HOW TO RETAIN YOUR V1.08 SETTINGS Users of D-Lite v1.x can retain their previous settings by typing UPGRADE to run the UPGRADE.BAT file. If you want to start a new directory first, then copy your old *.DAT files to the new directory, as well as the BTRIEVE.EXE and BCLEAR.COM files, and then run UPGRADE. IMPORTANT: While the upgrade will retain your ACCOUNT settings and your and your SIG settings, it will NOT retain your MAIL. If you want to keep any Mail messages from the old version, you will have to save them separately. WHAT'S NEW What's new? The most important aspect of v2.0 is the elimination of BTRIEVE as a neccessary part of running D-Lite. This not only greatly reduces the major hassle many people had with running D-Lite, but it also frees up 40-60K of additional memory available to the program. Here's the rundown on what's new (including features added in v1.09) * Program re-written to remove BTRIEVE from the environment. * Added ability to Delete SIGS. * Forum message replies now supports auto-quoting (ALT-F9). * "Update Topics" function no longer re-sets HIGH message pointer. * HIGH option renamed to RESET FILE POINTER. * Message "range" parameters now allow for more than 5 digits. * VT100 now "toggleable" with ALT-V. * VT100 codes now stripped from SESSION.TMP. * Message Broadcast lists now support Internet addresses. * Use of low-level Update Database Catalog option now only allows cancellation. * Added additional scripting capabilities. UPGRADE/REGISTRATION NOTES If you registered M-LITE before D-LITE v1.08 was released: Former M-LITE users are asked to upgrade their registrations if they want to use v2.0 and continue getting free upgrades. The upgrade fee is $29. If you registered D-Lite under the EXTENDED option: D-Lite 1.08 users who registered under the "EXTENDED" option get v2.0 free of charge, and will have their registrations further extended to include all upgrades to v2.x clear up until the release of v3.0 If you registered D-Lite under the BASIC option: People who registered v1.08 under the "BASIC" option on or after July 26 do not have to re-register .... this is a free upgrade for them. FREE UPGRADE POLICY FOR RECENTLY REGISTERED USERS The policy on free upgrades for "BASIC" registrants is the "1/12th Rule". This is based on the perceived practice of companies who issue software upgrades on average of one per YEAR, and who generally allow free upgrades to people who purchased the product up to one month prior to the release of the upgrade. With this as a model, we will calculate the life of the current version and divide by 12 to determine the point at which upgrades are free. So, taking version 1.08 as an example, the version is 12 weeks old, so people who registered up to one week prior to the release of v2.0 will get their upgrade free. If this applies to you, enter your registration number into v2.0 and it should work as before. Otherwise, please consider the EXTENDED registration option next time, as the program is updated often, especially as new features become available on Delphi.