229 files found in Library "Miscellaneous COMM programs (M-R)"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
M1440ADD.ZIP Yes 1455 7/21/1992 Help Info From Boca on Your 14.4 Modem!
MAINHAY.ZIP Yes 5511 6/27/1993 Hayes Modems Mainframe Configurations.
MAKE9600.ZIP Yes 2369 6/8/1993 Turn your Sloooo modem into a SPEDMASTER.
MAXFH.ZIP Yes 7071 11/23/1992 Fix Max/2 QWK file handles
MAXHST3.ZIP Yes 19207 2/9/1992 Maximize U.S. Robotics modem
MAX_SCPT.ZIP Yes 2668 9/24/1993 Telix script file for Maximus boards. It will logon and then take you into the off- line reader section, Upload your .REP reply file and then delete it, Download your new .QWK packet file and then return Telix to manual operation. Only name and .REP file location/name entries for this script are required. Instructions are in this file. 
MBASE003.ZIP Yes 202160 1/4/1992 Modem Base: offline BBS filelist handler.
MBASE41.ZIP Yes 172660 4/11/1992 ModemBase4.1 Offline BBS PRG TXT FILE Dbase!
MC105DOC.ZIP Yes 23831 1/22/1988 Multi-Com v1.05 communication pgm, 2of2, docs
MC105PRG.ZIP Yes 79194 1/22/1988 Multi-Com v1.05 communication pgm, 1of2, exes
MCIMSNGR.ZIP Yes 282654 4/24/1991 MCI FaxMail. Requires PAN subscription
MDIC200.ZIP Yes 54331 9/1/1993 ��������������������������������������Ŀ � The Modem Dictionary v2.00. Freeware.� � This is a must for anyone using a � � modem. It contains easy-to-understand� � definitions of over 730 words that � � come up when using modems and BBS's. � � Helpful for both the beginner and � � expert. No need to try to figure out� � the jargon anymore! � ����������������������������������������
MDM400.ZIP Yes 15900 8/17/1993 Misc Texts From Intel BBS About Modem/400(E).
MDMINIT.ZIP Yes 3693 7/26/1993 Modem commands and responses for use in tuning up your modem initialization string. 
MDMTHRD.ZIP Yes 2386 9/24/1990
MDOC41.ZIP Yes 227181 5/26/1992 Modem Doctor, Test Configure Your Modem.
MDR30A.ZIP Yes 246638 9/6/1991 MENUDIRECT v3.0 file/directory program mgr.
MFS204.ZIP Yes 162194 3/14/1993 Mesage finder system. Works with Bluewave,
MH060191.ZIP Yes 196010 6/1/1991 MaxiHost: Ringback, callback, terminal Host
MHST122.ZIP Yes 271915 4/11/1992 Mankin's Megahost v1.16.
MHXFR221.ZIP Yes 50463 9/2/1993 External File Transfer Protocols for Megahost 2.21.
MINES230.ZIP Yes 46995 2/28/1993 MineField V2.3 - Uses Dorinfo or Door.Sys (
MINU10B6.ZIP Yes 247710 10/1/1993 MINUET, v1.0beta 6; Program combines everything you need to interact with the INTERNET in one program! Imagine, EMail, FTP, Telnet, Gopher, and News all wrapped up in one program. That is Minuet. Public Domain software from the University of Minnesota. YOU MUST HAVE TCP/IP IN ORDER TO USE THIS PROGRAM! This version is solid, even though it is Beta. 
MKAREA40.ZIP Yes 61819 8/20/1991 V4.0 Areas.bbs Editor/Areafix Echo Utility
MKDIALER.ZIP Yes 6408 9/24/1993 Dialer.BSC v1.7; Script for pre-programming the dialing of Bbs's at specific times, with Boyan Communications It is easy to set up and runs fast with all kinds of modems. Works well with Mark & Cindi Sherman's QWK.BSC and MARK.BSC scripts. Have you used Boyan lately? 
MKDLIST.ZIP Yes 5691 2/26/1992 Utility for use with HSLink 1.1 to create a list of downloadable files for duplicate checking.
MLICK43.EXE No 88115 1/9/1991 Slick Communications v4.3 small fast.
MLINK100.ZIP Yes 221384 2/3/1992 MicroLink v1.00
MLOL.ZIP Yes 11337 10/6/1993 The Musical Lists of Lists - Internet and Bitnet mailing lists specific to bands and other music-related topics. 
