messages. Discourages 'junk' uploads and encourages messaging. Lets Wildcat limit downloads via the normal 'ratio' set up in Makewild.
MSTAT.ZIP Yes 27243 6/23/1992 WC3.x bulletin maker shows conf. traffic, popularity. V1.11
MT224EZ.MDM No 271 1/25/1991 For MT224E Multi-Tech modems.
MT93225.MDM No 271 2/12/1991 For the multitech 932ea/25 mnp/v42 19200
MTECH96.ZIP Yes 458 5/13/1992 .MDM NRAM for Multitech MT932EAB v.32 9600.
MUBULLS.ZIP Yes 85180 5/18/1992 Music Program for WCv.3 Bulletins. SEE/HEAR tools incl.
MURPHY.ZIP Yes 8820 11/29/1992 Murphy's Laws in QUOTES.BBS format.
MURPHY1A.ZIP Yes 21396 11/17/1991 Makes a small Murphy's Lay quote BBS Bulletin
MWEXPORT.ZIP Yes 27094 9/26/1991 Export your Makewild settings to text.
MYTEXT.ZIP Yes 11965 1/23/1994 COLORFUL WCTEXT.DAT file with forced new NEWSLTR.BBS.
NEWSDATE.ZIP Yes 17397 12/18/1993 WC3.x util shows last time NEWSLETTER was updated. V1.0.
NEWSFIX2.ZIP Yes 1680 1/22/1994 WC Sysops - force users to view the newsletter after updated
NODEISUP.ZIP Yes 10540 4/19/1992 Another Node Up utility. No expiration.
NODESC.ZIP Yes 20181 3/31/1992 WC3.x util finds missing file desc., writes a report. V1.10
NODEUP.ZIP Yes 15796 11/23/1991 Force "mail only" lines to show caller wait
NOTHERE.ZIP Yes 8558 9/11/1991 List files in database missing from disk.
NR107.ZIP Yes 101041 11/8/1991 NewsRoom version 1.07 BBS News generating software. Create news files using ANSI, PCBoard, or Wildcat! color codes. No bug fix--this version will force a .BBS extension on the ASCII filename if generating Wildcat! specific codes. Non- Wildcat! SysOps would need this version only if running a pre-version 1.05.
NTWCH36C.ZIP Yes 11487 12/29/1993 Netwatch v3.6 watches your netmail and sends a report.
NULIST18.ZIP Yes 14459 12/7/1992 NULIST1.8 - Makes a list of files for BBSs. Nulist takes the work out of adding file names and descriptions to a new Wildcat BBS Uses file lists made by "FLIST" by Larry Edwards, "FLOP" by Michael Conley, or "WCPRO" by Mustang Software. Once the list is converted by NULIST the new list can be imported into a Wildcat BBS database thru "WCFILE". 
NUVO1144.ZIP Yes 599 10/6/1992 MDM RAM the NEW Nuvotell i14,400 v.32.
OFFHOOK.ZIP Yes 11794 11/15/1991 Takes the modem ON or OFF hook from DOS
OFFLINE.ZIP Yes 14359 11/9/1991 Makes a fast listing of your off-line files.
OKITEL.ZIP Yes 723 11/26/1992 Okidata .RAM MDM files for Wildcat 3.55.
OLDHST.ZIP Yes 711 7/22/1991 MDM and RAM files for non-V.42 HST modems.
ORDOR125.ZIP Yes 86324 8/3/1991 Door allows ordering using credit cards.
OS2SETUP.ZIP Yes 1321 5/29/1992 Setup for multiline WC3.x under OS/2 2.0
P144FXSA.ZIP Yes 1102 6/11/1992 MDM and RAM files for the PP 14400FXSA Modem
PAGE.ZIP Yes 13220 6/8/1992 Sysop super pager! (DOOR.SYS compatible)
PAPER14.ZIP Yes 95107 7/13/1992 CPUPAPER v1.4, View, Edit, Music more
PATCH.EXE No 76981 9/11/1992 Patch.exe program to apply .RTP patches.
PCW33092.ZIP Yes 14966 3/28/1992 An electronic edition of PC Week
PDEL44.ZIP Yes 65061 5/1/1992 PDelete v4.4-Delete files based on date, etc
PGE.ZIP Yes 22103 7/12/1992 Wildcat 3.5 Screens.
PKINS710.ZIP Yes 106819 1/1/1992 PKinsert Version 7.10 released Jan 1st 1992 Check archive integrity, insert comment/ taglines, scan for virii, add and delete disclaimers, etc. Handles Zip, Lzh, Arj and Arcs w/in Arcs. Support for PCB V14.5a and *any* other BBS Software. Perfect SysOp hands-off u/l monitor! Highly configurable. Version 7.10 handles an unlimited number of archives, 4 BILLION nested archives, and a major reduction in memory requirements. 
PLANT11.ZIP Yes 43169 11/18/1992 Planter v 1.10 Wildcat 3.x+ utility.Use Planter to place the name of a Door, DOS Hook, BBS Event, Mailrun, Comment, Idle Screen process or Batch file name in your activity.xxx. Will plant any name or number. Intelligent, uses %WCEnviroment%, produceserror log, transparent to user, multi-node works under DV & Windows. 
