MorrisNet/2! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ VoteMgr Instructions By Ken Elpus Contents: I. Forward - What is VoteMgr? - Why Do I need to Vote? - How Do I Use VoteMgr? (How Do I Vote?) II. Introduction - A Message From The Voting Coordinator III. How To Use VoteMgr - The MorrisNet/2! Voting Booth IV. Afterword - Why Does MorrisNet/2! Use VoteMgr? - Does My Vote Really Count? Forward ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ What is VoteMgr? VoteMgr is a program that is employed on MorrisNet/2! Node 96:96/1; the Voting Coordinator's headquarters. (This node is kind of like a voting booth, except you don't need to go into a high school gym to vote, and you don't have a curtain or pull any levers...) VoteMgr basically makes the voting process easier on the sysops and the users by electronically recording votes. This also eliminates errors.. It also keeps track of names and such and relieves much of the pressure of running a fully democratic network.. (Our Voting Coordinator Matt Riedel does have a social life ) Why Do I Need to Vote? As I said in the previous paragraph, MorrisNet/2! is a fully democratic network. The Users and Sysops need to vote on all major decisions as a system of checks and balances, so that our Admin (as selfless as we are) doesn't become tyrannical. Users will vote on topics ranging from Nonpermanent Admin Member elections (as per the campaigning schedule designed by Matt Riedel) to new echo conference adoption, to major network expansion or other topics which the Admin feels needs a vote. "Your Vote Can Make A Difference... This is Your Network!" -- Matt Riedel, Voting Coordinator (Among MANY Other Things...) of MorrisNet/2!. How Do I Use VoteMgr? (How do I Vote?) Detailed instructions are in Section III (How to Use VoteMgr). Basically, in a nutshell: 1. You Send a Netmail Message to VoteMgr requesting the topics on which you can vote. 2. VoteMgr replies to you and tells you which topics you can vote on, their Code Names, and their Choices. 3. You Send A Netmail Message to VoteMgr with the Code Name as a Subject Line, and In the Body of the Text, your choice and name. 4. Your Vote Is Recorded and Tallied. When The Voting Period is completed, the vote results are posted. Please Note: Your Name (as printed in your message) will be displayed next to your vote. If you wish to remain anonymous, you must list ANON as your name after your vote.. This is your only warning.. Introduction ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A Message From The Voting Coordinator: (By Matt Riedel, Reprinted With Permission) Hello! And welcome to MorrisNet/2! MNET/2 is dedicated to its users, and always has been since its beginnings. Ken Elpus, John Looker, Rich Cooper, and I designed the system of management so that the Admistration would have guidance to the network, but the users make the decisions. This is why you are reading this document. This document is one of the most important ones for you to read (well.. the rules come first I suppose..) This document gives you the power to make the decisions that you need to make to ensure that MNET/2 stays "your network." Please read the instructions for VoteMgr, and remember to Vote Early and Vote Often! :) Your Vote CAN make a difference... This is Your Network! _______________________________ Matt Riedel Voting Coordinator 96:96/22 _______________________________ How To Use VoteMgr - MorrisNet/2! Voting Booth ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ VoteMgr User Instructions ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ VoteMgr is a program that allows you to send NetMail ballots to systems holding one or more votings. VoteMgr is much like AreaFix, FileFix, AreaMgr, Raid or other mail-interactive programs. These programs will receive and process NetMail messages from users, saving a lot of work to SysOps. This is what you have to do in order to "vote" using VoteMgr: there are three basic procedures you will probably want to follow before you send your ballot: o First of all, you must know what is the name of the active elections held at one node, and for which you are validated to vote. You do this by writing a NetMail message addressed to VoteMgr at the address of the node holding the voting, writing "%LIST" in the Re: field: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ (203) Sun 28 Apr 94 11:09 ³ By: You (96:9600/96) ³ To: VoteMgr (96:96/1) ³ Re: %LIST ³ St: Pvt Kill ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ --- VoteMgr will, in return, send you a LIST of active votings held at this system. NOTE: tearline is needed since some systems kill empty received messages! o Second, and now you know what the name of the active election is, you need to know what the choices are. You do this by writing a NETMail message addressed to VoteMgr at the address of the node holding the voting, writing the name of the selected voting in the Re: field and "%LIST" in the message text: For Admin Voting - All User/Sysop/Moderator Names are Valid. (Except Permanent Admin Members) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ (203) Sun 28 Apr 94 11:09 ³ By: You (96:9600/96) ³ To: VoteMgr (96:96/1) ³ Re: NEC343 ³ St: Pvt Kill ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ %LIST VoteMgr will, in return, send you a LIST of valid choices for the election "NEC343" held at this system. o And third, now you know what the choices are, you can send your ballot. You do this by writing a NETMail message addressed to VoteMgr at the address of the node holding the voting, writing the name of the selected voting in the Re: field and your ballot string in the message text. The ballot string has the syntax: " !". NOTE: your signature is a string that will be displayed together with results, so you know your ballot has been in fact processed. NOTE: neither the choice nor the signature can contain spaces ' '. Underscores '_' must be used instead. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ (203) Sun 28 Apr 91 11:09 ³ By: You (96:9600/96) ³ To: VoteMgr (96:96/1) ³ Re: NEC343 ³ St: Pvt Kill ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ YES !Your_Name VoteMgr will, in return, send you a message informing of possible errors or notifying correct ballot processing. Afterword ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Why does MorrisNet/2! Use VoteMgr? Basically, to take a tremendous amount of weight off of the Voting Coordinator's shoulders, and also to ensure that the voting is fair and tallied correctly. Does My Vote REALLY Count? You Bet.. The Admin wants to not only place the decisions in the users hands, but we also want to know how you feel. Even though a choice may be defeated, if a lot of users feel a particular way; it will influence New Admin proposals, etc. Also.. It only takes One Vote to determine which choice is the winner... Active voters can use that to their advantage as being active in the network when vieing for Admin or Moderator positions. Periodically, we will send surveys through the net to find out who and how our users are. This helps us to determine what would be best for the network.. Please Vote every chance you get! ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ MorrisNet/2! and MNET/2 are Trademarks of the Morris County BBS Users Group. VoteMgr is by Carlos Terre and is owned by him solely. All Other Trademarks used are the property of their respective owners. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This document was Drafted By Ken Elpus on June 3, 1994. Portions of This Document are By Matt Riedel. Portions of this Document Were Taken Directly From the VoteMgr User Instructions, by Carlos Terre. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This Document is Copyright (c) 1994 by Ken Elpus and MorrisNet/2! Carlos Terre is The Author of VoteMgr and Is Not Affiliated With MNET/2 or The Morris County BBS Users Group. Carlos Terre, (2:343/108.1@fidonet) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ - MorrisNet/2! - Official Document - VOTEMGR.TXT - Code 09-H -