MMLG_102.ZIP Yes 14303 12/27/1992 Maximus Master List Generator v1.02
MMSCPT12.ZIP Yes 26494 6/8/1991 MegaScript v1.2 - Unattended Access for PCBoard v14.5 and MegaMail. For use with Procomm Plus v1.1B and Omen Technology's DSZ.
MNP.ZIP Yes 47833 1/30/1988
MNPC12.ZIP Yes 45187 1/30/1988 MNP protocol - includes Turbo C source
MNP_10.ZIP Yes 5589 1/31/1990 Description of MNP protocols 1 through 10
MOD210A.ZIP Yes 60886 2/23/1992 Perform basic modem ops w/in a BATch file.
MODCMD16.ZIP Yes 8919 7/14/1989 Sends commands to modem from DOS command line
MODDIZ.ZIP Yes 54166 7/23/1993 The Modem Dictionary In HyperText Format. Answers your questions about communications 
MODEM14.ZIP Yes 59064 4/14/1991 Modem v1.4 Modem control Software (NOT MNP)
MODEM20.ZIP Yes 18072 1/9/1992 Detailed Explanation of MODEMS!
MODEM293.ZIP Yes 10687 6/26/1993 Procomm Plus 2.01 Modems.dat config. Includes 14,400 Baud.
MODEM51.ZIP Yes 2333 1/6/1993 51 Different Modem Initialization Strings.
MODEMD52.ZIP Yes 127541 6/2/1993 Modem Doctor v5.2s: Serial port modem diagnostics.
MODEMDAT.ZIP Yes 12568 7/23/1993 Datastorm Modems Data.
MODEMDOC.ZIP Yes 106412 12/7/1991 NEW! release ModemDoctor ver.4.0; Best modem diagnostic util
MODEMS.ZIP Yes 7985 8/18/1992 Latest MODEMS.DAT from PCPLUS BBS.
MODEMTXT.ZIP Yes 10791 9/5/1993 Tutorial on operation of Hayes type modems
MODER30A.ZIP Yes 12535 9/12/1993 A list of MsDos FTP sites, their moderators and other useful information for downloading 
MODFEVER.ZIP Yes 3319 9/13/1988 Story of a modem addict
MODM0518.ZIP Yes 12253 5/18/1993 Latest Modems.Dat From Datastorm BBS
MODM0617.ZIP Yes 12679 6/17/1993 Latest Modems.Dat From Datastorm BBS.
MODMART1.ZIP Yes 7637 11/11/1990 Informative beginner's article about modems
MOD_1_17.ZIP Yes 266487 7/6/1993 MODEM6, modem program, 100% HAYES Compatible, support ANSI, and protocols like ZMODEM, YMODEM, XMODEM, Super-Kermit, KERMIT, and many others. FREE! 
MPT110.ZIP Yes 59998 8/7/1990 Matt Thomas' MPT protocol v1.10. Upgraded Puma
MPTLOG10.ZIP Yes 34951 8/11/1991 MpT protocol log file analyzer.
MR0317.ZIP Yes 191608 3/17/1991 Megareader 3/17/91. the megamail system
MRUN109.ZIP Yes 25662 1/2/1991 MAIL/RUN 1.09 Write date of last NET/mail run
MSGFAX12.ZIP Yes 12189 5/22/1993 Automates FAXing of *.MSG's
MSGOBJ10.ZIP Yes 31727 3/26/1993 Docs & API for Pip message base (MessageObj
MSIRIP.ZIP Yes 2775 6/8/1993 Press Release From Mustang Software.
MSI_151.ZIP Yes 19326 9/16/1993 Mustang Release of Upgrades to Qmpro OLX.
MT103SER.ZIP Yes 1569 6/23/1993 MAXTOOLS SERIAL FILE [06/23/93] Registering MaxTools is now on the honor system. Enclosed is a serial file to make MaxTools look and act like a registered version. The reg. fee has has dropped to $1.00 per each utility that you use! .......... Michael Jones
MUFUS39N.ZIP Yes 77092 3/9/1993 Microfusion MF30 terminal emulator w/TP5 src
MULTFAX.ZIP Yes 59345 6/6/1993 ������������[ DESQview� FAX ]����������Ŀ � Lets you run a Class I FAX in a back- � � ground� DESQview window.� Class I FAX � � requires �a dedicated� machine.� This � � package lets you watch for FAX in the � � background� and �only tie up� machine � � during actual FAX receipt.����������� � ��<<< Contains ToneBanker Promotion >>>Ĵ ����� ** PAY * BILLS * BY * MODEM **��� � �����������������������������������������
MUTEX102.ZIP Yes 51666 12/8/1992 PC to UNIX multitasking windowed comm. program
MXLITE17.ZIP Yes 90846 6/16/1993 MX-Light Version 1.7 from Mx Communications. MX-Light, easy to use communications program Protocols included are ASCII,Kermit,Xmodem, Ymodem,Zmodem,Xmodem/1K,Xmodem/G,Ymodem/G. Full Screen Editor, Internal ANSI,Avatar and VT100 Drivers.Capture Doorway Many other features. Auto Zmodem Downloads MXLIGHT download it now, Only $10.00 to Register. Many Fixes from Ver 1.6 and New Features. Now Includes 8k Zmodem(ZedZap)
MYCMM122.ZIP Yes 109683 5/9/1992 MyComm v1.22: small, yet powerful, comm prog.
