19 files found in Library "Files for the DSZ protocol"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
ADD_TM_D.ZIP Yes 26652 12/7/1991 Add time date stamping to your DSZ log
ATZ300.ZIP Yes 48524 10/11/1991 ATZ3.0 Front end for registered DSZ users
DSZ0618X.ZIP Yes 38607 6/18/1993 Latest .Exe Version of Dsz Comm Program.
DSZ1109N.ZIP Yes 2581 11/8/1992 Update notes for DSZ releases.
DSZ1109X.ZIP Yes 38473 11/8/1992 Cross-compiled EXE version of DSZ 11/9/92.
DSZBG.ZIP Yes 36850 9/3/1991 Addendum to the DSZ documentation.
DSZBG531.ZIP Yes 35549 5/30/1991 SZ BackGround doc for DSZ Zmodem.
DSZE0503.ZIP Yes 40372 5/3/1992 The DSZ.EXE version of the 5-3-1992 release.
DSZN0503.ZIP Yes 2536 5/3/1992 LATEST CHANGES TO DSZ (5-3-92).
FIXDSZ10.ZIP Yes 7664 12/12/1992 FixDSZLG v1.1 witten by Jack Lee. Fixes the DSZ log file problem for Telegard BBS 2.7. *FREEWARE*
GMNU101.ZIP Yes 22565 8/12/1992 Gmnu V1.01, Gsz/DSZ Shell Files: 10.
GSZ1109.ZIP Yes 105921 11/8/1992 Graphics ver of DSZ, the X/Y/ZModem driver.
MOBYOP02.ZIP Yes 77514 2/11/1991 Enables DSZ's MobyTurbo file transfers
OPDSZ10.ZIP Yes 10035 1/14/1992 Opus 1.7x Gsz/DSZ Graphical Interface.
OPDSZ11.ZIP Yes 17886 1/23/1992 Opus 1.7x DSZ/GSZ protocol setup.
QCOM284.ZIP Yes 93787 3/4/1992 QCom 2.84 Small com program. Needs DSZ or GSZ
YMOD610.ZIP Yes 33809 7/15/1991 Ymodem v6.10, DSZ Ymodem-Batch/Ymodem-G
ZBOOT20.ZIP Yes 26002 5/25/1992 Simple DSZ/Comm Program Interface.
ZMOD1310.ZIP Yes 42712 5/12/1992 Dsz Zmodem Compatible Ext Protocol.