Revision Date: 08/26/94 This textfile is as complete as I was able to make it as of v2.02á. Please feel free to make any needed corrections, additions, etc. to the file and then pass it on to others. Be sure to change the revision date at the top, or in your description when you upload it so that others can get the latest copy. If you see an * by any entries, it means that I didn't know what the entry definition or parameters passed were. (So I'm NOT perfect, who cares?) All entries are -basic- entries for example only. You will have to put some time into your language file, figure out what works best on format codes, color codes, etc. This will merely enable you to easily find entries that you don't have defined on your system, or are not sure what they are for. Courtesy: Omar Capricious Alliance Node 1: (504) 753-5513 14.4 Node 2: (504) 753-5592 14.4 Entry # [Example input] -comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 -Sequence of 8 bytes loaded into user's color registers when a lang -file is chosen. NOT TEXT. 2 [Celerity standared ANSI language file.] -Description of the lang file that will be shown to users. 3 [Created by the sysop.] -Any note that you may wish to include about your language file to the users. 4 [Language file #xx created by xxxx on 08/11/94.] -Your "credits" screen accessible by using /LANG at any prompt on the BBS. 5 [No Fossil Driver Loaded] 15 [Invalid System Type, please check your setup!] -Message received when an improper system type is flagged in the celsetup.exe. 20 [Sysop, it's your turn now!] -Msg received when the "Reserve system" key is used and the current user logs off. 25 [Shutting down....(exiting Celerity)] -Msg seen when the BBS is shut down via the F2 key. 30 [No welcome files found with the extension @p=1@.] -p1= required extension of missing welcome file. 35 [Sysop name is not the registered name!] 40 [Error! Unable to load sysop account for @p=1@.] -p1= Sysop name 45 [Script file error, code @p=1@] -p1= Script error code 47 [Script file not found] 48 [Script to execute: {1..5}] 50 [Error reading mail file!] 53 [No sound files found.] 55 [Screen output restricted.] -Msg received when the screen output to the user is blocked via the local keyboard. 58 [Continuing user display.] -Msg rcvd when screen output to the user is continued via the local keyboard. 62 [Text capture ON] 63 [Print capture ON] 65 [Text capture OFF] 66 [Print capture OFF] 68 [Error with text.cap] 70 [Error reading @p=1@.] -p1= File attempted to read. 71 [There are problems with the configuration files for these subboards Error accessing @p=1@! Please notify @sysop@ at once! |9] -p1= config file for current sub-board -Msg when an incorrect config is done on a sub or conference. 73 [Sending NALPS Graphics] 75 [Carrier lost. Processing upload of @p=1@@p=2@] -p1= File -p2= Pathname 76 [@cls@|1] -System clearing screen before logon. 80 [This is an unregistered copy of Celerity BBS.|9|9] 81 [Please encourage @p=1@ to register this program|9.] -p1= First user with Sysop access set. 82 [Please encourage your sysop to register this program|9.] 83 [Press @p=1@ to Continue.] -p1= Random key 100 [More {Y/N/Continuous}? |1] 103 [Enter] -Pause prompt. 200 [Import a RIP Graphic here.] RIP Graphic Test 220 [@NAPON@ Import a NAPLPS Graphic here. @NAPOFF@] NAPLPS Graphics Test 400 [Detecting users Terminal Type] -Msg at connect, not seen by the user. 401 [Scanning file areas for .CFL] 410 [@cls@ Username: @name:L19@ Filepoints: @filepoints:L6@] etc. -User transfer stats screen. -p1= Time transfer started 420 [Processing Carrier-Lost Upload] -Msg rcvd when carrier is lost and upload continues to be processed. 430 [You cannot do bi-directional transfers locally.] -Msg when trying to upload or download locally. 500 [Deleted] -Status msg (e-mail) 501 [New] -Status msg (e-mail) 502 [Saved] -Status msg (e-mail) 503 [Read] -Status msg (e-mail) 504 [Active] -Status msg (e-mail) 505 [N/A] -Status msg (e-mail) 600 [Not found.] -Status msg (e-mail) 603 [That function is only operable for local sysop.] -Msg for functions attempted to be performed remote that can only be performed from the local keyboard. 604 [File busy, try again later....