MYCMM201.ZIP Yes 106207 6/18/1993 Mycomm v2.01 Full Featured Comm Program.
MYCMM211.ZIP Yes 138923 11/14/1993 MyComm v2.11 is a powerful, yet small (166K) telecommunications program. Supports Zmodem, Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Xmodem, Xmodem-1K, and of course ASCII file transfers. There are slots for up to 6 external protocols. Supports TTY, ANSI, VT-52, and VT-100 terminal emulations. Many more features including an easy to use script language. Shareware $25 + $2 S&H
MYCOMM10.ZIP Yes 87198 2/17/1992 MyComm v1.0: small, yet powerful, comm pgm.
MYQ200.ZIP Yes 199021 7/4/1993 MYMIQ v2.00 - Managing Your Money Import stock Quotes from Prodigy Services. MYMIQ is designed to be used by MYM and MYMIC users who want to update the prices in their investment accounts (stock, bond, and mutual fund), using Prodigy services. Shareware from Gateway Software, Inc. $24 
NAVPAGE.ZIP Yes 38037 7/30/1993 NAVPAGE v1.0; Will dial and send a maximum message of 80 characters to an alpha numeric pager. In order to use this program you must know the dial-up number of your alpha numeric pager service. This program was designed to be the alarm system of a custom network early warning system, however, many other uses can be found for this program. 
NCBUSY.ZIP Yes 25737 9/29/1992 NCBUSY.EXE version 1.0 A simple little PUBLIC DOMAIN utility to place your modem "off hook" (busy) if CARRIER DETECT is low. Compiled September 29, 1992 Jeffrey S. Morley
NEWPROT2.ZIP Yes 9016 3/4/1993 Replacement PROTOCOL.CTL for Maximus 2.01wb
NINF402.ZIP Yes 32566 3/29/1993 Netinfo Bug Fix for Automagically Collection.
NMODM218.ZIP Yes 75534 1/4/1992 NModem v 2.18 data transfer protocol
NMODM236.ZIP Yes 130782 11/21/1992 NModem protocol driver w/MNP and 16550 support
NOISE_1.ZIP Yes 3156 11/27/1988
NULLNODE.ZIP Yes 1735 5/27/1993 Connect to TriBBS with a null modem cable.
OBS072.ZIP Yes 5226 3/13/1993 Amsat Orbital Elements # 072 03/13/93
OBS114.ZIP Yes 4978 4/30/1993 Amsat Orbital Elements # 114 04/24/93
ODY15.ZIP Yes 335928 8/5/1992 ODYSSEY 1.5 Powerful Comm Program.
ODY150SH.ZIP Yes 312947 12/2/1991 Odyssey v1.50 Multithreaded comm prog w/MNP
ODYS200A.ZIP Yes 280485 2/14/1994 ODYSSEY v2.00 general purpose, full featured communications from TRIUS. [1/2] 
ODYS200B.ZIP Yes 96538 2/14/1994 ODYSSEY v2.00 general purpose communications from TRIUS. [2/2] 
ODYSSEY.ZIP Yes 293512 6/20/1992 Odyssey Comm Program. Shareware Version.
OFFLI154.ZIP Yes 141172 5/2/1993 OFFLINE the QWK offline reader.
OFU102.ZIP Yes 19690 3/30/1993 Opus Filename Updater for Opus 1.7+.
OLX_TD.EXE No 228665 1/9/1992 Offline Express--Replacement SLMR.
OPDX102.ZIP Yes 3964 3/13/1993 Ohio-Pa Packet Cluster DX Bulletin 03/08/93
OPDX103.ZIP Yes 3344 3/17/1993 Ohio-Pa Packet Cluster DX Bulletin 03/15/93
OTTO.ZIP Yes 21253 7/7/1993 Otto V1.5. Lets You Automate Communications.
