Ž HELP * To use the help feature in Elynthia, you must follow the command HELP with a valid [TOPIC]. There are numerous topics in this manual. For a list of all topics, type "HELP TOPICS". Each individual COMMAND in the game also has a help file, to access these type HELP [COMMAND NAME]. For a list of commands type "HELP COMMANDS". Ž TOPICS * The following topics are especially useful when learning how to play this game, and getting the feel of it: MOVING : How to move SYMBOLS : What the map symbols mean FIGHTING : Nuances of fighting COMMANDS : List of commands Ž MOVING * Moving in the world of Elynthia is accomplished by entering in Map directions. North, South, East, West As well as Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, and Southeast. You can abbreviate map directions as well by entering in N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SW, SE. If you are using a terminal program, that supports a DOORWAY mode. (Qmodem, Telix) You can use your ARROW-KEYS to move around (Make sure Num-Lock is OFF). Make sure the DOORWAY mode is on however. You can move up to 3 squares per round. Make sure to Separate each movement direction by a space. You can only move 1 square per turn in water however. And if you run into a wall, you stun yourself for the rest of the round, thus eliminating any further movement. You can also only move 1 square per turn if your stamina reaches 0. You are too exhausted to run when stamina reaches this stage. Ž FIGHTING * Fighting in this game is very simple. Whenever a Monster or NPC is in the same square as yourself, just type ATTACK "Monster name". There are several modifiers for this command. For instance, you can say "Attack 2 Wolf" in order to attack the Second wolf who is in the same square as you. But be warned, if you mess up and try to attack something that isn't there, you lose your move that round, and become fair game for the monsters. Whatever weapon is in your RIGHT hand when you say "attack" is used for offense. Whatever is in your left hand, is used for blocking. If a monster is in the same square as you, his Identifying character becomes a "*". You can also attack by THROWING your weapon at a monster. This is especially useful if a monster is running away from you. For information on how to use the "THROW" command, get help on "THROW". Missile weapons (BOWS/CROSSBOWS/ETC) are useful for those long-distance foes! Get help on "SHOOT" for more information. Ž COMMANDS * The following commands are available in the game of Elynthia, Detailed help is available on all of them. Attack Stat Put Throw Chat Belt Take Help Redraw Chant Shoot Drop Look Rest Cast Draw Ž SYMBOLS * The Map in the central/left side of the screen allows you to see 4 squares around your character in all directions. The following is an explanation of the charaters used in the display: Note: Some symbols are different for ASCII/NON-ASCII displays. They are not BOTH used at the same time, but depending on your terminal. }{ = Tree χχ or ~~ = water /\ = mountain up or dn = staircase ΝΝ or == = counter o = oubliette | or -- = doorway ΫΫ or [] = wall $ = item(s) A .. Z = monster/npc ϊ or . = open ground Ž ATTACK FIGHT * Command Syntax : ATTACK [#] [MONSTERNAME] This command attempts to attack any monster currently in your square (Represented by a "*" next to the display box). The two parameters are optional. The [#] Means which monster (in order of how they appear in the display box) you wish to attack, that matches the [MONSTERNAME] parameter. For instance, if there were two FOXES in your current location, and you wished to attack the second one, you would type ATTACK 2 FOX. If you wished to attack the first fox, you COULD type ATTACK 1 FOX, but the 1 is optional. If you do not supply a [MONSTERNAME] parameter, the program will attack the first monster listed in your square. Be careful, if you misspell the [MONSTERNAME] or if you enter a [#] that is not valid, you will lose your move, and possibly be devoured. Ž TAKE * Command Syntax : TAKE [#] [OBJECT] from [LOCATION] TAKE attempts to move an object from some place to your first available hand (It tries RIGHT then LEFT). If your hands are full, you can't take anything. The [LOCATION]'s that are valid are SACK, GROUND, BELT, COUNTER. The default location is GROUND. The [#] is optional, and defaults to 1. It is used to tell the game WHICH item you wish, if there are two of the same type. Example, "Take 2 longsword from sack" takes the second longsword it finds in your sack and puts it in your hand. Ž DROP * Command Syntax : DROP [RIGHT/LEFT HAND] DROP drops whatever item is in the hand you specify (Right or Left). The item will then appear on the ground as a "$". However, if you are standing over a oubliette (trashcan) the item will fall into and dissapear forever. Ž STAT * Command Syntax : STAT STAT shows your complete character statistics, skills, items, quests, and all other useful information Ž LOOK * Command Syntax : LOOK [LOCATION] LOOK does several things, dependant upon the location you chose. Here is a list of locations, and what the command will respond with. GROUND : list of items currently in your square, on the ground. SACK : list of items in your sack. BELT : list of items on your belt. PURSE : tells how many coins are in your purse. RIGHT/LEFT : detailed description of item in your RIGHT/LEFT hand. Ž PUT * Command Syntax : PUT [RIGHT/LEFT] PUT attempts to place the item in whichever hand you specify, in it's proper location. Weapons go on your belt; treasure and other items are shoved into your sack, and money goes into your purse. Ž REDRAW * Command Syntax : REDRAW Redraws the entire screen. Use this in case of line-noise if the screen and boxes on your side are corrupted. Ž REST * Command Syntax : REST Rests your character for one complete round, healing hitpoints, magicpoints, and stamina. If your character is COMPLETELY healed, and you have the experience required, your character will advance a level while resting. Ž THROW * Command Syntax : THROW [OBJECT] at [MONSTERNAME] Throw attempts to throw whichever item you specify at a monster. This command is especially useful when the monsters begin to run away from you. The parameter [OBJECT] is which item you wish to throw. The game will check first your right, then your left hand for the item. And will always throw the first one it comes to. Be selective! some items have better chances of hitting if you throw them, spears, daggers, and axes have definite plusses! One word of caution! Be careful that the monster you are aiming at is not standing on an oubliette. As your item will fall into it and be lost forever! Ž CAST CHANT * Command Syntax : CAST CHANT CHANT is not a fully active function. However, here's how it works. you type CHANT to activate a spell. Once the spell is activated, you type CAST to cast it. If you are hit by a monster between the time you chanted the spell, and when you attempt to cast it, the spell will not function. Also, once a spell is cast, you must re-chant it in order to re-activate the spell. The spells currently active in this game are: CURE (chant: IPZA URGA YE NEGA) MAGIC MISSILE (chant: DIZZPIN NIZPI CHI LIZI) Ž CHAT * Chat activates the "shop" functions of the NPCs in the game. If a store keeper is pestering you to buy things, type "CHAT" to purchase things from him/her. Ž SHOOT * Command Syntax : Shoot [ITEM] at [MONSTER] Shoot attempts to fire a missile weapon at a monster. The monster must be on the map, and visible, in order for you to hit him. Note, ARROWS are unlimited in this game. The [MONSTER] parameter accepts modifying numbers similar to all other attack functions. Ž DRAW * Command Syntax : Draw [ITEM] Draw attempts to take an item from your belt, and place it in your hand. it works the same as the "TAKE" command, but only checks your belt. This is useful, as you do not have to type "TAKE [ITEM] from belt" like you would if you only used the TAKE command. Ž BELT Command Syntax : BELT [ITEM]:[RIGHT/LEFT] Belt works in much the same way as the "PUT" command. It attempts to put an item away, but only on your belt. You may specify either an item name, or your (R)ight/(L)eft hand. Ž