|9] -msg file busy 610 [Your terminal emulation is different than the one configured for this account. Would you like to load the emulation that this account is configured for {Y/N}? |1] 620 [Your terminal emulation has been set to the account default. If you see garbage on your screen, please update your default terminal emulation from the user configuration menu.|9] 630 [If your current emulation will be permanent, please update your default emulation from the user configuration menu.|9] 650 [YES/no] -Space bar toggle YES at prompts. 651 [yes/NO] -Space bar toggle NO at prompts. 652 [YES/no] -Space bar toggle YES at prompts (final). 653 [yes/NO] -Space bar toggle NO at prompts (final). 660 [|1] -Input trailer color. 700 [Error. Your account has an invalid User ID (@p=1@). A new User ID has been assigned to your account (@p=2@). You will need to reconfigure your newscan.|9] -p1= old user ID -p2= new user ID -msg rcvd user ID has changed (packing, etc.) 1003 [New Message Scan Menu: O)ffline .QWK packet upload D)ownload a .QWK packet U)pdate your message pointers G)lobal newscan Q)uit from this menu Your choice: |1 ] 1004 [Default scan configuration is {@p=1@}. Which configuration would you like to scan {1..5}? |1 ] 1005 [Begin Global Newscan {Y/N}?] 1006 [@cls@--Beginning Global Newscan--] -Global newscan header. 1007 [Scan Transfer Conferences now {Y/N}?] 1009 [Scanning Transfer Conferences] 1012 [Files in batch buffer, entering transfer area...] 1015 [Global Newscan Complete!] 1020 [@bottompos@@ceol@] -Floating prompt location 1025 [@software@ v@version@] -Celerity vXX -connect header 1050 [-r-xr-xr-x 1 admin group @p=3:R8@ Feb 02 10:5@p=2@ @p=1@|9] -p1= command name -p2= random value (for time, date, etc.) -p3= random size -UNIX Ls long * 1051 [@p=1:L16@] -p1= -UNIX Ls * 1052 [total @p=1@|9] -p1= -UNIX header 1053 [Welcome to @BBSNAME@, a SUN-4/65 running SUNOS. UNIX(r) System V Release 4.0 (@BBSNAME@)|9|9] -UNIX panel 1054 [Current working directory is /usr/home/guest|9] -UNIX working directory 1055 [You are in a restricted shell and cannot change directories.|9] -UNIX restricted cd 1056 [You may execute one of the following commands: ls (to see the contents of your directory)'); pwd (to see what directory you are in)'); You may also execute any command in your home directory. As you are a guest, you do not have access to any other functions. |9] -UNIX help 1057 [|9Disconnected] -UNIX disconnect 1058 [mkdir: failed to make directory; permission denied|9] -UNIX no md 1059 [rm: file not removed; permission denied|9] -UNIX no rm 1060 [@p=1@: command not found|9] -p1= given command -UNIX bad command 1105 [You don't belong on the host system.] 1107 [Alternate system command is: @p=1@] -p1= Command for system 2 or system 3 1108 [Alternate system password is: @p=1@] -p1= Password for system 2 or system 3 1110 [Account deleted due to special circumstances.] -Msg rcvd when a user logs on with the special circumstance level set on their account. 1113 [Your application has been turned down in User Voting.] -Msg rcvd with auto-deletion activated in NUV, user voted out. 1115 [Voting Results: ] 1117 [Number of YES votes: @p=1@] -p1= Number of yes votes on the user 1118 [Number of NO votes: @p=1@] -p1= Number of no votes on the user 1125 [Happy Halloween! What do you have to say?] -Halloween note 1126 [What a scary mask...go and get a new upload] 1127 [File points +10] -Halloween treat to user. 1128 [Hrmph! Get lost!] -Halloween "get lost" 1130 [Merry Christmas!] (or other winter holiday) 1132 [Santa gives you 10 file points!] -Holiday treat to user 1150 [There are System Notes!] 1151 [Delete System Notes {Y/N}? |1] 1154 [Errors have occured, viewing error log...] 1155 [Delete the Error Log {Y/N}? |1] 1160 [The BBS is reserved during this time.] -Restricted hours notice. (from celsetup.exe) 1163 [Please call back after @p=1@ has passed.] -p1= Time restricted hours end (celsetup.exe) 1170 [You do not have access to this system yet.] -Msg rcvd when user is not yet validated for the system. 1173 [Please enter your phone number in the format: 800-555-1212] -Phone number request (new user) 1175 [Please select an alternate password for future logins.] 1177 [Desired Password: |1] 1180 [^G Your account has expired!] -Msg to user who's expiration date on access has arrived. 