OTTO11.ZIP Yes 16567 2/12/1992 Otto v1.1: automates virtually any task.
OZBII22B.ZIP Yes 50385 12/26/1991 OZBEXT II v2.2B: external protocol module.
OZCONV13.ZIP Yes 11458 8/7/1993 OzConv v1.3: converter for your old OzCis 1.2 Forums.db file to the new 2.0 Forums.db file. also copies several files (eg: .mes, .sec, .cat). 
OZLOG11.ZIP Yes 49761 3/14/1992
OZPR12.ZIP Yes 10017 6/22/1993 Processes Ozcis Catalog Files.
O_T11B.ZIP Yes 45679 3/31/1993 Ozt V11b: Ozcis Message Re-Threader. 
PAGE101.ZIP Yes 41458 8/25/1991 PAGEMATE v1.01 Dial another phone
PAGE30.ZIP Yes 51179 6/13/1992 Pagemate Telecom Util. Pager Msgs Modem.
PAGEIT17.ZIP Yes 14267 7/29/1993 PageIt v1.7; Reader/Beeper/Modem/Message Transmitter. With your PC and Modem, you may send script messages directly to alpha numeric beepers without paying the fee of a local dispatcher. PAGEIT is designed to operate simply and easily and can be learned by anyone within minutes. 
PAKET51.ZIP Yes 539597 4/6/1992 Packet Radio terminal program v5.1.
PANTHER2.ZIP Yes 344911 6/30/1993 * * * * * * FREEWARE! * * * * * * PANTHER COMMUNICATIONS VERSION 2.00! (Formerly COSWORTH) *Full* featured comms software - internal protocols, script language, macros, auto dialler, logs, captures, ANSI/Avatar/VT52, IEMSI, scrollback, you name it, it's got it AND IT'S TOTALLY 100% FREE!
PAVT150.ZIP Yes 106041 4/12/1993 PAvatar 1.50 - Add Avatar, ANSI, & VT-52 emulations to your Turbo/Borland Pascal programs. Now 30-40% faster, fixes bugs, adds ANSI music and AdLib sound support. Registration is only $12!
PBILL20.ZIP Yes 75895 9/26/1993 Phone Bill V2.00 Analyses Logfiles on Phone Costs.
PCAMOD.ZIP Yes 32558 6/15/1993 PC-Anywhere 4.X New Modem Drivers.
PCB145MD.ZIP Yes 47311 7/14/1992 Latest PCBModem
PCBBVGA3.ZIP Yes 98997 2/2/1994 PC Blackboard VGA v3.0; Simple point-to-point interactive comm pgm that allows two PCs to interact over a phone line providing the same flexibility a teacher would have in a classroom, & more. allows users to free hand draw & add text from the keybrd on a blank screen. drawing tools are also available to create geometric shapes and lines for flowcharts, diagrams, etc.. send/receive faxes and more. req VGA, pointing device & 
PCCP019.ZIP Yes 166695 5/9/1992 Communications package. Terminal emulator
PCCP038.ZIP Yes 206292 7/10/1992 Terminal emulator w/script processor, host
PCFASDOC.ZIP Yes 6600 10/24/1991 Fastdoc 2.0 converted for PCPlus 1.1x.
PCFDL105.ZIP Yes 144303 5/25/1992 PCFDial, a 7k TSR, dials numbers displayed on the screen by any program. Handles "vanity" numbers like 800-LANS-NOW, keeps a log of calls, and shows local time for any area code. Pops up regularly so you know how long you've talked (perfect for salesmen who must "close the deal" in a set amount of time). Context help. ASP shareware, v1.05, $19.00.
PCKERM21.ZIP Yes 34041 8/21/1987 External Kermit protocol for COMM programs
PCPABLE.ZIP Yes 20304 4/7/1990 Checks if you are calling a PC Pursuit city
PCPCHEK6.ZIP Yes 81575 7/24/1992 Check number's accessibility via PC-Pursuit.
PCPEXEC5.ZIP Yes 5849 10/9/1993 The Exec-PC "log-on" menu; This set of files will log you on to Exec-Pc from your PCs DOS prompt using Procomm Plus v2.1 Communications 
PCP_DIAL.ZIP Yes 3395 10/9/1993 This set of files will load your Procomm dialing directory from your PC's DOS prompt. 
