!!! IMPORTANT !!! If you are upgrading from v1.0 you must follow these directions for Awards Trivia to operate correctly. UnZIP the file "SCREENS.ZIP" into your "\AWARD\SCREENS" subdirectory. Be sure to overwrite the files that are in there. when you finish, there should only be six (6) files in that sub-dir. The game screen is now external to the EXE file and is required for the door to operate. The new AWARD.EXE v1.1 must also be copied over the old EXE file. the file "AWARD.DAT" remains the same so there is no need to overwrite it. You will also need to edit the CFG file(s) for this program. Line 10 has changed in that the program will now create PCBoard color code specific bulletins. Place "WC" on Line 10 for WC!3.x bulletins and "PCB" for PCBoard bulletins. Anything else on this line or blank will enable ANSI & ASCii bulletins. You will need to add an eleventh (11) line to each CFG file. On this line specify the number of times each user is allowed to enter the door each day. If you want the users to play the door once each day, place a one (1) on line 11 of the CFG file. THE DOOR WILL NOT OPERATE CORRECTLY WITHOUT THESE CHANGES BEING IMPLEMENTED. 1.0/1.1 to 2.0 A complete reinstallation is required. 2.2 to 2.3 Add a 12th line to the CFG file. Read the DOCs for details. Any version to v2.0 I recommend doing a new installation. You may keep your CFG files if they are from v2.3 or greater and have 12 lines in them. Copy all the files in the SCREENS.ZIP to your "\SCREENS" directory. Make sure you also copy over the new ".DAT" file as the name may have changed. You should also delete all the files in the "\USERS" directory. This door will automatically reset itself at the beginning of each month.