1182 [Your access level has been lowered to @p=1@.] -p1= New access level 1183 [You are already logged on to another node. Multiple logins are not allowed on @BBS@. @pause@@hangup@] 1185 [View net news {Y/N}? |1] 1187 [To chat with other nodes type "/" at any main menu prompt.] 1190 [Hit "X" for quick login.] -Msg rcvd when a user calls and has already been through news, etc. 1192 [A system event will occur before your time is up.] -Msg rcvd when user calls and backup or external event will occur before their allocated time has expired. 1195 [Sysop Password: |1] 1196 [Incorrect- Sysop access is denied.] -Wrong password entered. 1198 [The sysop would like to chat with you. Paging Sysop.] -Msg user receives when the "wanted" flag is set on his account. 1205 [Shell command list: ] 1212 [System Access Password: |1] 1215 [The Sysop is not available at this time.] 1217 [What is your alias? |1] 1219 [Why do you wish to chat? |1] 1221 [CAE Upload Password: |1] 1228 [You have access to System #1.] 1230 [The Access Command is @p=1@.] -p1= System Access Command (celsetup.exe) 1231 [The Access Password is @p=1@.] -p1= System Access PW (celsetup.exe) 1238 [You have overstayed your welcome in this shell.] -Timeout msg to user who stays in shell past timeout (celsetup.exe) 1242 [Celerity DOS Simulator] -Celerity DOS header 1244 [Celerity Version @p=1@] -p1= Celerity version 1246 [Registered to: @p=1@] -p1= Registered Sysop name 1248 [Permission Denied.] -DOS permission denied 1250 [Bad Command or Filename] -DOS invalid command 1252 [|9[CS,CVADRCAL] (REWD,R,,) ] -vms command simulator 1254 [|9|9Directory USER_DISK:[CS,CVADRCAL ] ] -vms header 1256 [ Whittier CACOA4 System |9|9 ] -vms location 1258 [ o--------------------------------------------------------------o || > > > N O T I C E < < < || || --------------------------- || || || || Please see NEWS for th elatest software upgrades and || || important information. || || || || To see the news enter NEWS at the VMS prompt. || o--------------------------------------------------------------o Last interactive login on Monday, 13-JAN-1992 01:52 %ACS-I-CL_LIBIS, Current program library is USER_DISK:[CS,CVADRCAL,ADALIB] 13-JAN-1992 02:42:16 %DCL-W-ABSYMD, abbreviated symbol definition conflict - rename symbol ] -vms header (big one) 1260 [User [CS,CVADRCAL] has 748 blocks used, 252 available, of 1000 authorized and permitted overdraft of 100 blocks on USER_DISK ] 1262 [Permission Denied] -vms permission denied 1264 [%DCL-W-IVVERB, unrecognized command verb- check validity and spelling %] 1270 [Use A/Z, number, or cursor keys to move selection bar. {Enter} to select.] -LightBar command 1275 [Low speed (@p=1@bps) call not accepted.] -Low speed lockout notice (celsetup.exe) 1277 [Unidentified Modem Result Code] 1279 [To continue you must enter the Low Speed Lockout password: |1] 1281 [Low Speed Lockout password accepted.] 1282 [Low Speed Lockout password incorrect...bye!] 1284 [Connected at @p=1@] -p1= Connect rate 1285 [at a DTE rate of @p=1@] -p1= DTE rate 1287 [ -High DTE for maximum performance] -Msg when connected at high DTE 1290 [Connected to @p=1@ CAE] -p1= CAE Name 1292 [This system requires a password for access.] -Bad password msg. 1293 [User Name: |1] -CAE user name 1294 [Phone Number: |1] [Area Code:] [Location:] 1296 [It is courteous to leave a name and location.] 1298 [Welcome CAEop] 1310 [^K for Commands] -Full Screen Editor 1311 [Commands: Abort Save Cycle] -FSE commands 1315 [Celerity Full Screen Editor] -FSE header 1317 [No message to quote.] -Msg when /q is used in a new post, instead of a reply. 1319 [Maximum of 16 lines of quoting. Please quote sparingly!] -Quote header 1320 [Line to start quote: |1] 1321 [ Line to end quote: |1] 1323 [Choose Macro {1..3}] 1325 [Abort {Y/N}?] -confirm abort (messages) 1327 [Choose Status {0..5}] 1329 [Command: |1] -FSE command prompt 1330 [Is this an ISDN line?] 1331 [Does this system accept Zyxel calls?] 1332 [Does this system accept V.FC calls? ] 1333 [Does this system accept V.34 calls? ] 1334 [Does this system accept 19.2kbps calls?] 1335 [Does this system accept 21.6kbps calls?] 1336 [Does this system accept 24.0kbps calls?] 1337 [Does this system accept 26.4kbps calls?] 1338 [Does this system accept 28.8kbps calls?] 1339 [Does this system accept 56K ISDN calls?] 1340 [Does this system accept 64K ISDN calls?] 1341 [Does this system accept 128k multiplexed ISDN connections?] 