PCREMOT2.ZIP Yes 87826 1/13/1992 PC Magazine util for remote access to your PC
PCT214A.ZIP Yes 349171 7/26/1993 Realtime satellite tracker with 3D graphics
PD7.ZIP Yes 124560 1/21/1992 Hayes-compatible modem dialer for voice calls
PDIAL013.ZIP Yes 15517 9/9/1993 The Public Dial-up Internet Access List text file, version 13. 
PDL31.ZIP Yes 91672 10/13/1991 Prodigy Download v3.1, Supports delayed d/ls
PDL315.ZIP Yes 95808 7/14/1992 Utility for Prodigy Financial Data Downloads.
PDL316.ZIP Yes 107604 9/19/1992 D/l quotes from Prodigy.
PDL322.ZIP Yes 98450 6/1/1993 Download Stocks From Prodigy.
PDL400.ZIP Yes 344417 6/20/1993 Pro Download 4.0; Allows Prodigy users to download after-market stock and index quotes into a format that can be used to update Metastock and other technical analysis software. This program is a companion to Personal Ticker Tape, which formats the data 
PEAK14K.ZIP Yes 17789 12/29/1989 Set Courier HST modem to optimum NRAM settings
PEAKHST.ZIP Yes 20261 4/20/1991 EXE program to set up/tune HST dual standard
PEMAIL10.ZIP Yes 104109 3/29/1993 [README.1ST] AmerCom,Inc. P.O. Box 19868, Portland, OR 97280-0868 FAX/P-E: 503-452-8190 Voice: 503-452-8196 Copyright (C) 1992, AmerCom, Inc., All rights reserved PERSONAL-E MAILBOX (TM) Software V1.0 Personal-E Mailbox is the FIRST and ONLY background resident (TSR) software program that delivers the PC user automated person-to-person, send and (VS)
PEM_TSR.ZIP Yes 103875 3/29/1993 Personal-E Mailbox TSR Email Program.
PF270.ZIP Yes 36453 3/17/1992 Port Finder v2.70: displays computer type.
PGP22.ZIP Yes 193592 3/6/1993 Latest Pretty Good Privacy executables and
PGP22SRC.ZIP Yes 481644 3/9/1993 Latest Pretty Good Privacy source files fro
PHONEWIZ.ZIP Yes 51027 7/20/1993 PhoneWiz is a DOS based application and will convert your phone number to feasible word-number combination. It has a dictionary of about 10,000 words. It also lets you add more words to the dictionary. 
PHONRING.ZIP Yes 6227 3/16/1991 Monitor modem for ring, beep via computer
PHUNUSR.ZIP Yes 3876 12/25/1989 How to get a good deal on USRobotics modems
PHVN0004.ZIP Yes 23830 7/4/1992 Protocol Heaven for WILDCAT Q-Modem.
PHVN0005.ZIP Yes 24499 12/19/1992 "Protocol Heaven" version 5.0 -- this file contains all the batch files and instructions for implementing external protocols with your WILDCAT! BBS and/or QModem communications application (should also work with QM-PRO)! DSZ is good - but others are better and we have tested them and reported our findings in our ProtoTest file inside. Plus what is MNP and how do 9600 modem work? All explained here...your on-stop external protocol shop- ping place....you will be in Protocol Heaven!
PICKUP14.ZIP Yes 26795 12/10/1993 PICK-UP is a utility program, written completely in SALT, designed to enhance your time spent using Telix. PICK-UP accomplishes this task with a full featured menu which anticipates your needs. The options offered allow you to stay within the Telix environment minimizing the need to shell out to DOS. *Perform commonly used DOS commands *Write, edit and print text/script files *Run and/or Compile SALT/SIMPLE scripts *Set a "timer" to run a script *Upload files and messages *Change to a different Dialing directory *Built in screen saver and file viewer *Easily configured to meet your needs
PICTERM.ZIP Yes 30863 7/14/1993 PicTerm - Successor to GifTerm, a multi format online picture viewer. User section, BBS section in picview.zip. 
PILOTV2.ZIP Yes 300667 8/19/1991 Comprehensive BBS and Terminal Commun Program
PILOTV25.ZIP Yes 288144 4/2/1992 Pilot version 2.5. A very good comm program.
PIP200.ZIP Yes 174555 3/26/1993 Editor & Mail Processor for Pip Message Bas
PIPELN10.ZIP Yes 18098 8/14/1990 TSR connects COM1 and COM2 serial ports
PIT352_A.ZIP Yes 126477 9/22/1992 ANSI terminal program v3.52.