PM14400.MDM No 321 6/16/1992 Practical Peripherals PM14400FXSA .mdm file
PM9600.MDM No 321 6/16/1992 Practical Peripherals PM9600SA .mdm file
PM9600SA.ZIP Yes 757 6/26/1992 MDM and RAM files for the PP PM9600SA
POPCONF.ZIP Yes 21169 6/18/1992 WC3.x SysOp Util reports status of a selected conf. V1.00
POSTER13.ZIP Yes 47629 4/1/1992 Latest version of Message Poster contest prog
POSTER14.ZIP Yes 84250 9/27/1992 Poster 1.4-Top Ten Message Posting Contest for Wildcat! Poster keeps track of your message activity on a monthly basis. During the month, Poster creates two different bulletins designed to get your users to post. At the end of the month, your top message posters are put in another bulletin and the contest starts over. If your copy of Time Door is registered, Poster will automatically give prizes of time to your top posters (in the amount you select). Poster is completely automatic and is designed to get your users to post messages! 
POSTMSTR.ZIP Yes 53802 2/11/1994 Post Master v2.0 - Command line message utility for WC! 3.0
PP14400.MDM No 321 4/29/1992 MDM file for PP PM14400FXSA modem.
PP9600SA.MDM No 321 5/8/1992 PP 9600SA config file for WC! 3.02
PRCT144.EXE No 2762 9/22/1992 .RAM .MDM files for PP 14400FXSA V.32.
PROHELP.ZIP Yes 5778 1/15/1992 Helpful Hints in using WCPro!
PROM0110.ZIP Yes 319125 1/10/1992 P o n y R O M v.1.0 - CDRom Download Door This door features the following: - Updates BBS download Counts/Bytes - Works with ANY popular cdrom disc - For PCBoard 14.5, Wildcat 3.0, RA 1.10 - Supports COM 1-4 up to 115200 bps - Dbase compatible database - and more ... Not Cripled - Does Not Expire - Shareware Compile Date: 01/10/92 18:00
PROPOSAL.TXT No 16234 10/27/1992 WC 8 line system: detailed list of items.
PROSEL.ZIP Yes 21457 6/2/1992 WC3.5x util alters any xfer protocol by sec level. V1.00
PROSTP12.ZIP Yes 13137 9/25/1991 Separates WCPRO stats into individual screens
PROWLNET.ZIP Yes 22172 2/3/1992 Wildcat File Distribution Network!
PULLDOWN.ZIP Yes 9060 9/25/1992 Pulldown menus for ANY version of Wildcat!
PUTDESC.ZIP Yes 13197 11/24/1991 Easily add DESC.SDI descrip to .ZIP for u/l to WC w/AUTODESC
PUTON.ZIP Yes 17738 11/25/1991 Turn 'Off-Line' flag for any WC database file on or off.
QBLAZER.ZIP Yes 802 4/10/1992 Setup for the Telebit Qblazer 14.4k modem
QCKTOP26.ZIP Yes 77576 4/19/1991 WILDCAT!/QuickBBS/PowrBBS Top 40 user utility
QCSPIRIT.MDM No 321 7/11/1992 .MDM for the QuickComm Spirit Series Modems
QM42MOUS.ZIP Yes 5845 3/10/1991 Logitech mouse support for Qmodem 4.2x
QMENU2.ZIP Yes 25206 9/8/1992 3 complete menu systems for wc!
QUESTRIP.ZIP Yes 20469 11/25/1991 Deletes blank lines in Questionnaire files.
QUKCOMM.ZIP Yes 680 5/12/1992 QuickComm Spirit II .MDM and .RAM files
QUOTES1.ZIP Yes 26139 4/3/1993 Bunch of great quoted for opening of WILDCAT!
QV100.ZIP Yes 58075 3/31/1992 QuesView 1.0 Questionnaire Manager for Wildcat! Incredible utility from author of Actview! A *MUST* for every Wildcat Sysop! Many Many Features! Overlay questions on top of answers! View all nodes at once! Search, summarize, etc..
QV101.ZIP Yes 66502 5/19/1992 QuesView 1.01 Questionnaire manager for WC
RAD205.ZIP Yes 152350 8/23/1991 Door that allows access to dBase files.
READ.ME No 5841 9/10/1992 Read.me file for Wildcat 3.55 update.
README.SCR No 4906 10/19/1992 Use the [R]ead command to view online!
REMOTE51.ZIP Yes 30668 11/4/1991 Util: allow SysOps to maintain BBS remotely.
RONSCALL.ZIP Yes 59874 9/17/1992 RonsCALL v3.36 Powerful "Who called today" Display generator
RONSHEAD.ZIP Yes 41797 8/28/1992 RonsHEAD v1.10 Create a TOMCAT! 3.51 header.
ROTSCRNS.ZIP Yes 35442 12/14/1992 Screen rotation program v1.01.
RUNE.ZIP Yes 96679 11/29/1992 Rune Divinator door for Wildcat 3.x, v1.01.
