Welcome to Intellicomm, version 0.94! To begin please print the short QWIKSTRT.DOC, which will guide you through the setup process and help you get going as quickly as possible. the command: COPY QWIKSTRT.DOC PRN now to print the QwikStart documentation. If you do not have a printer please at least browse the file on your screen so you'll know where we're headed. If you are UPGRADING from version 0.92/.93 you needn't re-print QWIKSTRT.DOC but please instead view the file NEW&FIXD.DOC immediately. All new features/fixes and upgrade instructions are listed there. Once you have printed QWIKSTRT.DOC, the command: GO to begin the installation process. The auto-installation routines do not modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS files, thus if you do not already have the command FILES=35 [35 may be higher, but not lower] then you should add this line right now. See your DOS manual for details on CONFIG.SYS.