Here are a couple of SALT files written by Paul Robb the author of SLRN_100 and TFE the Telix Phone editor. Two scripts named PUMAUP.SLT and PUMADN.SLT are included. Both scripts need to be compiled with CS.EXE which is included in Telix. You must download the external protocol called PUMA for these scripts to work. They should be available on most BBS's. The first script PUMAUP.SLT is for uploading files to a board. The second script PUMADN.SLT is for downloading files from a board. To install put PUMA in your Telix directory. The start Telix and hit Control-O to configure your options. The highlight the Protocols Options bar and press return. Add the entries as follows: _______________________________________________________________________ External Key Protocol Upload Download BAT or DL Protocols Name Filename Filename Script Name _______________________________________________________________________ A.................. P Puma Pumaup Pumadn Script N That's it. Have Fun.