Feb 2/93 SupraFAXModem V.32(bis) HINTS & TIPS by Paul Elson updated Feb 15/93 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DISCLAIMER * You may distribute this freely, without charge, so long as no portion of this document is modified. While nothing I describe or suggest in this document should be harmful to any part of your computer system or modem, I will NOT be responsible for ANY kind of damage, loss of income, your sanity or whatever it maybe! I am NOT an employee of SUPRA CORP.; nor have I received any money for this document. I am the average computer user just like you. If you wish to add something to this document, please fell free to do so at the END of it, and send me a copy. (see end of file where i can be reached). Please also include the date on which you do so. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a lot of messing around with my SUPRAFAXMODEM V.32bis, I finally came up with the best configuration that allowed me to connect just about everywhere at 14400bps. First off you should use the &F2 defaults, and change your profile from there. I've called as much as 3000 miles away and still able to connect at 14400! Here is my NRAM setting that I use everyday... ACTIVE PROFILE: B1 E1 L2 M0 N1 Q0 T V1 W2 X4 Y0 %C1 %E0 %G0 \N3 &C1 &D2 &K3 &Q9 &R0 &S0 &X0 &Y0 S00:000 S01:000 S02:043 S03:013 S04:010 S05:008 S06:002 S07:050 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:050 S12:050 S18:000 S23:061 S25:005 S26:001 S36:007 S37:000 S38:020 S40:087 S46:138 S48:007 S95:000 S109:062 S110:002 Change W0 to W2, when you connect, you will get the MODEM speed connect XXXXX not the serial port rate. ***NOTE*** Make sure your serial ports is locked at 19200 (or higher), that HARDWARE FLOW IS ON (RTS/CTS),and that your terminals AUTO BAUD is OFF!! --------- UPSHIFING --------- S register 109 is a BIT MAP REGISTER. The default for S109 is 62, which is all rates combined (connect at 4800 and upshift through 14400). How do you get 62?? Add'em 4800-14400(see chart below). So if you want to connect at say 9600 and go to 12000 set s109=24 (9600=8, 12000=16, so 8+16=24). If you want to go from 9600 to 14400 set 109=40 (9600=8,14400=32, so 8+32=40). ***NOTE*** With that last example the modem will jump from 9600 to 14400 if the line is good enough, IT WILL NOT GO TO 12000 FIRST!!! IT WILL JUMP STRAIGHT TO 14400!! I don't recommend doing this unless you know that your line is ok! Instead set s109=56 (8+16+32), this time the modem will go from 9600 to 12000 and then to 14400 is the lines are ok. ***NOTE*** To enable upshifting set S110=3 and %G1. After you do this the modem will only connect at the slowest speed set in S109.(above examples 9600) S109 value rate ----- ---- 1 reserved 2 4800 4 7200 8 9600 16 12000 32 14400 64 reserved 128 reserved ------------------ Some Little Extras ------------------ If you find that you are getting a lot of "RETRAINS" try changing the %G1 to %G0, this turns off the "rate renegotiation." I have found that this helps on long dist. calls. ***NOTE*** If you have the new "H or J" roms %G1 must be set in order for the modem to UPSHIFT!!! I've heard of people having some problems connecting with old USR DUAL STANDARDS. By setting S9=3, it seems to fix the problem. I HAVE NEVER HAD TO DO THIS, SO I CAN'T CONFIRM IT. Tried to run the modem tests but they didn't work??? Try this...Set serial port to 9600 or 2400. Then issue this command AT&F, now you should be able to use the test modes. If you have a tone line, Try changing S11 to about 55 (any # between 50 and 60 should be ok). This will turn "speed dialling" on. Some info on S95. If S95= Modem Connect Code Example -------- ------------------ ------- 2 Connect DTE/ARQ Connect 19200/ARQ 3 Connect DCE/ARQ Connect 14400/ARQ 32 Proto:Compr:Connect DTE Protocol: (ie.LAP-M) Compression: (ie.V.42bis) Connect 19200 33 Proto:Compr:Connect DCE Protocol: (ie.ALT) Compression:(ie.Class 5) Connect 14400 34 Same as 32 except /ARQ added to connect code 35 Same as 33 except /ARQ added to connect code 45 Carrier:proto: Carrier 14400 Compr:Connect DCE Protocol: Compression: Connect 14400 46 Same as 45 except /ARQ added to connect code 48 Compression:Connect DCE Compression: Connect 14400 50 same as 48 except /ARQ added to connect code ----------------------- Some info on line noise ----------------------- Have you ever noticed your modem connected and you DON'T get a CONNECT XXXX on your screen?? (YES THIS IS CAUSED BY LINE NOISE!!!) Or You connect and screen fills up with baud barf?? Or you connect and suddenly the modem drops carrier?? And last you try to connect, but modem just keeps sending the connect tones over and over but never connects?? Well if you have, then you are more than likely getting some kind of line noise. I'm not going to go into a big speech about this because there are lots of files on this subject. But what i can tell you is, first try a slower baud rate by LOCKING the modems rate (using the N command and S register 37) and see if that helps. Next try a noise filter, I know several people that had some of the problems I mentioned above and it cleared most of it up. Something else, if you think you have line noise call your phone company and have them check your lines. If you still can't connect to a selected few modems (mostly on the same # exchange), its probably, a switching station that your lines go through. I have a problem connecting to a friend, who lives no more then 40 miles from me. We can only connect at 4800 10% of the time. We both had our lines checked, and they were OK. So i did a some checking around and found that a switching station between our homes was the problem. My line is on a semi-old analog switch and my friends is on an OLD analog switch, but the lines between the switches are NEW LINES installed 2 years ago....heres a small diagram... My house Friends house /\ /\ |__| |__| | --- NEW LINES --- | |---------| |----------------| |-----------| --- --- <--this one is OLD ^ ^ | switching stations | He has no problems connecting to anybody and either do I. Weird 'eh!?!? The phone company has been replacing some of the analog switches with NEW digital switches. Hopefully when they replace the old one my friends on, we'll be able to connect at a higher speed. FEB 15/93 - Today I found out that our phone company is replace all the old switches in the PROVINCE to new digital ones by the end of '93! Well guess thats about it, if I come up with any more it will be put in here...Hope this helps! If you have any info for me or you add to this file please NETMAIL me at 1:255/9@FIDONET or 40:940/1@AMIGANET