PKX35A35.EXE No 72704 8/12/1991 PKXARC Archive Programs
PMCOM109.ZIP Yes 305218 5/21/1992 PMComm telecommunications for OS/2 1.x & 2.x. Various file transfer protocols including Ymodem/G, Zmodem and Kermit. Script generator. Adjustable font sizes. Drag and drop files to upload. Status line has icons that can be clicked on for common functions such as dialing, turning capture on/off, turning script generator on/off, etc. 
PMOPGUID.ZIP Yes 10017 3/3/1991 Description of modem initialization codes
PNS51A.ZIP Yes 24779 12/25/1991
POINT156.ZIP Yes 144580 3/22/1993 PPoint - Professional Point System.
PORTID.ZIP Yes 18646 5/18/1993 Tells you what port your modem is on.
POSTLINK.ZIP Yes 1994 9/18/1992 Configure Script Files for Combrain Postlink.
POWER.ZIP Yes 2246 10/11/1992 Text file explaining how to be a power user.
POWERI.ZIP Yes 338431 10/19/1991 POWERNODE vI Adds 6-9 protocols to comm pkg
PP144SY2.ZIP Yes 6059 3/15/1993 Practical 14.4k modem Sysop deals Exp. 9/30
PP3SHARE.EXE No 314368 12/25/1992 MicroStar Ltd's NAPLPS terminal program.
PPIII.ZIP Yes 240149 5/25/1992 Microstar NAPLPS terminal comm program
PPLZH25G.ZIP Yes 22995 3/17/1993 (ATARI ST/TT) Huffman Compression Engine v0
PPV17UP.ZIP Yes 1663 3/15/1993 Information on Chipset upgrade for PP14400FXSA
PRIVACC.ZIP Yes 70115 1/6/1990 PC shares phone line with FAX/answer machine
PRM307.ZIP Yes 281506 7/4/1993 Pro-master V3.07. Enhancer for Prodigy Software.
PROCOM21.ZIP Yes 125814 6/22/1993 Procomm 2.01 New Modem.dat, PCinstal.EXE.
PROD21.ZIP Yes 164371 2/19/1992 Spelling Dictionary to use with Prodigy utilities, and software developed by Gateway Software, Inc.: - PROMASTER: What PRODIGY should be! - eVa: GEnie Front End software ASP member 
PROM0406.ZIP Yes 65288 4/7/1990 ProMenu - external protocol shell
PROM302.ZIP Yes 138768 2/28/1992 PRO-MASTER: What PRODIGY should be! This ASP Shareware program is a total online PRODIGY Enhancer with POP-UP Menus for every function (using easy-to-read 80 column text format) as well as user definable and program hotkeys that supply features which add to your enjoyment of the PRODIGY Service. Keyboard Macros - Editor with Spell-checker Color Changer - PCX save - Printer Manager. 
PROM304.ZIP Yes 135233 6/8/1992 PRO-MASTER: What PRODIGY should be! This ASP Shareware program is a total online PRODIGY Enhancer with POP-UP Menus for every function (using easy-to-read 80 column text format) as well as user definable and program hotkeys that supply features which add to your enjoyment of the PRODIGY Service. Keyboard Macros - Editor with Spell-checker Color Changer - PCX save - Printer Manager. 
PROPORT.ZIP Yes 9294 8/5/1989 Run another pgm from modem editor shellout
PROT100.ZIP Yes 44263 8/15/1993 Protocol Enhancer v1.0; Don't put up with the hassle of installing external protocols anymore, just follow the simple instructions and let this program do it all for you! 
PRS202.ZIP Yes 169741 7/4/1993 PROSTOCK v2.02 - Stock Quotes and Company News from Prodigy Services. The easiest way to download Stock quotes and company news from Prodigy Services. Offline stock symbols list editor. Offline quotes and news viewer. Many conversions supported. Shareware from Gateway Software, Inc. $48 
PR_RA20G.ZIP Yes 21582 2/27/1993 Protocol.Ra, external protocol setup for Re
PR_RA2G2.ZIP Yes 22380 3/22/1993 Protocol.Ra, external protocol setup for Re
PS110.ZIP Yes 291962 9/14/1993 PHONE SECRETARY v1.01; fax/modem ans 1 line, call fwd, call screen, and more! With dist. ring from Bell auto answers for fax voice or modem. Auto control of call frwding. Auto weed out unwanted calls. Log date, time, dist ring, for all calls. Get notification by beeper OR PHONE for incoming calls, faxs, etc. User settable daily schedules for all funct'ns Your modem will never be the same - again! Mouse! 
PSMN12.ZIP Yes 99739 1/26/1992 Use images and sculpted 3D screens for PS2.