SATIS.MDM No 321 9/26/1991 A .mdm file for Intel Satisfaxtion
SCANSCRN.ZIP Yes 917 7/28/1992 Catscan alternative display screen - color changes Modification to the standard display screen supplied with CATSCAN. I just wanted a different look to it! Screen by David Bucci 
SCANUTIL.ZIP Yes 309300 3/25/1992 All files needed for CatScan! to work
SCHAT360.ZIP Yes 26836 4/29/1991 Sabre Chat. Great multi-node chatter.
SCOUT144.MDM No 321 7/1/1992 WC3.x config for Digicom Scout 14400 v.32bis.
SCR2BBS.ZIP Yes 13533 9/1/1991 Converts WC! 2.* display files to 3.x format
SDIZ11.ZIP Yes 37132 8/29/1992 SDIZ v1.1, DESC.SDI/FILE_ID.DIZ processor for WILDCAT! 3.5x. SDIZ automagically imports descriptions from these files as a part of SCANFILE.BAT. Can process ARC, ARJ, HYP, LZH, PAK, SDN, ZIP and ZOO files as well as any self-extracting archive! SDIZ must be used with Stacy Smith's ARCID (ARCID093.ARJ) or a similar program capable of identifying an archive type and generating an errorlevel. This version features better description handling and will strip ALL high-bit ASCII characters.
SDIZ2_10.ZIP Yes 40021 8/29/1992 SDIZ2 v1.0, DESC.SDI/FILE_ID.DIZ processor for WILDCAT! 3.5x. SDIZ scans files in existing file areas and automagically imports descriptions from *.SDI or *.DIZ files. SDIZ2 is capable of handling most archive formats, including SDN files. FREEWARE from PLANET >< PROGRAMMING
SETCONF.ZIP Yes 8484 12/15/1991 WC3: Return users to any specified conference after logoff!
SF0BYTE.ZIP Yes 43956 12/28/1991 Makes the 0 byte files for CD-rom use.
SINK35.ZIP Yes 153484 5/13/1992 Battleship Type Door Game for Wildcat BBS.
SKIPUSER.ZIP Yes 11695 4/13/1992 Allows specified USERS to skip Virus Scan when UPloading!
SLKWILLY.ZIP Yes 7299 10/7/1992 112 Slick Willie Jokes in a QUOTES.BBS file.
SLS10.ZIP Yes 11753 9/14/1991 Sorts users by their security level.
SMILE20.ZIP Yes 80753 1/1/1992 SMILE 2.0 Ansi viewing shell
SNEAK01.ZIP Yes 30889 2/15/1992 Analyze user lists from other bbs's.
SORTCONF.ZIP Yes 26266 7/2/1992 WC3.x SysOp Util makes sorted, grouped conf. list Ver 1.13
SOURC35D.ZIP Yes 3935 5/28/1992 Robocom script for WC! 3.50 that allows U/Ls
SPORTMDF.ZIP Yes 853 9/23/1992 MDF file for the USR 14.4 Sportser.
SPORTSTR.ZIP Yes 661 9/22/1992 USR Sportster v.32/v.32bis .MDM and .RAMs.
SQUOTE15.ZIP Yes 14902 10/30/1992 Inspirational quotes w/WC codes.
SQUOTES.ZIP Yes 12020 4/25/1992 Inspirational Quotes.BBS for WC 3.0x
SRECAT.ZIP Yes 1332 9/29/1992 Help for Wildcat SysOps with SRE door files.
STATGEN3.ZIP Yes 33013 12/12/1991 Statistics screen generator for non-Pro users
STATS.ZIP Yes 829 9/8/1991 USer Stats screen for Hello/Bull screen
STATS20.ZIP Yes 43000 11/18/1991 Create stat screens from activity logs.
STATS212.ZIP Yes 41401 12/2/1992 The Stats Machine v2.12 Stat generator (WC).
STQUOTES.ZIP Yes 11695 7/12/1992 Star Trek quote collection in QUOTES.BBS form
STRAVOTE.ZIP Yes 5331 10/4/1992 STRAW VOTE Presidential Questionnaire (WC).
SUPRA24P.MDM No 271 7/21/1991 Modem file for Supra 2400 plus MNP/V42BIS.
SUPRA32V.MDM No 321 5/5/1992 MDM file for the Supra v.32
SUPRAV32.MDM No 321 6/2/1992 Supra v.32/v.32bis configuration
SUPRAV32.RAM No 354 6/2/1992 Supra v.32/v.32bis .RAM file
SWAPCLR.ZIP Yes 8528 5/13/1992 Automatic swapping of @NN@ color codes
SWAPO11.ZIP Yes 15265 9/20/1991 WILDMAIL 1.x Util-Randomly Change Orig. Lines
SYSMOD05.ZIP Yes 63674 12/22/1991 Special modem pricing for sysops.
SYSOP.TXT No 8501 6/11/1992 ZyXEL offer for Sysops
SYSOPCOP.ZIP Yes 2099 1/14/1992 SysopCop Util to Watch Over BBS Operations.
SYSOPS01.ZIP Yes 5265 1/2/1992 "The History of The BBS User" (funny)
SZWCBATS.ZIP Yes 2836 11/4/1992 Batch files for adding SZmodem to Wildcat!
