---===+===--- THE ALL NIGHT BOOK STORE ---===+===--- * TRADITIONAL - HARD COPY BOOKS * Book List # 5 Business Topics cat. # 9211bl5 updated Jan '92 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THIS CATALOG + TO ORDER The number to the LEFT of your screen is the catalog number to use for ordering. An ORDER FORM is included with this disk. + ADDITIONAL INFORMATION If you have a question about ordering or about one of your orders, send an E-Mail message to: MANAGER at the All Night Book Store BBS or write to: The All Night Book Store P.O. Box 81 Belleville, NJ 07109 Don't forget to visit the Customer Service Lounge where complete information about ordering and shipping can be found. The prices in this catalog are good until March 31, 1992. Visit the store often to check for sales and current catalogs. * * * BOOK LIST --------- HOW TO WRITE A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT. A short course in copywriting. A must book for any prospective advertiser or direct mail operator, 220 pages of understandable, applicable copywriting gospel. By Vic Schwab, top industry expert. #1712 $20.00 HOW MAIL ORDER FORTUNES ARE MADE. By Alfred Stern, Fourth edition of this major best selling work by the ultimate mail order authority. 224 power packed pages that document the way others have made their fortune in mail order and guide you in your efforts to emulate their success. Beautifully done in 5 x 8 perfect bound color cover. #584 $9.95 THE UNABASHED SELF-PROMOTER'S GUIDE. What every man, woman, child and organization in America needs to know about getting ahead by exploring the media, by Dr. Jeffrey Lant. If you want to reach every person whose problem your product or service can solve and want to keep the cost low, get free publicity for what you're selling. This book - the most complete and innovative ever written on this important subject - shows you exactly how to do it. Dr. Lant writes in a conversational prose so his books are easily read and understood. His "sure fire business success" column runs in over 90 publications nationwide. Huge, 366 page book is one of the best investments you'll ever make - guaranteed! #1753 $30.00 MONEY MAKING MARKETING. Finding the people who need what you're selling and making sure they buy it. By Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Big, thick, 285 pages, 8 x 11 book chock full of practical and straight forward information from the entrepreneur's guru. Dr. Lant lays out the marketing secrets you must know to make your business a success. You'll learn how to: * Handle your marketing research with the least amount of time and money. * Create persuasive but inexpensive marketing documents you can use time and time again. * Get free publicity on radio, TV, newspapers, magazines and newsletters for whatever you're selling. * use the telephone profitably to sell to existing buyers, get back buyers who've drifted away and prospect for new customers. * Create a profit making catalog. * Understand the ins and outs of co-op advertising, direct response card decks, premium advertising and trade shows and exhibiting. * Create prospect-stopping, persuasive headlines and advertising copy and how to focus on the buyer (not yourself) to convince him what you're selling is what he needs. And much, much more-including sample forms, letters and documents you can use right now to get your marketing effort off to a fast, profitable start. #1793 $30.00 THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO PASTEUP. By Walter Graham, a professional graphic artist, instructor and advertising expert of many years experience. This comprehensive book was designed to assist the beginner as well as improve present layout people's expertise. A soundly practical book that contains an introduction to systematic production pasteup while keeping the entire process simple yet functional. Here's a book that clearly demonstrates techniques designed to get jobs truly "camera ready." A complete course in 27 well organized chapters and 240 pages. After ordering this book you'll be able to professionally layout and pasteup all your own work, savings enormous amounts of time and money. #1797 $19.95 INSIDERS PROFESSIONAL MAIL ORDER CLIP-ART HANDBOOK. Includes drawings, reverses, slogans, headlines, logos, borders, etc. and glossary or graphic art terms 60 pages. #1408 $15.00 TRAVEL FREE. Home business experts Ben and Nancy Dominitz tell how to make a fortune and travel absolutely Free in the #1 business and Free travel opportunity. How to add 50% to your income, and travel free as honored guests of airlines, cruise ships, and tour companies. Beautiful, bound hardcover. #1752 $19.95 999 SUCCESSFUL LITTLE KNOWN BUSINESSES. Complete reports of successful small businesses that have been in profitable operation. Nearly ALL will be New to you. 999 terrific ideas waiting for you. You need only one for success. #624 $9.99 A MANUAL ON BOOK SELLING; HOW TO OPEN AND RUN A BOOKSTORE. By the American Booksellers Association. Compiled and revised by the ABA, this manual covers every facet of bookselling in today's active market. From Management (opening a store, hiring and training staff and ordering inventory) to merchandising (promoting and selling books). In more than 65 articles by experienced booksellers and industry experts, the manual addresses the day-to-day operations of the book business, while helping both beginning and seasoned booksellers plan for the future. A timely and indispensable guide for anyone involved or interested in the book industry, 532 pages. #291 $19.95 HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL FREELANCE WRITER. Freelance writer shares his experience and knowledge. Practical guide to getting published covers all aspects from topic selection to manuscript format to marketing your work and protecting your interest and much more. 120 pages 6 x 9 softcover book with glossary. #1780 $9.95 THE GARAGE SALE BOOK How to turn your