1342 [Does this system accept 144k multiplexed ISDN connections?] 1350 [Display which work of ANSI/RIP/NAPLPS art? |1] 1351 [Download which work of ANSI/RIP/NAPLPS art? |1] 1352 [There is no art in that frame!] -Msg when invalid number is entered 1353 [|9|9] -Art list trailer 1355 [List of Art Works] -Art list header 1356 [@p=1@ @p=2@ |9] -p1= art number -p2= art description 1357 [Delete which entry {1..@p=1@}? |1] -p1= maximum art number 1358 [Art entry deleted.] -deletion msg. 1360 [This entry is NOT yours to delete.] -Msg rcvd when user attempts an invalid deletion of art. 1362 [Delete this art item {Y/N}? |1] -confirm art delete 1363 [@p=1@ @p=2@ ANSI |9] -p1= art # -p2= art description 1364 [@p=1@ @p=2@ NAPLPS |9] -p1= art # -p2= art description 1365 [@p=1@ @p=2@ RIP |9] -p1= art # -p2= art description 1370 [File to upload: |1] -art file to be uploaded 1372 [ Please describe this artwork below: (> |1] -description input field for art 1373 [ 1)ANSI 2)NAPLPS 3)RIP What type of art work is this? |1 ] -art type input 1374 [Connections: ] -(bbs listing) 1375 [ Notes: @p=1@ ] -p1= bbs notes (bbs listing) 1377 [Enter extended connect information? ] 1380 [Does this system accept HST calls? ] 1381 [Does this system accept V.32 calls? ] 1382 [Does this system accept V.42 calls? ] 1383 [Does this system accept V.42bis calls? ] 1384 [Does this system accept V.32bis calls? ] 1385 [Does this system accept MNP calls? ] 1386 [Does this system accept 19.2k PEP calls? ] 1387 [Does this system accept 19.2k TPEP calls?] 1388 [Does this system accept 16.8kbps calls?] 1389 [Does this system accept 14.4kbps calls?] 1390 [Does this system accept 9600kbps calls?] 1391 [Does this system accept 2400kbps calls?] 1392 [Does this system accept 1200kbps calls?] 1393 [The system described accepts the following calls: ] -connection descriptions 1394 [Are these connections correct {Y/N}? |1] -confirm connect descriptions 1396 [Add an entry to the BBS listing.] 1398 [Add a B)BS V)MB or N)UA? |1] 1400 [BBS Name: ] 1402 [BBS Number: ] 1403 [Software: ] 1404 [# of Nodes: ] 1405 [Megs Storage: ] 1407 [Enter VMB number in this format: 310-693-9405x200 Box number: ] 1409 [Enter NUA in this format: 03110-21300-02415 NUA number: ] 1411 [Description: |1] -brief BBS description 1412 [Save this entry {Y/N}? |1] -confirm BBS description 1414 [Show B)BS V)MB or N)UA listing: |1] 1416 [Show connect information {Y/N}? |1] 1417 [Show extended description {Y/N}? |1] 1418 [@p=1@] p1= Entry number 1420 [BBS Listing: # Name Phone Software Storage Lines ] -BBS listing header 1422 [VMB Listing: # Name Phone ] -VMB listing header 1424 [NUA Listing: # Name Phone Speed ] -NUA listing header 1425 [@p=1:L25@@p=2:L12@ @p=3:L8@ @p=4:R4@ Megs @p=5@ Nodes|9 ] -p1= BBS Name -p2= BBS Number -p3= Software -p4= Meggage -p5= # Lines (BBS listing information) 1427 [@p=1:L25@@p=2:L20@|9] -p1= VMB Name -p2= VMB Number (VMB listing information) 1429 [@p=1:L25@@p=2:L18@|9 -p1= NUA Name -p2= NUA Address (NUA listing information) 1431 [|9|9] -BBS/VMB/NUA list trailer 1433 [Out of range!] -Msg when invalid listing # is chosen. 1434 [Delete this listing entry {Y/N}? |1] -Confirm BBS/VMB/NUA listing deletion 1440 [Press {ESC} to end chat.] -Msg to sysop on split-screen chat. 1442 [-------@p=1@ v@p=2@----@p=3@-------@p=4@-----@p=5@-----] -p1= Software -p2= Version -p3= Current time -p4= User Name -p5= Sysop Name 1444 [Your PCR is too low! Post more often.] -Msg rcvd when xfer is attempted and ratios are in effect. 1445 [Your current PCR is @p=1@%.] -p1= Current PCR 1446 [Your required PCR is @p=1@%.] -p1= required PCR 1448 [The sysop has arrived...|9] -Sysop entry to chat string 1449 [The sysop has disappeared...|9] -Sysop exit from chat string 1459 [@cls@---- System Parameters ----|9|9] -Edit System Parameters header 1460 [Edit which parameter? |1] 1462 [Toggle which parameter: |1] 1464 [Edit which entry {1..@p=1@}? |1] -p1= max entry value 1466 [Read which message {1..@p=1@}? |1] -p1= max message value 1468 [Userlist Size: @p=1@] -p1= number of users 1469 [Calls Total: @p=1@] -p1= total # of calls 1470 [Time and Date: @p=1@ on @p=2@] -p1= Current time -p2= Current date 1474 [{Q}uit] -Quit system parameter editing 1480 [You must configure your file listings by adding features you wish to see pertaining to each file. You cannot use more than 76 spaces. The space cost of each item is shown in parenthesis.] -Msg when entering file listing config. 