TBIT2500.ZIP Yes 1631 4/9/1992 Telebit T2500 .mdm and .ram files
TBIT3000.ZIP Yes 2005 4/10/1992 Telebit 3000 modem setup files (MDM RAM)
TC355.RTP No 28535 9/11/1992 Tomcat v3.55 patch update.
TC355I.RTP No 17912 9/11/1992 Tomcat 3.55 patch for IM.
TCAT301.ZIP Yes 233280 10/13/1991 Tomcat! v 3.01. QWK Mail Door For WC 3.x.
TCATBAT.ZIP Yes 3577 3/28/1992 Wildcat/Tomcat utility. Makes up or download of local mail packet fast & easy, and no need to log-on to system.
TCDOCS.ZIP Yes 46032 2/29/1992 Tomcat/TNet 3.02 documentation.
TCM160.ZIP Yes 12826 7/17/1992 TNET Configuration Maker v1.60 - WC! Systems Makes TNet Configuration Files Now Supports WC! 3.5x & TNET 3.5x BRUN45 required but not included in archive. 
TCM170.ZIP Yes 11609 11/21/1992 TNET Configuration Maker v1.70 - WC! Systems Makes TNet Configuration Files BRUN45 Required - Not Included in Archive 
TCSCR3M.ZIP Yes 16694 12/4/1991 Makes TOMCAT Stat Screen, now works with Multi nodes. WC!3. 
TC_SCRNS.ZIP Yes 1666 10/14/1991 Replacement for the generic MAIL.BBS screen.
TDOOR316.ZIP Yes 175888 4/1/1992 Time Door v3.16 WC! 3.x Systems
TEMPLATE.ZIP Yes 1324 4/21/1992 Create function key template for WC! 3.x
TEXTROT.ZIP Yes 23576 9/19/1992 Rotates WCTEXT.DAT.
THOT11.ZIP Yes 29643 11/29/1992 Thought of the Day announcement screens.TICFI
TICFIX.ZIP Yes 9229 11/6/1992 TICFIX v1.0 is a utility program for WCFF. If you use WCFF in a File Distribution Network, YOU NEED THIS! It fixes files hatched via WCFF using an AKA or ALIAS. Searches the .TIC files and replaces the corrupt FROM: with the correct FROM entry.
TIMLOK22.ZIP Yes 105510 4/1/1992 TimeLock v2.2 Node-Door time access control. Allows Sysops to restrict BBS Node and Door access to designated callers during sysop defined time slots. Can now be configured for caller name or password validation. Now distributed as shareware, not crippled. Registration adds many additional features. V2.2, Maintenance Relase, [03-27-92].
TJSTAT10.ZIP Yes 51260 7/31/1992 TJStat v1.0 -- Activity Log analyzer for Wildcat! 3.xx BBS's. Makes a concise one screen display of your activity log file. No registration fee! A free utility for Wildcat! SysOp's from T&J Software!
TJSTAT12.ZIP Yes 51997 1/14/1993 TJStat v1.2 -- Activity Log analyzer for Wildcat! 3.xx BBS's. Makes a concise one screen display of your activity log file. No registration fee! A free utility for Wildcat! SysOp's from T&J Software!
TJSTAT13.ZIP Yes 52625 9/6/1993 Tjstat V1.3 Activity Log Analyzer for Wildcat! 3.Xx Bbs's.
TJTOP30.ZIP Yes 48396 1/14/1993 TJTop30 v1.0 -- Makes a display of the top 30 downloaded files based upon reading your ACTIVITY.xxx file. This is for Wildcat! 3.xx BBS's only. A free utility for Wildcat! SysOp's from T&J Software!
TJYEST10.ZIP Yes 48387 12/11/1992 TJYest v1.0 -- Activity Log analyzer for Wildcat! 3.xx BBS's which makes a nice display screen of who called yesterday. Display shows time, name, and baud rate. Local logons do not show, easy setup and easily configures for multi-nodes by using seperate CFG file. A FREE utility brought to you from T&J Software!
TJYEST11.ZIP Yes 50441 1/14/1993 TJYest v1.1 -- Activity Log analyzer for Wildcat! 3.xx BBS's which makes a nice display screen of who called yesterday. Display shows time, name, and baud rate. Local logons do not show, easy setup and easily configures for multi-nodes by using seperate CFG file. A FREE utility brought to you from T&J Software!
TM101.ZIP Yes 80812 10/25/1991 Door: Online Reading of Telecomputing Mag.
TNET21.ZIP Yes 91661 8/23/1991 Network mail manager for Wildcat 3.x systems
TODAYBBS.ZIP Yes 28308 4/23/1992 Makes TODAY IN HISTORY display, ASCII, WC3.x, ANSI. V. 3.05
TODAYCHG.ZIP Yes 4291 9/19/1992 Changes "TODAY in HISTORY" on 1st of month.
TONYOS2.ZIP Yes 6673 7/31/1992 Information file for Wildcat users on OS/2.
TOPDOWN.ZIP Yes 16043 11/3/1991 Lists the top 10 downloaded files.
