-=-=-=-=-=-= SUB ATTACK! =-=-=-=-=- Object : You will be given a mission which you must complete before your time runs out and avoid being sunk by the Soviet Ships or other players of the game. When you first logon to the game you will need to read your orders by pressing the letter O on your keyboard. A message will appear and display your mission for this game. Read your mission very carefully and then seek your targets. HINTS: If you are a WAR MONGER you will probably not do so well as a submarine commander. While the temptation is great to destroy all you survey, it is a good idea to show restraint. Use your sonar to determine if your target is friendly. If your not being attacked it may be wise to move about quietly unless ofcourse you are a WAR MONGER in which case you might aswell stop reading HINTS and do as you please. Remember SUB ATTACK is a hunt, find and destroy type game. Sometimes your mission may be fast and simple while others may be long and difficult. Practice and polish your skills. After you complete a certain amount of missions you may be assigned a new and better sub. These new vessels may make the impossible possible! Good Luck and Good Hunting! General Rules of The Maps : At different points located throughout the world you will see a red italic lower cased letter F. This indicates a fuel depot and you will be able to refuel your ship by bumping your ship into this letter. Your fuel supply will be replenished each time you hit it until you stop hitting it or your tank is full. Anytime you run into a continent or another ship you damage your ship. Each time you go onto a new map the screen will be redrawn for you. Ship Identification : All lowercase letters from a-z are either surface ships or land forces. These targets will vary from Merchant Ships to Nuke Bases. All UPPERCASE letters from A-Z will signify other users who are playing the game. These ships may be attacked if you wish but your primary concern should be accomplishing your mission. The ships that look like an Omega sign or a horseshoe are Submarines. These Subs come in three different colors. The yellow sub will never fire at you. The green Sub will only fire at you if you fire upon it first. The red sub is the aggressor, it will attack you first more than likely and it will continue in attacking until you leave or destroy it. You do receive points for hitting the subs and destroying them. Ranks and Scoring Points : You receive your rank by accomplishing your mission. Every time you complete your mission you move up in a rank. If your ship is sunk during your play you may be demoted a rank. You receive points by hitting the Submarines, ENEMY targets and completing your mission. You will lose points by sinking the wrong ships or by firing upon allied forces. You will also receive a bonus of 1000 points times your mission number. For example if you choose mission number 3 and complete it you would receive 3000 points. Command Line : Your command line is located at the bottom of the map. These are all the commands available for you during your mission. [F] Fire Weapon This is the command you will use to engage an attack on a vessel. You have a Firing Computer on your ship that will ask you which target to lock onto. At this point once you have selected one the coordinates of that vessel will be pre-locked and ready for you to fire. Now if your computer is damaged during a attack it will be repaired but it may take some time, at this point you will have to enter your own firing coordinates. A message will display above the command line letting you know if you hit the vessel or missed. [S] Sonar The sonar command will give you the description of any vessel that you specify as long as it is within your sonar range. It will tell you what flag the vessel is flying under, the size and the fire power of the vessel. [U] Update Status This command will update your status for you anytime you hit it. If you are in a particular map for a while you should update your status periodically, especially if you are engaged in a attack. [O] Orders This will tell you what your mission is for this logon. [K] Kill Report This will show you all the different ships and the number of times you have destroyed them. [R] Redraw Screen This will redraw the current screen for you incase you have some bad line noise that came through or you just feel like redrawing the screen. [C] Change Rule of Engagement This command will state what fighting mode your ship will be in AFTER you logoff the game. [1] This option will have your ship in full attack mode. This means any player who comes within range of your ship, your ship will immediately engage combat with the other player. [2] This option will put you in a non attack mode. You will not fire at any ships. [3] This option will put you in a non attack mode also unless you are attacked upon first. Which your ship will then engage in combat once fired upon. [<,>] These keys will either slow down or speed up game play Your current setting is shown on the top right of your display. Example S#: 0 where 0 is the fastest speed. [P] Page the sysop. If your sysop has this feature enabled, you may stop the game and have a friendly chat about what the heck is going on and whats for dinner. After using up valuable playing time you may resume SUB ATTACK by hitting the ESC key. [M]usic ON/OFF New to version 3.0 and later Sub Attack is capable of playing music providing your terminal can support ANSI MUSIC. A fine communications package called QMODEM (a shareware package from FORBIN Project) does an excellent job. When the screen say "M)usic ON" then ansi music is enabled. YOU MUST BE ABLE TO PLAY ANSI MUSIC else nothing but junk will appear on your screen creating errors. IF you are not sure of your compatibility toggle this option to OFF by pressing "M". [Q] Quit Game This will return you to the BBS and end your session for this game. Status Screen : This is located at the right of your screen and displays the status of the following things : Score < You want this to be a big + number! Level < This is your RANK 1=low 10=high Fuel < You use 1 unit every move! Ship < This is your SUB CLASS 1=small sub 10+= SUPER SUBS R.O.E. < Rules of Engagement Damage < If this is 0 you are DEAD! Sonar < Status of your Sonar CPU < Status of your automatic FIRING COMPUTER Satcom < Status of your spy satellite communications This status screen is updated by the following things : When you hit a ship When you hit a continent When you are hit by enemy fire When you refuel your ship When you enter a new map When you receive damage to your sonar, CPU or Satcom When you request a status update