1482 [# Door Name Times Used ] -Door listing header 1483 [|9|9] -door listing trailer 1484 [Open door {1..@p=1@ / {L}ist}: |1] -p1= number of doors on system 1487 [1:Door Name: @p=1@] -p1= Door name (Door editor) 1488 [2:Access String: @p=1@] -p1= Access Required (Door editor) 1489 [Door Type: @p=1@] -p1= door type (none, door.sys, dorinfo1.def, chain.txt) (door editor) 1490 [Command Line: @p=1@] -p1= command line to use door (door editor) 1491 [Door uses batch file: @p=1@] -p1= YES or NO (door editor) 1492 [Times door used: @p=1@] -p1= number of times door was used (door editor) 1496 [New name/title for this door: |1] (door editor) 1497 [New access level for this door: |1] (door editor) 1498 [Select type of dropfile for this door: 1) Door.sys (New universal standard, GAP) 2) Dorinfo1.def (RBBS, QuickBBS) 3) Chain.txt (WWIV) Type: |1 ] (door editor) 1499 [Enter new command line: %1=com port, %2=speed, %3=userID, %4=node Command Line: |1 ] (door editor) 1500 [Does this door use a batch file {Y/N}? |1] (door editor) 1501 [How many times has this door been used? |1] (door editor) 1503 [Create a new door {Y/N}?] 1505 [Sorry, this door is in use by another node. Try again later.] 1507 [@p=1:L3@ @p=2:L33@ @p=4@|9] -p1= door # -p2= door name -p3= (not used) -p4= times used 1508 [Delete this door {Y/N}? |1] 1509 [Mail to @p=3@ from @p=4@ sent on @p=5@] -p1= current mail item -p2= total mail items -p3= recipient -p4= sender -p5= date sent 1510 [That file does not need packing.] 1511 [Pack the mail files? |1] 1512 [@p=1@ mail will be deleted from @p=2@. There are @p=3@ remaining.] -p1= number of mail items being deleted -p2= total number of mail items -p3= remaining mail items after packing 1513 [---Pack Mail---] -e-mail packing header 1514 [Title: @p=1@ Sent by: @p=2@] -p1= title of mail -p2= sender of mail 1515 [Mail forwarded by: @p=1@] -p1= name of user who forwarded mail 1516 [Sent at @p=2@ on @p=1@] -p1= date mail sent -p2= time mail sent 1517 [# Title Date From Status ] -incoming mail listing header 1518 [Mail Status: @p=1@ new pieces of mail @p=2@ pieces of archived mail @p=3@ pieces of outgoing mail -p1= # new incoming items -p2= # saved items -p3= # outgoing items 1519 [# Title Date Sent to Status] -mail listing header 1520 [@p=1:L3@ @p=2:L30@ @p=3@ @p=4@] -p1= number of item -p2= mail title -p3= date mail sent -p4= recipient of mail (status is automatically posted) 1521 [|9] -mail listing trailer 1522 [Full alias of person you would like to send mail to: |1] 1523 [Full alias of person you would like to copy this mail to, ENTER if you are done: |1 ] 1524 [Sending mail to @p=1@.|9|9 Subject: |1] -p1= mail recipient 1525 [Carbon copy another user {Y/N}? |1] 1526 [Generate a return receipt {Y/N}? |1] 1527 [Attach a file to this letter {Y/N}? |1] 1528 [Sending reply to: @p=1@] -p1= author of original mail 1529 [Forward this e-mail to which user? %|1] 1530 [A return receipt has been requested. Send it? {Y/N}? |1] 1531 [A return receipt has been generated at the request of the sender.] 1532 [The file @p=1@ is attached to this letter. Download it {Y/N}? |1] -p1= filename.ext of attached file 1533 [Netmail address to send to {ENTER for local}: |1] 1534 [Is this mail destined for another system {Y/N}? |1] 1535 [Download successful.] (e-mail) 1536 [Download failed.] (e-mail) 1537 [There is a file (@p=1@) attached to this letter. It may be found in the @p=2@ directory.] -p1= filename -p2= mail path -local mail file attachment 1538 [Sorry, but you have no mail to read.] 1539 [View I)ncoming or O)utgoing mail? |1] 1540 [Clutter my HD by saving this mail {Y/N}? |1] 1541 [Sending Feedback to the Sysops] -feedback header 1542 [|9Send feedback to which Sysop: |1] 1543 [Sending Feedback to: @p=1@] -p1= feedback recipient 1545 [Electronic Mail Room] -email header 1546 [You have new mail, would you like to read it {Y/N}? |1] 1547 [Delete all mail addressed to you {Y/N}? |1] 1549 [Delete this letter {Y/N}? |1] -confirm mail deletion 1550 [Sending reply to: @p=1@ Subject: @p=2@ ] -p1= recipient of mail -p2= title of mail 1561 [Out of range!] -msg when invalid mail number is chosen 1570 [--- Configure Global Newscan ---] -newscan configure header 1571 [{1} Configure Main Message Conference] 1572 [{2} Configure G-File Conference ] 1573 [{3} Configure Private Conference ] 1574 [{4} Configure Transfer Conference ] -alternate commands: 1=B 2=G 3=P 4=X 1575 [{Q}uit configuration 1577 [--- Configure Global Newscan ---] -detail listing header 1579 [{@p=1@} @p=2:L30@] -p1= access (selection) number -p2= name of item 1580 [{@p=1L4@}] -p1= item type (msg, xfer, conf) 1581 [{@p=1@}] -p1= status of scan setting (*, space, or ?) 