PTQWK_B2.ZIP Yes 236072 3/18/1993 PTQWK MAIL DOOR VERSION 1.00B2 FOR SUPERBBS The most versatile mail door ever! Includes support for QWK/OMEN/ASCII mail packet downloading/uploading with full options. Completely configurable, very easy to use. A MUST for all SuperBBS sysops!
PVTS109.ZIP Yes 101869 1/27/1993 Private Secretary v1.09-Phone Monitor.
QAT10A.ZIP Yes 2023 11/9/1991 QuickAT v1.0; Quick/Fast/Small Modem Utility
QB1SVW.ZIP Yes 123501 2/2/1992 Genie Adjunct: Allows you to play Genie's QB game in Super Video Windows mode.
QBCOMM33.ZIP Yes 117881 2/3/1991 A great comm program that is Desqview aware
QBSER21.ZIP Yes 25371 2/9/1992 QBserial Version 2.10; Communications library for QuickBASIC 4.x and Basic Compiler 7.x Allows programs to access Comm ports at rates up to 115200 baud. COM1-4 and non-standard addresses supported, on IRQ's 1-7. Interrupt driven, CTS/RTS & XON/XOFF flow control. Full DTR and RTS control, and more. Comes with sample code. Very easy to add to your program
QCOM281.ZIP Yes 89361 2/23/1992 QCom v2.81 compact communications.
QCOM290.ZIP Yes 126835 4/6/1992 New release of QCOM compact terminal program
QCOM292.ZIP Yes 132943 6/4/1992 Latest Version of Qcom Term Program.
QCOM293A.ZIP Yes 145438 7/27/1992 QCom v2.93 compact communications program.
QCOM293B.ZIP Yes 145778 7/27/1992 QCOM v2.93b. A compact communications pgm. Easy to use, features auto-script maker, scroll-back with quoter, host mode, music support, file tagging for batch uploads, and easy modem setup. Supports ANSI and TTY terminal emulations. Needs DSZ or GSZ as primary transfer protocols, and has XModem built in. QMP v0.06 mail reader included. QCOM TELECOMMUNICATIONS Ver 2.93b by RTFM Software; July 1992.
QFE42.ZIP Yes 89836 8/31/1990 Q-Modem "FON" book Editor
QKCON100.ZIP Yes 118022 8/16/1993 This program converts successive .qwk download packets into individual single conference .qwk packets, each spanning many .qwk downloads. 
QKTAG10A.ZIP Yes 56585 4/9/1992 QuickTAG 1.0a is a revolutionary new file- tagging program. Not only will it memorize on-screen filenames, but it will also tell you if you already have them! On-screen calculator included so you can max out your download limits. Try it and you'll never know how you got along without it!
QKTERM2.ZIP Yes 23410 8/18/1991 QKTerm v2.0, Scrabble players term program
QKTERM42.ZIP Yes 32887 12/11/1992 Term pgm for the SCRABBLE DOOR.
QM5KEY.ZIP Yes 1727 1/9/1992 Use cursor keys w/fse in WC! via Qmodem5
QMGATE12.ZIP Yes 84600 7/30/1993 Qmodem Pro Script for Mci and Cis Access.
QMLOG100.ZIP Yes 47994 3/17/1991 Reports QM log file stats to file/msg
QMMD0793.ZIP Yes 8485 7/1/1993 Qmodem MDF Modem Def File 7/93 Update.
QMMDF816.ZIP Yes 7870 7/7/1992 Quick Config Modem Config File.
QMP150.ZIP Yes 980440 6/17/1993 Patch for Qmodempro Ver. 1.X Releases.
QMP15INF.ZIP Yes 3418 6/15/1993 List of Changes Made to Qmodem Pro In V1.5.
QMU320.ZIP Yes 111816 7/4/1993 QMU v3.2; the PRODIGY-QUICKEN Link. If you are a PRODIGY member, and a QUICKEN 5 or 6 user (DOS only), and have setup an investment account for your stocks, bonds and funds: you need to get this program! 