trash into cash! From two authors who have run hundreds of garage sales, everything you need to know, think about and prepare for your own garage sale. A light-hearted, but information packed manual on America's favorite "quick buck" ritual. Buy this book, use it and then .. sell it in your next garage sale! #1795 $5.95 FINDING AND FIXING OLD HOUSES. Fabulous profits being made each day by ordinary folks who enjoy fixing up older houses. New book tells all the simple techniques. #1734 $7.95 HOW TO BORROW YOUR WAY TO REAL ESTATE RICHES By Tyler Hicks, one of the nation's foremost authorities on creating wealth through real estate. While Mr. Hicks speaks with authority, he has written this book in plain, every-day language so the rankest novice can begin creating his own real estate empire after discovering the secrets Tyler reveals. "Think about it," says Mr. Hicks, "MILLIONAIRES DON'T SAVE THEIR WAY TO WEALTH, THEY BORROW THEIR WAY." Now you have access to the same secrets, tips and techniques that real estate millionaires use to acquire vast and profitable holdings. Techniques that will enable you to give yourself and your family the financial security and lifestyle that you so richly deserve. Her's just a taste of what you'll learn in this power-packed, 320 page book: * How to control acres of land without owning any of it(and still make a fortune on the appreciation!) * How to prepare an irresistible loan package that will make bankers drool! * Why single-family houses are your best place to begin. * How to move from single family homes to owning apartment buildings quickly. * How to rent collateral and get a loan-even if you've been bankrupt. * How to collect rents effortlessly and profitably. * How to make rehabs, foreclosures, and other off-beat real estate work for you in making you a millionaire. #1784 $9.95 THE COMPLETE CREDIT BOOK Whether you've never had credit, have ruined your good credit, been bankrupt, divorced, unemployed, unable to get loans and credit cards, bothered by bill collectors, laughed at by your banker ... or even worse? Whatever your credit history, you'll learn how easy it is to magically straighten out your credit problems...vitually overnight! This frank book is a must for down-and-outers or starters who need to get credit, as well as those who just need to improve their credit standing. You'll discover hundreds of little known techniques to correct bad credit ratings and establish good credit ratings. You can virtually become a credit expert in just one evening by reading this enlightening book. Here is just a smattering of what you'll learn: * A guaranteed method that shows you how to get a VISA or MASTERCARD with NO CREDIT CHECK.. even if you've been bankrupt. * Legal, easy to use secrets that will help you to stop bill collectors from harassing you.. overnight. * Bill paying tricks that will get you back on your feet financially. * Obtaining your credit report, a step-by-step plan to get bad items removed, and good items put on. * The truth about bankruptcy ... is it for you? * Special credit secrets just for women, whether single, divorced, widowed or married. * What collection agencies can and can't do. And who to complain to if they break the law. * A simple, fail-safe plan to build up your credit no matter what shape it's in. * Techniques that work like magic to get loans from even tight-fisted bankers. * Using co-signers and collateral to your best advantage so you get the loans you want. * Little known tricks that will let you borrow to pay off your bills. * What bills you have to pay first to protect your credit rating. * How to fight back against credit discrimination. and WIN, if your're a woman or a minority. * What special steps to take so that banks and credit card companies will be begging to give you credit. * And much, much more. Over 50,000 words telling exactly what you need to know to beat and win the credit game. SPECIAL BONUS WITH EVERY ORDER - A complete, up-to-date list of all the sources where you can obtain a Visa or Mastercard, in just weeks, with no credit check. Includes current addresses. #1792 $12.95 FINANCING SOURCES. Where and how to raise money. Hundreds of sources. Also describes specialized kinds of financing for each source. Sources offering Finders Fees listed. #1579 $5.00 REAL ESTATE WEALTH BUILDING OPPORTUNITIES. By Russ von Hoelscher. New economic trends allow us to confidently predict a great new profit boom for real estate. Will you be ready to take advantage of the exciting new opportunities and greatly prosper? You can be when you quickly learn to use the powerful profit tools in this new manual! Now at your fingertips; expert, yet easily workable new methods for building a vast real estate empire beginning with little or no investment. Real estate has created more millionaires than all other wealth-building systems combined. This big 310-page manual gives you a dynamic shortcut strategy that can lead you to fabulous riches. Here's everything you need to know to win when you buy or sell real estate, all in plain English. Includes a unique master plan on how to pyramid a measly one thousand dollar investment into ONE MILLION DOLLARS. #4015 $12.95 * * * INDEX OF TITLES 0000 Instructions 1712 HOW TO WRITE A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT 0584 HOW MAIL ORDER FORTUNES ARE MADE 1753 THE UNABASHED SELF-PROMOTER'S GUIDE 1793 MONEY MAKING MARKETING 1797 THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO PASTEUP 1408 INSIDERS PROFESSIONAL MAIL ORDER CLIP-ART HANDBOOK 1757 TRAVEL FREE 0624 999 SUCCESSFUL LITTLE KNOWN BUSINESSES 0291 A MANUAL ON BOOK SELLING; HOW TO OPEN AND RUN A BOOKSTORE 1780 HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL FREELANCE WRITER 1795 THE GARAGE SALE BOOK 1734 FINDING AND FIXING OLD HOUSES 1784 HOW TO BORROW YOUR WAY TO REAL ESTATE RICHES 1792 THE COMPLETE CREDIT BOOK 1579 FINANCING SOURCES 4015 REAL ESTATE WEALTH BUILDING OPPORTUNITIES * * *