1582 [{Password: |1}] -msg when pw is required to access 1583 [|9] -scan config trailer 1584 [{Q}uit to previous conference|9] 1585 [Configure which item: |1] 1586 [Password: |1] -msg when pw is required to access 1592 [M)ove or D)elete files: |1] 1600 [@p=1@ files found.] -p1= # of new files found in scan 1601 [Search all available conferences {Y/N}? |1] 1602 [Add files to batch queue {Y/N}? |1] 1603 [Search area @p=1@ {Y/N}? |1] -p1= name of each area available in conference -transfer subconference search confirm 1604 [Search all transfer areas {Y/N}? |1] 1605 [F)ilename D)escription B)oth Q)uit Search specification: |1] 1607 [|9You may search using a DOS filename (wildcards accepted) or standard text. ] 1609 [Searching for @p=1@ in current area...] -p1= text/filename being searched for 1611 [Searching area {@p=2@} @p=1@ for @p=3@.] -p1= area name -p2= area number -p3= text/filename being searched for 1612 [|9|9] -file search trailer 1615 [--- Batch Transfer Menu ---] -batch transfer header 1618 [You may not download between the hours of @p=1@ and @p=2@.] -p1= restricted hours begin (celsetup.exe) -p2= restricted hours end (celsetup.exe) 1620 [Enter file name/# to download {? to list}: |1] 1622 [Enter file name/# to verify {? to list}: |1] 1625 [View archive listing of which file name/# {? to list}: |1] 1626 [Display detail information of which file name/# {? to list} |1] 1628 [Enter file name/# of which text file {? to list}: |1] 1629 [Delete which file name/# {? to list}: |1] 1630 [Move which file name/# {? to list}: |1] 1631 [Rename which file name/# {? to list}: |1] 1632 [Extract from which file name/# {? to list}: |1] 1633 [Request which file name/# {? to list}: |1] 1634 [Edit which file name/# {? to list}: |1] 1640 [@p=1@ passed the integrity check.] -p1= filename 1641 [@p=1@ failed the integrity check.] -p1= filename 1642 [Unable to test the integrity of @p=1@.] -p1= filename 1650 [Protocol {@p=1@}: |1] -p1= default user protocol 1652 [Error locating @p=1@.] -p1= filename which could not be found 1655 [Prepare to download the following: @p=1@ Size-@p=2@ Cost-@p=3@ Approximate time: @p=4@ minutes at @p=5@cps. ] -p1= filename -p2= point cost -p3= file size -p4= minutes to DL -p5= user's avg. cps 1657 [Copying file from slow drive to local drive.] 1658 -displays the contents of file "download.txt" 1659 -displays the contents of file "upload.txt" 1662 [Hit {^X} to abort transfer.....] 1663 [Download results: Filename: Size: cps Comment Cost Commission ] -download result header 1664 [Filename: Size: cps Comment Cost Commission ] -batch status header 1665 [No commission points given.] -msg when file is free or hasn't been downloaded 1670 [File Received: @p=1@ ] -p1= filename being processed 1672 [A board event will occur in 1/2 hour. Please upload later.] -msg rcvd when within 1/2 hour of backup.bat or external event. 1675 [This area does not accept uploads.] 1678 [Filename to upload: |1] 1680 [Invalid filename!] -msg rcvd when filename is a duplicate or improper 1682 [If this upload was botched, please E)dit and then K)ill it.] 1684 [You have been granted @p=1@ minutes for your upload.] -p1= compensation time returned for upload(s) (celsetup.exe) 1686 [--- Import multiple files ---] -import file header (local) 1690 [File found: @p=1@|9] -p1= filename being added, path and size 1692 [Add this file {D/Z/V/T/K/Y/N/Q/?}? |1] -valid "Add File commands" prompt 1694 [Add File Help- Valid commands are as follows: D)os Drop Z)ip listing V)iew .gif with VPIC T)ype of file Y)es {add} N)o {skip} K)ill {delete} Q)uit ] 1696 [Add files automatically {Y/N}? |1] -msg to add all files in default dir 1700 [Point Value: @p=1@] -p1= assigned point value 1703 [Uploaded by: @p=1@] -p1= user currently online 1705 [Should this download be free of charge {Y/N}? |1] 1707 [Move this file to the appropriate directory {Y/N}? |1] 1708 [Copy file to the current directory {Y/N}? |1] 1710 [Error copying file. Check your directory names.] 