QT541.ZIP Yes 69311 1/11/1991 Easy to use menu-driven comm pgm w/XModem prot
QTALK541.ZIP Yes 72502 5/18/1991 Q-talk v5.41 small communications program
QVT374.ZIP Yes 102464 11/20/1989 VT220 terminal emulator with file xfer
QWKM010B.ZIP Yes 148046 5/1/1991 Qwkmerge allows combination of several .qwk
RACE200.ZIP Yes 271831 2/26/1993 Janke's RemoteAccessCallerEditor - For RA 2
RAPC21.ZIP Yes 49599 3/16/1993 RA2 Personnel Checker V2.1 - Prompts for mi
RATPAK20.ZIP Yes 93854 2/28/1993 A Bundle Of Small Sysop Utilities For Remot
RAXS101.ZIP Yes 9667 3/6/1993 R.emote A.ccess X.itinfo S.plitter for RA 2
RBCOM341.ZIP Yes 117454 1/9/1993 RBcomm is a lean and mean DESQview-aware comm program by Ralf Brown. Freeware. Main features of v3.40: . * runs in as little as 46K . * DESQview-aware to minimize CPU usage; . provides some extra features under DV . * 250-number dialing directory . * ANSI/VT102, VT52, AVATAR/0 emulations . * seamless file transfers using DSZ, etc.
RCMD20.ZIP Yes 11692 1/6/1991 RemoteCommand:Doorway for remote drops to DOS
RECORD12.ZIP Yes 8644 3/9/1993 RECORD 1.2 record Telix SALT scripts live Registration $ 10.00 SDN_COMM MAR93 RECORD TELIX SCRIPT FILES: record12.sdn Author: Mark P. Harrison Would you like to have logon scripts for all your favorite BBS's but can't seem to get the hang of all that SALT stuff? Now, you can have all those scripts without knowing the first thing about SALT or
RECORD20.ZIP Yes 12722 9/6/1993 Record v2.0 Auto record SALT scripts for Telix.
REMCTL58.ZIP Yes 41819 3/24/1991 TSR, remote control computer's answer mode
REMFAX.ZIP Yes 90526 5/31/1993 MVRFAX 1.00 FREE UTILITY FOR ZyXEL MODEMS Control your ZyXEL fax modem from remote! Ideal for those who must leave the office unattended: Use either your laptop or a simple phone to collect your faxes while on the road. 
REPLY.ZIP Yes 28570 2/2/1992 Point-n-shoot enhancer for ol mail readers.
RFAX13.ZIP Yes 436477 4/24/1993 RainbowFAX LTD: Color fax without a fax card
RIPTM154.ZIP Yes 589948 7/22/1993 Ripterm V1.54. Terminal Program for Viewing Rip Graphics.
RM506BSP.ZIP Yes 121552 6/3/1993 Zyxel S+ Rom Upgrades (Beta Version) S+ Model Only.
ROBO40_A.ZIP Yes 252545 2/11/1992 R�O�B�O�C�O�M�M Version 4.0 (File 1 of 2) The *ultimate* tool for unattended BBS communications! Works with PCBoard AND Wildcat BBS Systems. Includes a full script language for others. Build comprehensive databases of available files. Upload and download files and mail automatically!
ROBO40_B.ZIP Yes 277747 2/11/1992 R�O�B�O�C�O�M�M Version 4.0 (File 2 of 2) Supports all popular mail doors. Zmodem, Ymodem-G, PC Pursuit dialer all included. Enhanced ANSI terminal with Doorway mode. Full mouse support. This program will revolutionize the way you use BBS systems. Join the next generation of BBS callers!
ROBOCLAS.ZIP Yes 13472 7/25/1991 Text file of the class on RoboCom
ROBOTERM.ZIP Yes 94456 11/9/1992 Roboterm v3.0 ANSI/ASCII terminal program.
ROBO_HSL.ZIP Yes 1406 12/18/1991 Batch files for simultaneous REP/QWK transfer
ROBQUO02.ZIP Yes 9022 2/19/1992 Rob's Quoter v0.2 Small/Fast quoter; any BBS
RS204.ZIP Yes 15557 10/1/1991 Displays RS-232 serial port status
RS232OF2.ZIP Yes 1839 2/10/1989 Fix port conflicts, turns off all 4 COM ports
RSHLLGEO.ZIP Yes 2157 8/11/1991 For Geoworks ensemble's Geocomm
RSTQS101.ZIP Yes 37689 6/4/1993 ReseTQS v1.01; Utility designed to lessen the frustration of OzCis users who make use of external programs for viewing and tagging OzCis' QuickScan files. 
RT153_54.ZIP Yes 119980 7/19/1993 Patch File to Update Ripterm Upgrade V1.53 to V1.54.
RUE_200.ZIP Yes 103095 8/14/1992 (v2.00) Remote User Editor for SuperBBS
RUS_COMM.ZIP Yes 1239567 6/19/1993 Cyrillic editor with modem communication
RVS110.ZIP Yes 47873 3/9/1993 RView Shell v1.10 - Shell for RView