Welcome to Cello (WINSOCK version r3)

Cello is an experimental software product of the Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School. This is WINSOCK alpha r3, dated September 6, 1993. Installation instructions are in the README.1ST file and in the online help system.

Please send all bug reports to cellobug@fatty.law.cornell.edu

We've put some Net resources you may find interesting into this home page. You should consult the online help to find out how to customize your home page and add your own resources.

Have fun.

WorldWideWeb sites:

Some Gopher servers:

Other protocols:


Interesting data:

You'll need to have downloaded and installed various and sundry viewers in order to make use of these sources. You can retrieve them right from this page if you didn't get 'em earlier. See below. Online help tells you how to set these up.

Cello-related things

If you forgot to pick up the viewers you need, double-click here. Remember that the GhostScript file is a very large one (2+ MB).

There is a listserv list for Cellists. If you double-click here, a mail form will appear with the recipient all filled out; just type the words

sub cello-l Jane Doe

into the mail form's message box, assuming of course that your name is Jane Doe.

An online archive of NET.CFG files and installation tips is coming soon, but won't be up for a little while yet.