1711 [Your upload of @p=1@ is being spooled. It will appear in a few minutes if the system has a dedicated upload server, or it will appear after you log off if it does not. Do not worry about your file not appearing.|9] -p1= name of spooled upload 1712 [Your download limit has been extended by @p=1@ k for this call. You may download up to @p=2@k this call.|9] -p1= K credit given -p2= K available this call 1713 [Process @p=1@ (zip comments, etc.) {Y/N}? |1] -p1= uploaded file 1716 [Add this file {Y/N}? |1] -msg add file to area 1719 [You cannot add resident files with your current access.] 1724 [Search this area for identical file names {Y/N}? |1] 1727 [Search all areas for identical file names {Y/N}? |1] 1730 [Enter search specification. DOS wildcards may be included to limit or expand the search. Default is @p=1@*.* (everything in this area) Path to search {@p=1@}: |1 ] -p1= default pathname for current area 1733 [Searching @p-1@...] -p1= area being searched 1736 [No files found matching search specification.] 1740 [ Filename: @p=1@ Program Name: @p=2@ Disks: @p=3@ of @p=4@ File Size: @p=5@ Point Cost: @p=6@ Times Downloaded: @p=7@ Uploaded By: @p=8@ on @p=9@ at @p=10@ |9 ] -p1= filename -p2= program name -p3= disk number 1 -p4= last disk number -p5= file size -p6= file point cost -p7= number of times downloaded -p8= uploader -p9= date uploaded -p10= time uploaded (Detail file information option) 1742 [Path to file: @p=1@ Unvalidated: @p=2@ Free Download: @p=3@|9] -p1= path of file -p2= {Yes or No} -p3= {Yes or No} (detail file info, continued) 1744 [Personal for: @p=1@|9] -p1= User that file is reserved for 1745 [File Password: @p=1@|9] -p1= download password for file 1747 [Resolution: @p=1@|9] -p1= resolution color/depth of image 1748 [Description: |1] 1749 [|9|9] -detail file info trailer 1750 [--- Delete File ---] -delete file header 1752 [Delete this file {Y/N}? |1] 1754 [Remove upload credit from uploader {Y/N}? |1] 1756 [Erase file from disk {Y/N}? |1] 1760 [@cls@Delete File Area |9|9 Delete @p=2@ {Y/N}? |1] -p2= area name -delete area header 1762 [This function deletes .DIR, .DES, and .BCK files. Do not delete this area's data file if it is shared or if you wish to preserve the listing. Delete this areas's data file {Y/N}? |1] NOTICE: The "change area" text below should be kept to one line-- it is a full-screen display, and can get pretty nasty if it isn't done carefully. When a field is changed, the change will occr on position #26 of the text (i.e. try to put the "[X] xxxxx........" in 25 characters, and @p=2@ on the 26th character.) @p=1@ is the letter needed to edit that option, @p=2@ is the current value, if any. Do not add linefeeds on the end. 1770 [@pos=01, 09@ {@p=1@} Area Name........@p=2@@ceol@] -p1= letter needed to edit option -p2= current option value 1772 [@pos=01, 10@ {@p=1@} Area Path........@p=2@@ceol@] -p1= letter needed to edit option -p2= current option value 1774 [@pos=01, 11@ {@p=1@} Data Path........@p=2@@ceol@] -p1= letter needed to edit option -p2= current option value 1776 [@pos=01, 12@ {@p=1@} Area Sponsor.....@p=2@@ceol@] -p1= letter need to edit option -p2= current option value 1778 [@pos=01, 13@ {@p=1@} Access Code......@p=2@@ceol@] -p1= letter needed to edit option -p2= current option value 1780 [@pos=01, 14@ {@p=1@} Access Level.....@p=2@@ceol@] -p1= letter needed to edit option -p2= current option value 1782 [@pos=01, 15@ {@p=1@} Options..........@ceol@] -p1= letter needed to edit option 1784 [@pos=01, 14@ {@p=1@} Quit and Save changes.] -p1= letter needed to edit option 1786 [@pos=01, 14@ {@p=1@} Quit and Abandone changes.] -p1= letter needed to edit option 1790 [--- Modify File Area ---] -modify file area header 1792 [@pos=01, 17@@ceol@Is this a slow drive (CD ROM, Optical, Tape, floppy {Y/N}? |1] 1794 [@pos=01, 17@@ceol@Accept uploads to this area {Y/N}? |1] 1796 [@pos=01, 17@@ceol@Allow downloads from this area {Y/N}? |1] 1798 [@pos=01, 17@@ceol@Does this area ignore PCR/UDR/GENR {Y/N}? |1] 1800 [@pos=01, 17@@ceol@Does this area provide free downloads {Y/N}? |1] 1802 [@pos=01, 17@@ceol@Scan area for repeats during uploads {Y/N}? |1] 1804 [@pos=01, 17@@ceol@Scan all areas for repeats during UL {Y/N}? |1] 1806 [@pos=01, 17@@ceol@Import file_id.diz if possible {Y/N}? |1] 1808 [@pos=01, 17@@ceol@Allow user to override file_id.diz importation {Y/N}? |1] 1810 [@pos=01, 22@@ceol@Edit file area: |1] -change area prompt 1812 [Abandon changes to this area {Y/N}? |1] 1820 [@cls@--- Sort File Areas ---] -sort file area header 1822 [Sort by: N)ame D)ate T)imes downloaded R)andom S)ize G)IF/TGA resolution C)olor Depth{.gif} Q)uit Option: |1 ] -sort file area propmt 1824 [@cls@--- Sort File Listings ---] -sort file listings header 1826 [@pos=01, 10@Sort Criteria.........