LAND A Landscape Printing Utility * Genealogy: LAND was born in the 5th Jan. 1993, it was named by his father, Leopoldino Oliveira, a Telecommunications Engineer working at CET - Aveiro, and was allowed to leave home by the time he grew to Version 1.06 in the 21th Feb 93. This is therefore, the first public release of LAND. Enjoy it! * The LAND Package: This package isn't FreeWare, not even ShareWare; is GeoWare, which stands for GEOgraphical interests in sharing softWARE. How does GeoWare works? It's simple: if for any mischievous way you use it and find it tasty... Send me a postcard from your hometown ! My address is: Leopoldino Oliveira Qta Carramona 35-C, 4§ Esq. Esgueira 3800 AVEIRO PORTUGAL You can also reach me by NETMAIL at: Fidonet 2:361/1 Package contents: LANDME.1ST - The LAND philosophy. Read me first! LAND.TXT - This document. ...If you want to know more. LANDL.COM - Rename it to LAND.COM if you own a LaserJet. LANDD.COM - Rename it to LAND.COM if you own a DeskJet. * Overview: LAND saves 50% or more sheets of paper in printing any ASCII document, with more than one page. It does so, by sending the printer the required commands to print in Landscape - two columns mode. Each column is limited to 80 chars per line and 60 lines per page. If the line has more than 80 characters, LAND wraps it around, not loosing one character. Using LAND with no options in the command line, the document is repaginated, with the sheets numbered in the bottom right corner and printed to the LPT1 port. Accidental control codes contained in the original document are filtered and substituted by underscores. The same applies to FormFeed characters, which are overwritten with spaces. * Usage: LAND [path]filename [/F] [/R] [/N] [/P] Options: /F - Prints to a file named filename.LND on [path]. /R - Keeps document's original pagination. /N - Skips numbering pages. /P - Prints portuguese characters. * What If: - the document you want to print, has already it's own pagination, as long as within the pertaining limits, and you intend to keep it? -> Use the option /R - you don't want the sheets numbered? -> Use the option /N. - your printer is connected to another parallel port, instead of LPT1? -> use option /F, to print to a file and then send the file to LPTx: COPY filename.LND LPTx:, or PRINT filename.LND LPTx: - your printer is connected to a serial port? -> you may redirect the PRN device to that serial port: MODE LPT1:=COMx: *********** * WARNING:* *********** Don't use LND as an extension for a filename to submit to LAND: the file will be truncated to zero length! * Thanks to: IBM, for the DOS Technical Reference. Peter Norton, for is guidance. Eric Isaacson, for his D86 package. My wife Anabela, for mumbling only after 2 a.m.... The author: Leopoldino Oliveira