I am not much on documentation so this is as good as it gets. I'm not one for guarantees either so the only guarantee that I will make is that my program will take up disk space. Since Bit Bucket Software had made Binkley freely available I, in the same spirit, make DelMail available. The only thing I insist on, is to keep the original distribution file intact and unmodified. DelMail is a utilty, for mail distributors, using BinkleyTerm, to automatically delete old and or undelivered mail. The command line parameters allows you the flexability to be strict or lenient. Entering DelMail with -? or an invalid parameter will produce the following help: Usage :DelMail -o -r -t -b -l -h -k -x -a -o Your outbound path, DEFAULT: Current Dir -r Report file name, DEFAULT: DELMAIL.RPT -l Minimum number of days mail is kept, DEFAULT: 1 day -h Maximum number of days mail is kept, DEFAULT: 2 days -k Max KB mail a node can have, DEFAULT: 0KB -x Exception file name, DEFAULT: None -t Test mode flag, report only, do not delete mail, DEFAULT: OFF delete mail -b Brief report flag. Only report deleted mail, DEFAULT: OFF -a History file of deleted mail, DEFAULT: OFF In all cases mail will not be deleted if it is less than old, and will always be deleted if older than max days. If a nodes total mail exceeds the , then mail older than and less than will be deleted, until the total mail is less than . Oldest bundles are deleted first. The following chart (courteousy of Bob Davis) may help in understanding the deletion process: >MIN DAYS >MAX DAYS >KB ACTION ========= ========= ====== ======= no -- no none no -- yes none yes no no none yes no yes delete oldest until kb left yes yes -- delete all If the -l0 and -h0 is specified, then age checking will not be done, and mail will be deleted based on the -k parameter. An optional exception file can be specified for exceptions to the command line parameters -l, -h, and -k for specific nodes. For example, if the minimum days to keep mail is 2 days and the maximum is 5 days, with a KB limit of 2mb, you would run DelMail like this: DelMail -l2 -h5 -k2000. Now if you knew node 999/999 was going to be out of town, and you wanted to hold onto his mail for awhile, you could add this entry to the exception file: 999/999 -h30 This would keep node 999/999 mail for 30 days. A "%" or a ";" in the exception file is considered a comment. NOTE: ANY ERRORS FOUND IN EDITING THE EXCEPTION WILL CAUSE DELMAIL TO TERMINATE WITH NO PROCESSING. If all the bundles in a *.?LO file are deleted, the *.?LO file will be deleted, otherwise it will be re-written minus the deleted bundle names. If a file attach is in the *.?LO file, it is left alone and not counted as mail. A report, default name of DELMAIL.RPT, is produced detailing the action taken. This file name can be overridden with the "-r" command line parameter. The "-a" command line parameter, generates a comma delimited, human readable history file of all deleted mail. This is a running file, as it is appended to for each run of DelMail. If you are running in testmode, entries will not be added to this file. The format of the Action file is as follows: DelMail, - Program name Net, - Net deleted mail was destined for Node, - Node deleted mail was destined for Mo, - Month mail was deleted Day, - Day mail was deleted Year, - Year mail was deleted MailName, - Name of *.?UT or mail bundle that was deleted Age, - Age of mail at time of deletion Size, - Size of *.?UT or mail bundle that was deleted Reason - Reason mail was deleted DelMail is distributed in ZIP format and contains the following files: DelMail.EXE OS/2 version of DelMail compiled with Borland C/C++. DelMailD.EXE DOS (ugh) version of DelMail compiled with Borland C/C++. README.TXT You are read it. A fine example of literary excellence, (what cha think Nick) . If you have any question, suggestions, or bug reports (no way), please send netmail to Jim Dailey at 1:106/202. ****************************** CAUTION ****************************** ****************************** CAUTION ****************************** ****************************** CAUTION ****************************** DELMAIL IS A VERY POWERFUL UTILITY AND IF YOU ARE NOT CAREFUL, YOU COULD END UP DELETING YOUR ENTIRE OUTBOUND. BEFORE USING IN PRODUCTION, I SUGGEST YOU USE THE -T (TEST) SWITCH TO ENSURE YOU ARE GETTING THE RESULTS YOU DESIRE. ****************************** CAUTION ****************************** ****************************** CAUTION ****************************** ****************************** CAUTION ******************************