Subj: ZMODEM for GeoComm Date: 91-07-21 22:54:32 EDT From: GWRepDave File: GCZMODEM.ZIP DL time (2400 baud): < 2 minutes Download count: 25 AUTHOR: GWRepDave and friends EQUIPMENT: GeoWorks Ensemble's GeoComm NEEDS: DSZ0613(or later) "File transfer engine" ZMODEM is finally available, as an "external protocol" for GeoComm, with the use of the files included in this archive. You'll be able to use ZMODEM for uploads and downloads, including crash recovery for failed downloads. You must be *SURE* to read the included instructions, because successful operation includes modification of your AUTOEXEC.BAT and GEOS.INI files. (Not hard to do, just need precision) Be sure to also download the DSZ0613.ZIP file. Hope you like it--and happy ZMODEMing!