FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System, Ver. 1.17, 1992 Feb 12. (C)Copyright Frederick W. Kantor 1989-1992. All rights reserved. New in FWKCS117.ZIP: 1. Added network control options &n to the /a auxiliary functions, and /1n, to allow operator to specify "deny_write" under network use. For most files, default for network use is now "deny_none". 2. Added &j and /1j, to strip "GIF" tail before generating the file's contents_signature. This operates on the basis of the file's structure, and does not depend on the file_extension. 3. Added &tN, N = 0,1,2 , to control how much testing is done on a zipfile, e.g., when processing an upload (default = &t2): 0 = do not test zipfile integrity; 1 = test zipfile integrity, without unzipping it; 2 = unzip zipfile, test contained files. Virus_testing forces option 2. Contents_signature matches are searched for in all 3 cases. If FWKCS detects an apparently defective zipfile, it can override &t0 and call Phil Katz's PKUNZIP(R) to verify; this call to PKUNZIP is bypassed if the file appears to FWKCS to pose a hazard to the proper operation of PKUNZIP. 4. Added a set of functions to split the testing of an uploaded file, so that part of it can be done quickly while the user is waiting, and part of it can be done after the first report has been returned to the user, while the user goes on to another activity. The further testing can be done by another processor which picks up the work on a network; or by the same processor serving the user, after the user has logged off, or in another "window" on a multitasking system. Local and central record_keeping are provided for pass or fail under further testing. Added 3 more 73_character "macro"s [g] [h] [i] to support these additional functions. Total internal macro space available for your use is now 584 characters. Revised FWKCS installation procedures accordingly. Added SPLITEST.BAT to set up the split testing procedure, and DO_BLOG to process the resulting backlog -- this supports automatic allocation of work to multiple processors and to multitasking systems. 5. Can now optionally handle combinations of encrypted and non_encrypted files in the same or different subdirectories zipped into a zipfile. 6. Added option of using NETSCAN, set for UNATTENDED mode. 7. Revised code to reduce risk of conflict on networks which do not fully support DOS file management. 8. Added options n liNe and w Whence to a7.8 text_find function. Input FILENAME can now use wildcards, or be a directory (including hidden and system files). 9. Revised most interface .BAT programs in system for greater speed. Note: The remote lookup functions are available in a relatively small kit, FWKLU117.ZIP, released 1992 Feb 12. If you run a BBS, you may wish to get the FWKLU117.ZIP kit for your users. The kit comes with instructions, and contains a short bulletin, FWKLU117.BLT, suitable for posting.