Downloaded from Hayes BBS -- July 14, 1993 Permission to freely distribute. SCOPE scripts are normally distributed in two formats. In ASCII format (.SCR) or in a compressed format (.CMP). Scripts distributed in the CMP format are normally written by Hayes. The ONLINE WITH HAYES login script has an install utility for automating the installation process for all scripts written by Hayes. It is necessary to compress this is a single file since there can be many scripts that are used together for use with a large script. To uncompress a CMP file INITIATE A SESSION. Choose the activity SCOPE. At the session menu choose USE A SCRIPT and select decompress. The script will ask what subdirectory you want the files to be placed in when uncompressed. Most scripts written are relatively small and are a single file. To install these scripts MODIFY AN ACTIVITY. Choose SCRIPTS. Then select the activity where the script will be contained. The SCRIPT EDIT menu will appear allowing you to make changes to existing scripts or make a new script. Since this is an initial installation select NEW and enter the name you want to call the script. You will then go into your script editor. Select READ FROM DISK and enter the filename of the .SCR file you want to install. You should glance through the script noting any comments placed within the script by the author and make any changes that are indicated if any. Then press F3 to bring up your SCRIPT EDITOR menu and select VALIDATE,COMPILE, AND SAVE. Upon completion of compiling Smartcom III will let you know if it found any errors in the script and was unable to compile the script. If errors are found, correct the errors and recompile. To use your newly installed script return to your Main Menu and INITIATE A SESSION choosing the activity you placed the script in. From your session menu select USE A SCRIPT and choose the script you compiled.