TOTAL11.ZIP Yes 10218 6/6/1992 Totalize v1.1- Calc calls, msgs, UL, DL, etc
TRACK12.ZIP Yes 24911 11/14/1992 Network message tracking for WildCat 3.x.
TRICK.ZIP Yes 28926 12/4/1992 Run doors with the IM version of Wildcat!
TS10.ZIP Yes 70190 12/5/1991 Tomcat Statistic Output Screen Generator.
TSCN225.ZIP Yes 73888 1/19/1992 Uploaded file scanner/verifier Wildcat 3.*
TSCN302.ZIP Yes 202034 5/26/1992 TranScan v3.0 -- Use in SCANFILE.BAT with Wildcat v3.xx. No Wildcat SysOp should be without TranScan running from their ScanFile.Bat file after each upload. TranScan checks each upload for Viruses using ViruScan by McFee and converts each file to your choice of compression method while the user waits on-line. It updates the Wildcat Database and It even imports FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI descriptions. It processes GIF & JPG files and more TranScan is easy to use and incredibly fast! The Shareware version requires NO KEYs and is not crippled in any way. Registration is only $25. 
T_DOOR_1.ZIP Yes 210342 2/19/1992 Transfer Door for Qbbs, Wildcat!, Etc.
ULTRCK14.ZIP Yes 19851 4/1/1993 UPLOAD TRACKER v1.4 BETA tracks daily uploads in a single upload area or multiple upload areas assigned by you. All info is displayed on an attractive screen showing, not only the name of the file uploaded, but the description as well. Small, Fast, Versatile. Easy Set up. A Wildcat! 3.x utility
UNCOLOR.ZIP Yes 16604 4/26/1992 WC 3.x util removes any @xx@ color codes from files. V 1.01
UPARM11.ZIP Yes 22341 12/5/1992 Extract10 parms from USERINFO.DAT.
UPASS10.ZIP Yes 52389 11/19/1993 Wildcat! 3.x user upgrade door
UPDATE.ZIP Yes 218553 7/10/1992 WC, 3.51 Update w/Mustang .QWK Packet
UPDNWC30.ZIP Yes 12365 11/3/1991 Create stats on top Up/Down loaders for WC
UPGRADOR.ZIP Yes 49390 10/10/1992 WC3.x DOOR lets callers UPGRADE if they know the code. V1.01
UPLIST12.ZIP Yes 31856 7/31/1992 Creates message of Files U/Led Yesterday
USERINFO.ZIP Yes 14651 10/25/1991 Create a condensed listing of all your users
USERUPS.ZIP Yes 22386 10/30/1991 Door: let user know all files they uploaded
USR2400E.ZIP Yes 1135 6/3/1991 USR2400e MNP Ram mdm files WC30 Only
USRNEW.MDM No 321 7/5/1992 MDM for new-style USR Dual Standard 144/168
USRNEW.RAM No 354 7/5/1992 RAM file for new-style USR Dual 14.4 16.8
USRV32.ZIP Yes 824 8/29/1991 MDM and RAM files for USRobotics V.32/V.42
USTAT.ZIP Yes 26916 6/21/1992 WC3.x Util shows top callers, writers, ul/dl'ers. V.1.03
UTI240E.ZIP Yes 61923 10/26/1992 WC Enhanced UTI v.2.40e.
V2USRSET.ZIP Yes 1055 2/28/1991 The NRAM for the new USR 144k Dual STD v32b
V32TUT.THD No 30822 2/3/1992 V.32 Tutorial Request Thread
VFX301.ZIP Yes 127852 1/18/1992 Verifix v3.01 Callback Door for WC! 3.x BBS
VIEWERS.ZIP Yes 98371 6/5/1992 WC3.x viewers for your USER & FILES databases. Ver 1.8
VIVA96.ZIP Yes 1630 5/11/1992 Makewild settings for VIVA9642e/WC 3.02
VIVA9642.MDM No 271 8/12/1991 Viva 9642e 9600 V.32/V.42bis mdm for WC 2.55
VIVAMNP.MDM No 271 1/3/1991 Viva 2400m MNP 5 Modem Setup
VNTL2400.MDM No 404 9/4/1991 Ven-Tel 2400 Plus II Modem File for WC! 2.x
VNTL9600.MDM No 384 9/4/1991 Modem description file for Ven-Tel 9600 Plus
VTSYSOP.ZIP Yes 26857 8/27/1991 Ven-Tel Modems' Sysop Program Information.
V_CAT339.ZIP Yes 134212 11/28/1991 Online archive file viewer.
V_CAT403.ZIP Yes 156513 6/10/1992 View-Cat v4.03 WC! 3.x View files on-line
W3EUTI24.ZIP Yes 171053 11/21/1992 Enhanced UTIs for WildCat 3.0 3.5.
WBULL16.ZIP Yes 62903 7/29/1992 WildBull v1.6 It's so HOT now it SMOKES!
WBULL22.ZIP Yes 118985 11/9/1992 WildBull v2.2! The ULTIMATE display file generator for WildCat 3.x SysOps! WildBull will create dynamite screens for you with it's internal styles, plus gives you unlimited creation power by allowing you to create your OWN styles using WildStyle (included with it!). Better memory handling, smaller executable size, and more informative. The HOTTEST display file generator is now HOTTER than ever before!
