This program is not entirely bug free, but functions and is a good item for study of simple terminal program. FEATURES: 1. Will autoswitch to XMODEM or XMODEM-CRC. 2. 3.02 fixed the help menu a bit. 3. 3.03 fixed exit clearscreen. 4. 3.03 allowed receive full IBM ASCII. 5. 3.03 optimized processcom routine for faster screen writes. 6. 3.04 converted to TP 5.0/5.5. 7. 3.05 Fixed the ALT-P routine. 8. 3.06 Corrected the buffer interupt routine. 9. 3.07 Verified operation with StonyBrook PASCAL+. Added CTS support. Added modem init string(internal). 8. 3.08 Corrected 9600 bps interface, improved StatusLine, and General cleanup. 9. 3.09 Several fixes and improvements. See readme.309. This file was uploaded to PYSMATIC BBS on 15 Mar 1992 with itself. L.B. Neal SYSOP PYSMATIC BBS (415)-969-4159 Sunnyvale, CA