WHEEL OF FORTUNE Created By Michael Goetz Copyright (c) 1991 All Rights Reserved 01/01/92 v2.2 ---------------- - Increased the maximum field length allowed for the system file path and name from 24 to 29 (entered via WOFSETUP.EXE, line 1). 11/28/91 V2.1 ---------------- - The text positioning, with certain BBS Software, was not positioning itself properly.... FIXED! - Optimized code - Fixed a problem that would occasionally cause lockups. Also fixed problem with carrier loss detection. - Added the ability to specify both the Grapic and Non-Graphic bulletin file paths and names (via WOFSETUP.EXE). - Majic Software is now accepting Credit Card Registrations! see REGISTER.FRM for more details. 10/15/91 v2.0 ---------------- - Top Score screen and Bulletins will now display the number of completed puzzles for each player. - If the player's guess is incorrect, the correct answer will now display in the puzzle box. 09/12/91 v1.0 --------------- - First Release of Wheel Of Fortune