The following are some things I do on my system nightly which some of you might be interested in. // Private Netmail message to ME with System information. This is what is in my BBS.BAT (main system batch file) under nightly maintenance. rem ******** ROBOTICS: System Reporting ************************** Echo лл Incoming mail log...>STATUS.REP if exist \max\TEXTS\LASTECHO.bbs type \max\TEXTS\LASTECHO.bbs >>STATUS.REP if not exist \max\TEXTS\LASTECHO.bbs Echo none>>STATUS.REP if exist \max\TEXTS\LASTECHO.bbs DEL \max\TEXTS\LASTECHO.bbs echo:>>STATUS.REP Echo лл Netmail Costs...>>STATUS.REP BINKLOG \max\texts\max.log,total>>STATUS.REP echo:>>STATUS.REP Echo лл Memory Status...>>STATUS.REP \dos\mem /c>>STATUS.REP echo:>>STATUS.REP Echo лл Outbound Directories...>>STATUS.REP Echo:>>STATUS.REP Echo ** Local>>STATUS.REP OUT \max\msg\outmail\>>STATUS.REP Echo:>>STATUS.REP Echo ** Points>>STATUS.REP out c:\max\msg\outmail\00f90072.pnt\>>STATUS.REP Echo:>>STATUS.REP Echo ** International>>STATUS.REP out c:\max\msg\outmail.01f\>>STATUS.REP echo:>>STATUS.REP Echo лл Upload Directory... (shows free disk space)>>STATUS.REP dir \MAX\FILE\S_UPLOAD\*.*>>STATUS.REP H REPORT.h del STATUS.REP rem ******** ROBOTICS: TIC File Reporting ************************ ticin ticin if exist ticin.hsg h ticin.h if exist ticin.hsg del ticin.hsg rem ************************************************************** // The following are some useful tools for doing this type of thing... Note, I'm using DOS 5 for the memory report, mapmem works with