`r`% YOUR QUEST CONTINUES `c `2You explain your situation to Rivoria, to your great suprise, she seems to understand perfectly. `0"Well.."`2, she looks at you calmly, `0"Because you have defeated Carnage...The people MIGHT listen to you.. You MIGHT be able to bring them together... But... There isn't time for you to visit each planet..." `!"Even if I could... They would never listen to me."`2, You deliberate. `0"Thats correct...No offense, but thats true...They need to want to come.. Wait!"`2, Her face lights up, `0"I have it! Go to Dreamor...If anyone can help you...It would be the DreamWeaver.. SEE HIM! YOU MUST SEE HIM!" `!"Alright already... Thank you much, Rivoria. Goodbye for now."