*** Instructions for users who want to send Inter-Network mail *** using NETSEX. Sending mail From WWIVNET: There are two ways of sending mail from a user on WWIVNET to a user on Fidonet. The first way is to use the full address: OF @ Example: Matt Logan OF 1:105/9999 @600 The second way was provided so that names and addressed that exceed the maximum length allowed by the WWIV software can be used. The format for this type of addressing is: FIDONET @ Then, in the first line of the message type: To: OF Example: FIDONET @600 (first line of text) To: Matt Logan OF 1:105/9999 Note that both of the examples given will attempt to send mail to the same user at the same Fidonet address. The capitalization of the "OF" and the "To:" must be copied exactly. Remember, sending mail over Fidonet almost always costs the system the message is being sent from since fidonet mail is sent directly to the destination system. Please do not use Inter-Network mail unless you know what you are doing. Experimentation can be costly! If the gateway system had a USENET mail connection you may also send mail over USENET. The method of addressing may vary depending on what software if being run to convert messages from Fidonet to USENET. The method given assumes the Gateway system is running UFGATE. The format for sending mail over usenet is: UUCP OF @ Then, on the first line you would type: To: !!...! Or: To: @ Example: UUCP OF 1:105/9999 @600 (First line) To: matt@jove.cs.pdx.edu Sending Mail from Fidonet to WWIVNET There are three ways of sending mail from Fidonet to WWIVNET. I will explain them here in order of most preferred to least preferred. Method 1: On a fidonet system you could send the mail to: n u OF Example: n5317 u1 OF 1:105/9999 This method is most preferred because there is no chance for error due to a mis-spelling of the name. Method 2: n OF Example: n5317 Heavy 7 OF 1:105/9999 This method could cause problems if the spelling of the name is different than the actual name. Method 3: OF Example: Heavy 7 OF 1:105/9999 Messages addressed in this way will only reach the intended recipient if the recipent has an account on the WWIV node that is set up as the "LOCAL" node. Since you can't be sure what this "LOCAL" node will be without prior knowlege don't use this method. There is one exception to this rule: if the Gateway operator has set up a mail alias then messages addressed in this way will be routed to whatever is appropriate for the alias. To get an alias ask a gateway operator for an alias. Sending From USENET to WWIVNET: The name scheme works the same way as that listed above with one exeption: all spaces in the name are to be replaced with a "." Also, the Fidonet address will appear as such: !...!z.f.n Example: gatesys!z1.f105.n9999!n5317.u1 The above example will send the message through "gatesys" to fidonet 1:105/9999 and then onto user 1 of WWIVNET 5317. This is assuming that "gatesys" is the USENET site name of the USENET<=>FIDONET gateway node, and that 1:105/9999 is the address of the FIDONET<=>WWIVNET Gateway node. Please refer your questions first to your nearest NetSEX gateway operator, or if that is impossible, to one of the following addresses: USENET: matt@jove.cs.pdx.edu WWIVNET: 1@5317 I'll try to answer questions as quickly as possible but I cannot guarantee a prompt response if too many people send me mail.