SUB v4.0 Short Text File Written by Michael MacDonald 02/13/93 SUB is a compiled Clipper PRG program. It is 'freeware'. No fee is expected or will be accepted. It's purpose is to go through RoboComm's NEW40.DBF (the database that keeps track of new files on the BBS's you call). It allows you to change the file extension of the files in the Available Files list. It's syntax is simple, but VERY important. It does not contain protection against errors like typing NO parameters on the command line. The correct syntax is SUB As an example, If you wanted to change all filenames with ARJ extensions to filenames with ZIP extensions, the command would be: SUB arj zip The syntax is not case sensitive and no '/' are required. A word of caution. If you were to run the program leaving out the replacement extension like so: SUB arj all the files with ARJ extensions would end up with exactly what you told the program to do, leave them with no extension at all. I realize that with more effort I could have put in some error checking to prevent this. But, hey, they're free and I didn't fell like making a project out of it. Not to worry, however. For instance, if you ran SUB with no parameters, it would turn all your filenames into FILE. with NO extension. The same thing would happen if you ran SUB with one parameter, the one to look for, but not the one to change it to. All the filenames that had the extension you listed would have there extension removed. BUT, simply run SUB again like this: SUB "" ZIP and all the filenames with NO extension would end up with a ZIP extension. So if you accidentally run SUB on your filelist and put in no extension, or only one, just run it again like above and it will interpret the "" as meaning no extension and turn it into one with a ZIP extension. SUB can reside anywhere, but you must be in the directory where you keep your RoboComm files when you invoke it. The source code has been included for any Clipper users that wish to play with it. Michael MacDonald 4273 148th Ave NE E-104 Bellevue, WA 98007