WC26TD1.ZIP Yes 457919 9/29/1992 Wildcat! v2.60 Test Drive. 1/2.
WC26TD2.ZIP Yes 357874 9/29/1992 Wildcat! v2.60 Test Drive. 2/2.
WC30EXPO.ZIP Yes 26575 9/15/1991 Export WC 3.x MAKEWILD Settings To ASCII File
WC30HELP.ZIP Yes 90454 12/4/1991 MSI release of NEW help screens for WC! 3.xx
WC30KEYS.ZIP Yes 1077 2/1/1992 Wildcat! 3.x Command Keys CheatSheet
WC30USER.ZIP Yes 48676 11/4/1991 A Wildcat 3.01 Users Guide by Joe Martin
WC30VIEW.ZIP Yes 39110 11/2/1991 Allows users on-line to view inside arc files
WC35AUTO.ZIP Yes 16230 7/21/1992 WC35AUTO allows uploads containing archived description files DESC.SDI and/or FILE_ID.DIZ to have these descriptions automatically placed into the WC35 Database AS THEY ARE UPLOADED. Users can simply press when prompted for basic and/or detailed de- scriptions, saving online time when upload- ing.
WC35DESC.ZIP Yes 39656 7/15/1992 WC35DESC will automatically add the descriptions contained in the files DESC.SDI and/or FILE_ID.DIZ to the WC35 database after the upload has been completed. All the user has to do is press enter when prompted by Wildcat for the description and/or detailed description. When run from the DOS command line, descriptions for all files in a single file area or all files in all file areas may be updated.
WC3COLOR.ZIP Yes 3545 7/18/1992 Change Text Colors In WC! 3.0 3.51 Easily!
WC3FDATE.ZIP Yes 11964 12/12/1991 WC3, List files w/ any given YEAR WC date, & D/L info!
WC3FLIST.ZIP Yes 17112 11/3/1991 A file list generator for Wildcat ver 3.
WC3RADOR.ZIP Yes 14658 2/14/1992 Run RA v1.11 as a door from WC! v3.x
WC3SHOCK.ZIP Yes 20682 9/5/1991 WC! 3.x Users reference guide.
WC3U_INF.ZIP Yes 14556 10/11/1991 Create User Listing For WC 3.x. Finds Dupe PW
WC400.ZIP Yes 1458 10/24/1992 The files .RAM & .MDM are for Wildcat wcmodem setup. setup for Intel satisFAXtion 400 and Wildcat BBS v3.5x. To have Wildcat runing and Receiving FAXES at the same time. 
WCA3XV2.ZIP Yes 51174 10/3/1992 WC3.X Analyer: Auto bulletins for Calls, Msgs, Files, Time of Day. This program is specifically for Wildcat v3.x BBS's. Auto generates several bulletins with caller statistics such as Top Callers, Top Message Writers, Top Uploaders, Top Downoaders, Last Callers & more. Easy to install. Registration is only a one time charge of $10.00.
WCALL10.ZIP Yes 35779 9/19/1992 WildCall v1.0! New WildStuff Utility!
WCALL16.ZIP Yes 84216 12/10/1991 Callback Verifier for WC 3.x.
WCAT26A.ZIP Yes 445422 11/2/1992 Working demo of Wildcat BBS, part A. 921103
WCAT26B.ZIP Yes 360823 11/2/1992 Working demo of Wildcat BBS, part B. 921103
WCCD0.ZIP Yes 15735 9/5/1991 Create 0K files for Wildcat! and cdrom. By
WCDV7A.ZIP Yes 28670 5/4/1991 Info For Running WC Under Desqview.
WCEDT102.ZIP Yes 161295 11/3/1992 WcEDIT! v1.02, WcEDIT! for Wildcat 3.5x is a revolutionary new message editor for the Wildcat Sysop. it provides an offline reader interface to the Wildcat databases and supports almost all of Wildcat's features. It also adds a few of it's own that you will find indispensable.
WCFAXOUT.ZIP Yes 3040 12/31/1991 Email-Fax for Intel Satisfaxion.
WCFF351.ZIP Yes 127979 9/25/1992 WCFF v3.51 File Forward for WC Tick clone!
WCGRAPH.ZIP Yes 24719 4/28/1993 Creates Wildcat Graphic Intro Screens.
WCHSLINK.ZIP Yes 30526 1/14/1992 Set up BIdirectional transfers with HSLINK & WILDCAT 3.x+!
WCHSLINM.ZIP Yes 38130 2/2/1992 Set up BIdirectional transfers with HSLINK & WILDCAT 3.x+!
WCHST12.ZIP Yes 8745 3/24/1991 Setup of HST/V.32/Dual Standard modems w/ WC!
WCHST13.ZIP Yes 8962 9/5/1992 Wildcat Host.
WCHT214.ZIP Yes 67040 12/21/1992 WildChat 2.14, Multi-Line Chat for WildCat! WildChat is a multi-line chat door for the WildCat BBS system. It is much faster, and has more features than the internal multi- line chat. These enhancements include whispering, which is a method of sending a private message to one user, action commands, which is a trick to make the chat seem more lifelike, and a language filter, so you can filter out words that you may not want used in the multi-line chat.
