September 25, 1992. (Toronto, Ontario) - Exis Inc., developers of the popular shareware modem communications software Telix, today announced the sale and transfer of rights to the program source code, trademark name, and future sales of the program to former Exis Technical Support Manager, Jeff Woods, for undisclosed terms. No reason was given for the sale, but Woods stated that both parties were in agreement that this was the best course of action to ensure the long-term growth and prosperity of the product. The chief programmer of Telix releases to-date, Colin Sampaleanu, will remain with Exis, working on other, unrelated projects. Woods said Telix will be available from the new company, deltaComm Development, located in Cary, North Carolina, and support and upgrade pricing will continue to be offered to previous registered users. A new minor upgrade to Telix will also be released before year's end, containing some of the more popular feature requests. Some of these features, according to the new owner, are script 'learning' capability, easier learning curve for the powerful SALT scripting language, and the 'so-called' ANSI music capability. "Other ideas for this interim release are being discussed as well," said Woods. "Further development," he added, "will proceed very rapidly toward early release of anticipated major revisions. The minor release is mainly to adjust the public to the new company behind the product, and to offer some of the features of the major revision a bit early." While declining to offer firm dates, Woods indicated that the current development plan calls for two new major versions of Telix to be released in early 1993, including "versions for more than one platform." He said that many of the most common requests, such as mouse support, would appear in these versions. It was reported that deltaComm will also offer enhanced customer service features, including toll free lines for ordering Telix from North America, extended support hours to help those on the west coast or who work late, and easier, faster shipping via UPS from the United States. Woods stated more details will be released as they become available. Woods noted that deltaComm is expected to be in full operation as of October 5th in North Carolina and that Exis Inc. will not be taking calls or orders in the week's interim. The new contact information for deltaComm at press time was as follows, though the phone numbers are subject to change prior to installation by Southern Bell: deltaComm Development (919) 460-4556 voice support / inquiries Post Office Box 1154 (919) 460-4531 dedicated fax Cary, NC 27512-1154 (919) 481-9399 BBS (6 lines v.32bis/HST) USA (800) ???-???? orders only, TBA