`r`% YOUR QUEST CONTINUES `c `9You look at the small child in awe. `0"You are The DreamWeaver?!!?" `9You studder. `!"Yes. I have the gift of knowledge...And she pays little heed to age!"`9 The childs laughs. His face turns serious. `!"I know why you have come... And I know that you have bested Carnage. The people will listen to you. You WILL unite them at the Peace Dome." `0 "I've heard of that.. But how on earth will I get all the World Emporers to attend!?!" `9You demand. The Child looks up. `!"I have the DreamWeaver Gift. No distance can stop me from sending Dreams. Go to the Nirvana Peace Dome. They will come." `9You nod your head in agreement. `0"Thank you. Goodbye Child." `9As you are leaving the room, the child again whispers `!"They will come"`9.