WCLABEL.ZIP Yes 13606 9/22/1992 WCLABEL is for Wildcat 3.0 and up. It makes a file which match the standard label format for either ALL users, or just those with a specified security level. It is also an easy way to create a list of users whose records don't have addresses in them! (Standard labels means 3 1/2" x 15/16", and 5 lines per label)...
WCLOGGER.ZIP Yes 24653 4/28/1993 Creates Wildcat Usage Intro Screens.
WCMENUS.ZIP Yes 10209 1/27/1992 Set of Wildcat 3.0 Menus.
WCMHS355.RTP No 23648 9/11/1992 wcMHS v3.55 patch update. Need PATCH.EXE.
WCMODEM.ZIP Yes 64116 12/19/1991 WCMODEM Modem configuration program for WC v3
WCNODESC.ZIP Yes 10282 12/5/1991 WCat3.0 util. Find files with no or < n chars in description
WCNWS100.ZIP Yes 8958 1/22/1992 Newsletter creator uses @CODES for Wildcat v3
WCODES.ZIP Yes 3337 9/10/1992 A complete list of WILDCAT! codes for v3.5x.
WCONVERT.ZIP Yes 24176 1/18/1992 Convert Wildcat 3.x BBS WC@-code disp <-> ANSI
WCPCB102.ZIP Yes 21659 10/21/1992 A utility to convert Wildcat! 3.5 user and message files to PCBoard 14.5a format. Version 1.02. Freeware. Copyright (C) 1992, Clark Development Company.
WCPRINT.ZIP Yes 3933 10/30/1991 WCPRINT Toggle your printer on/off in WC 3.x
WCPUTGIF.ZIP Yes 9599 10/30/1991 WCPUTGIF Adds GIF header info after upload WC
WCREMOVE.ZIP Yes 5913 12/12/1992 Remove the Sysops name from Activity.001.
WCREPAIR.ZIP Yes 100756 2/21/1992 Revised WCREPAIR. 02-28-92.
WCSWAP10.ZIP Yes 35451 10/21/1991 Randomly changes menu display screens.
WCTUTOR.ZIP Yes 70240 6/8/1992 Wildcat v3.x Simulation with help.
WCTXTED.ZIP Yes 44755 9/18/1992 WYSIWYG (color) prompt editor.
WCUPDC10.ZIP Yes 19179 11/4/1992 You'll find this to be a very handy program for checking the contents of .ZIP files for valid dates. It is designed as an add-on to CAMS-CRC but will work with any upload checker, simply run it after any upload checker in SCANFILE.BAT During the processing of .ZIP files, extracts the information for *.COM, *.EXE and *.O* files contained within a .ZIP and then compares the date of each of these files with the oldest file date that you have set within the configuration file.
WCUPDC11.ZIP Yes 29319 1/31/1993 WildCat! Upload Date Checker v1.1 You'll find this to be a very handy program for checking the contents of .ZIP files for valid dates. It is designed as an add-on to CAMS-CRC but will work with any upload checker, simply run it after any upload checker in SCANFILE.BAT During the processing of .ZIP files, extracts the information for *.COM, *.EXE and *.O* files contained within a .ZIP and then compares the date of each of these files with the oldest file date that you have set within the configuration file.
WCVIEW1.ZIP Yes 32083 2/10/1993 WCView V1.00 - WILDCAT! V3.xx @Code Screen File Viewer. All @variables such as @USER@, @DATE@, etc. are replaced with dummy text, simulating off line, what your callers will see on line. Alter the default @var text w/ASCII text editor. Mimics WILDCAT! display exactly. Screen control codes like @NOPAUSE@, @STOP@, etc operate just as they will online. Display single/multiple files, wildcards OK. DesqView & Windows Compatible. Registr: $10
WC_CALL2.ZIP Yes 22290 6/26/1992 Wc-call v1.1 Bug fix. Reports today's callers
WC_CALL3.ZIP Yes 23804 7/8/1992 Wc-call v1.5 List todays callers, etc.
WC_VIEW1.ZIP Yes 32020 2/10/1993 WCView V1.00 - WILDCAT! V3.xx @Code Screen File Viewer. All @variables such as @USER@, @DATE@, etc. are replaced with dummy text, simulating off line, what your callers will see on line. Alter the default @var text w/ASCII text editor. Mimics WILDCAT! display exactly. Screen control codes like @NOPAUSE@, @STOP@, etc operate just as they will online.
WD250.ZIP Yes 71686 12/17/1992 WildDoor 2.5! A great way to show your door menu off. Shows users how many times the door has been entered,last time door entered,last date door entered. Also is completly sysop configurable for color output! NON-CRIPPLED shareware.
WEASNET1.ZIP Yes 4181 11/12/1992 Info on WeasNet new net for Wildcat.
WILDBATS.ZIP Yes 40583 11/21/1991 Wildbats v1.0 Help create ext protocol batch
WILDCAT1.EXE No 274432 7/29/1992 Wildcat! BBS Test Drive. 1 of 2.
