1.03 Added the command /buffer: to the command line parameters. This is used to adjust the size of the disk buffer size. You can now change the size of the buffer to give you the best performance. I have also added a line to show how long the program took to run. This number is simply the number of seconds that it took to run. Also piqued the default buffer size up to 32767 bytes. This gives you about another 11% better performance. 1.02 I have added buffering to all the file read routines. This will speed up reads 848%. This is most noticeable on floppy based systems. On networks or caching controllers, it is not so noticeable. 1.01 Initial release. This was the first total re-write of the program since I cam up with the original idea. There is no "smart-mode" in this system, due to the many different layouts of bbs lists, and the different telecommunication programs. Worked out the routines that will handle the comments in the configuration file. 1.00 Not release. Actual first draft. 790% faster than the original one that I wrote in another language.