INSTRUCTIONS PLAY..............(1.01) SCORING...........(1.02) MESSAGES..........(2.01) OPPONENTS.........(3.01) REGISTRATION......(4.01) PLAY (1.01) Control of grid cursor is by the keypad. You must have NUMLOCK on, and use UP: 8 ŚÄÄÄĀÄÄÄĀÄÄÄæ DN: 2 ³ 7 ³ 8 ³ 9 ³ LF: 4 ĆÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÅÄÄÄ´ RT: 6 ³ 4 ³ 5 ³ 6 ³ UR: 9 ĆÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÅÄÄÄ´ DR: 3 ³ 1 ³ 2 ³ 3 ³ DL: 1 ĄÄÄÄĮÄÄÄĮÄÄÄŁ UL: 7 to control the cursor. "5", or "enter" places your piece on the board. Like chess, Othello is a simple game to learn, but very difficult to master. The board consists of an 8x8 grid, and the game begins with each player having 2 pieces, arranged diagonally from one another. Each player takes turn placing his/her piece according to the following conditions: ž There must be no other piece in that square ž At least one of the eight adjacent squares must have a piece belonging to your opponent ž There must be a piece of your color on the same row/column/diagonal leading from the square you are moving to, and filled with pieces belonging to your opponent For instance, if "P1" is player one, and "P2" is player two: ÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅ ÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ --> ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅ ÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅ ³ P1 ³ P2 ³ P2 ³ ³Äæ P1 would move ³ P1 ³ P1 ³ P1 ³ P1 ³ ÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅ ĄÄ here ÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅ ÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅ Player one then inherits all pieces between his pieces. The winner is the player who captures the most pieces. SCORING (1.02) Scoring is done by counting the number of squares belonging to a player. If the player has 9 squares, their score is 9x10=90. Twenty high scores are remembered. The sysop can decide if the computer is able to get high scores or not. MESSAGES (2.01) You can send messages to your opponent during play. To do this, simply press "M" and type your message followed by a carraige return. Your message will remain until your opponent replies, or the end of the game is reached. The message must be 80 characters or less. OPPONENTS (3.01) You may play against the sysop of the bbs you are calling, somone with you, or against the computer. The computer has three levels of play in the registered version, and one level in the unregistered version. REGISTRATION (4.01) Registration disables the annoying messages, and allows you to play against all three computer opponents. Registration is only $5, so send it in and it will be processed the same day. Send a check payable to Aaron Smith to: NW 80 Thomas St. #6 Pullman, WA 99164-4430 If you have an internet address, I will send you your registration code through email. Many sysops find this the fastest method of registration. Otherwise, I can call your bbs, or mail it via snailmail. Just set up an account for me to log in and send you email, or give your address with/on your check so I can reply. Be sure to send me your email address with your check. You can mail me on internet at: THE END