From : Joe Adamson To : Marc Teitler Subject : CCSP External Compression Protocol ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSP-3 Protocol Templates for Oklahoma Nochange 7.6 - 8.0 * Initialize the protocol engine (see docs) in your STARTUP.INF file, or add it to both of the template files if you have irregular use, after the @ECHO OFF statement. * Remember to add the

to your prompt line in UPDOWN.ext, or add the selection of the CSP-3 protocol to your PROTOCOL.DAT so that your callers will know they have the option, depending on your revision. You may, of course, redesignate the protocol letter to anything available. * Remember that this is a new product. If you discover errors in the engine, notify CompuCom or Oklahoma Nochange directly. - RECEIVE - RENAME TO PTRAN.BAT - * * CompuCom SpeedModem Protocol for Oklahoma Nochange 7.6 - 8.0 BBS Systems * (C) Copyright 1991, Joe Adamson, Allied Information Services * * Notes: * ~~~~~~ * It's assumed you've already initialized the protocol (see docs) * Receive files with CSP3 Protocol * &&V2 is the file being transferred * :BLASTOFF @ECHO OFF IF &&V9.==-1. ECHO You cannot use this file transfer protocol in local mode. IF &&V9.==-1. GOTO :EXIT ECHO CSP-3 Protocol Transer now active ... >GATE&&NUMPORT CCSP -B&&BAUD -P&&NUMPORT -R &&V2 ECHO DONE >NOCHDOS.DAT :EXIT - TRANSMIT - RENAME TO PTRAN.BAT - * * CompuCom SpeedModem Protocol for Oklahoma Nochange 7.6 - 8.0 BBS Systems * (C) Copyright 1991, Joe Adamson, Allied Information Services * * Notes: * ~~~~~~ * It's assumed you've alread initialized the protocol (see docs) * Send all files in \TEMPDOWN with CSP3 Protocol * &&V1 is "Y" or "N" if file(s) were compressed * &&V2 is the file being transferred * :BLASTOFF @ECHO OFF IF &&V9.==-1. ECHO You cannot use this file transfer protocol in local mode. IF &&V9.==-1. GOTO EXIT ECHO CSP-3 Protocol transfer now active ... >GATE&&NUMPORT IF &&V1.==Y. GOTO SENDARC CCSP -B&&BAUD -P&&NUMPORT -T \TEMPDOWN\&&V2 GOTO :DONE :SENDARC CCSP -B&&BAUD -P&&NUMPORT -T &&V2 GOTO :EXIT :DONE ECHO DONE >NOCHDOS.DAT FOR %%M IN (\TEMPDOWN) DO ERASE %%M <\NOCHANGE\Y.DAT RD \TEMPDOWN :EXIT * Origin: "Putting the world at your fingertips" 755-8188 (1:147/16.0)