How to get the ROSE X.25 Packet Switch Thanks for your interest in the ROSE X.25 Packet Switch. You can get the archive (ROSEZSW.ARC) from the following sources; PacComm BBS (813) 874-3078 data (1200), File area #1, (813) 874-2980 Voice; W2XQ BBS (609) 859-1910 (1200/2400), packet files area K4NGC BBS (703) 680-5970 (1200/2400), File area #17; WA6RDH BBS (916) 678-1535 (1200/2400) RATS unix BBS (201) 387-8898 (1200) login "rats" follow menu CompuServe in the HamNet files area; Or directly from me either with an sase disk mailer or over the phone (1200/2400). The files is an archive on an IBM PC disk, the configuration program runs on a PC and the Switch code runs on a TNC-2. I can also supply EPROM if needed. If you would like to down load it from me, I can be reached at (201) 478-7919 day/evening. My address is 9 Rosalie Avenue #1; Clifton, NJ 07011. 73, Thomas A. Moulton, W2VY W2VY@KD6TH /ex