WILDCAT2.EXE No 354394 7/29/1992 Wildcat! BBS Test Drive. 2 of 2.
WILDJOKE.ZIP Yes 6777 5/10/1992 Wildcat Joke of the day program.
WILDLOG.ZIP Yes 13304 11/13/1992 A great log utility for Wildcat.
WILDSCAN.ZIP Yes 8223 9/29/1991 Create Bulletins from Wildmail's activity log
WILDSL13.ZIP Yes 40297 10/5/1992 WildStats/Call Log v1.3!
WILDVIEW.ZIP Yes 10017 11/29/1991 WILDVIEW v1.0 Wildcat v3 @SCREEN@ viewer util
WILDWIND.ZIP Yes 11539 11/6/1992 Operation of Wildcat 3.5 under Windows 3.1.
WIN3CAT3.ZIP Yes 8664 6/17/1992 How to run Wildcat 3.0 under Windows 3.0
WINCAT31.ZIP Yes 4433 6/12/1992 Update on setting up WC under Windows 3.1
WINCATMN.ZIP Yes 10901 6/12/1992 How to run 3 WC nodes under Windows 3
WJOKE11.ZIP Yes 8290 9/16/1992 Joke of the day for Wildcat!
WLDCTLST.ZIP Yes 47723 6/2/1993 Latest List of All BBSs Using WildCat Software.
WLIST141.ZIP Yes 75887 10/13/1992 WildList ver 1.41 File List Program.
WLOG102.ZIP Yes 13130 6/16/1992 Renames activity.xxx using julian date
WMAIL200.ZIP Yes 184382 12/3/1991 FIDONET mail packer/scanner/tosser
WMAIL205.ZIP Yes 203335 11/27/1992 WILDMAIL! v2.05 Mail tosser for WILDCAT!
WMDUPER.ZIP Yes 23493 10/16/1991 Reduces Wildmail Dupe files.
WMFIX11.ZIP Yes 10908 10/5/1991 Utility for using AreaFix Wildmail together
WMINF100.ZIP Yes 75132 12/21/1992 WMINFO! v1.00 Detailed Log Analyzer for WC!
WMLOG11.ZIP Yes 8918 12/16/1991 Wildmail activity log trimmer.
WMLOG201.ZIP Yes 18091 10/14/1992 Latest WmLog. Trimmer/Reporter for WM log.
WMSCAN1.ZIP Yes 39175 9/5/1991 Wildmail Log Scanner for Daily logs.
WMSTAT.ZIP Yes 41550 10/16/1991 Generates Statistics on Wildmail useage.
WM_SPEED.ZIP Yes 46807 9/26/1992 V2.20 of WM_SPEED, use w/Wildmail v2.02+.
WNET1129.ZIP Yes 10730 11/29/1991 Wildnet update. Confs, config file, hub node
WNODE10.ZIP Yes 14881 7/13/1992 Which Node 1.0, Door util to fix node prob.
WV.ZIP Yes 10010 11/29/1991 Wildcat! BBS v3.x color screen viewer
WV101.ZIP Yes 17239 7/6/1992 Updated WildView! Windows/WC log viewer..
XMQUOTE.ZIP Yes 14275 12/9/1992 Christmas MUSIC Quotes for WCv.3 quotes.bbs w/see-hear tool.
XPIRDATE.ZIP Yes 11026 10/18/1991 Compares user expiration date w/todays date.
YESTRDY6.ZIP Yes 201652 1/18/1992 Makes a bulletin:who called yesterday today
ZARC_41.ZIP Yes 70947 7/16/1992 ZARC - Zip manager. Zip tagged files easily Version 4.1 Has more features. Now lets you create, update, freshen, or move files. Uses LIST to view text files. Faster than older versions. Functional as is. Registeration $10 for additional features. For Dos 3.3 & up. 
ZCM12.ZIP Yes 152811 3/27/1992 Zip Comment Master From NewWare v1.2.
ZERO4ROM.ZIP Yes 16618 1/2/1992 Creates the zero byte files for CD ROMS
ZIPTV21.ZIP Yes 39022 4/22/1990 Nice ZIP viewer...easy simple to setup!
ZLABWC13.ZIP Yes 219784 11/3/1991 Online archive scanner/utility for WC 3.
ZM144MDM.ZIP Yes 1505 7/3/1992 .mdm file for zoom 14.4 modems
ZMV32BIS.ZIP Yes 691 10/2/1992 .MDM .RAM for Zoom v32bis 144k.
ZOLTR96.ZIP Yes 701 11/4/1992 Zoltrix 9600 .MDM and .RAM files.
ZOLTRIX.ZIP Yes 681 3/20/1992 ZOLTRIX 9600/V32/42/42Bis Setup, .MDM,.RAM
ZYXEL.MDM No 321 11/15/1991 For ZyXEL 1496 modems
ZYXEL.ZIP Yes 750 8/26/1991 Modem files for ZyXEL Modems-.MDM/.RAM Files.
ZYXELWC.ZIP Yes 600 11/15/1991 ZyXEL .MDM RAM for ZyXEL U-1469 and WC 3.X
ZYXOP.TXT No 8602 12/9/1991 Sysop deal on ZyXEL modems