|9] 1828 [@pos=01, 11@File Area.............@p=1@ (@p=2@)@ceol@] -p1= file area number -p2= file area name 1830 [@pos=01, 12@Files to sort.........@p=1@@ceol@] -p1= number of files to sort 1832 [@pos=01, 13@Sort passes left......@p=1@@ceol@] -p1= number of passes remaining 1840 [Destination drive does not exist!] 1842 [There are @p=1@ bytes free on drive @p=2@.] -p1= free space remaining -p2= drive being checked 1844 [There is not enough space on the destination drive. You must free up @p=1@ bytes in order to copy this file.] -p1= free bytes required to copy 1846 [Move @p=1@ to @p=2@] -p1= source file -p2= destination file 1848 [Copy @p=1@ to @p=2@] -p1= source file -p2= destination file 1850 [Error. Unable to move file!] 1852 [Enter new filename: |1] -rename file prompt 1854 [Error. That name is currently in use.] 1856 [File renamed...] 1858 [Error moving file!] 1860 [Error. Invalid file name!] 1862 [Deducting one upload of @p=1@ and @p=2@ points.] -p1= size of file uploaded which is being removed -p2= file points orginally granted for upload 1864 [You did not upload this file, and therefore may not edit it.] 1866 [File passwords are not permitted on this system.] 1870 [--- Re-order @p=1@ Areas ---|9] -p1= number of file areas -file area re-order header 1872 [New area for position #@p=1@ {? to list, ENTER to quit}: |1] -p1= position/number being modified 1874 [Not found. Re-enter information.] 1876 [The user name @p=1@ cannot be found!] -p1= name of user unable to be located 1878 [Grant @p=1@ how many points {@p=2@}? |1] -p1= user to give points to -p2= default points to give 1880 [Granting @p=2 points to @p=1@.] -p1= user receiving points -p2= points being given 1882 [Scan all areas {Y/N}? |1] 1884 [No unvalidate files found.] 1890 [@cls@--- Master File Listing ---|9] -master file listing header 1892 [The generation of a master file list may take quit some time. If you are willing to wait, it will be created. Continue {Y/N}? |1] 1894 [Importing files from @p=1@...] -p1= area being processed (master file list generation) 1896 [|9|9Please wait while the master file listing is being zipped.|9] 1898 [Cannot locate temorary .zip file @p=1@. Downloading unzipped one.] -p1= zipped master file listing 1900 [Extract file from @p=1@] -p1= file to be extracted from -extract file header 1902 [Enter file to extract {? to list}: |1] 1904 [Error. Cannot find extracted file.] 1906 [Do you wish to T)ype or D)ownload this file: |1] 1908 [You have been charged @p=1@ points for this extraction.] -p1= points charged to user 1910 [Please wait while the extracted file is being zipped....] 1912 [Cannot locate temporary .zip file @p=1@.] -p1= name of zipped extracted file 1914 [Newscan complete...] 1916 [There is 1 file in this area.] -single file in area header (always 1) 1918 [There are @p=1@ files in this area.] -p1= number of files in the area (0 or 2+) 1920 [There is no such drive on your system.] 1922 [@cls@--- Move Files ---] -batch move files header 1924 [Make SURE you have room on the destination drive.] -msg batch move files warning 1926 [First file in range to move: |1] 1928 [Last file in range to move : |1] 1930 [Destination Area {? to list}: |1] 1932 [Error. File non-existant. Moving file record.] 1934 [Cleaning up after file move operation....] 1940 [@cls@--- Delete Files ---] -batch delete files header 1942 [These files will be deleted, and users will keep credit for them.] -msg batch delete warning 1944 [First in range of files to delete: |1] 1946 [Last in range of files to delete: |1] 1948 [File to be deleted: @p=1@] -p1= file to be deleted 1949 [Deleting files...] -msg delete files 1950 [Delete all of these files {Y/N}? |1] -batch delete confirm 1952 [Would you like to M)ove or D)elete a range of files: |1] 1954 [@cls@--- Point Reassignment ---] -file point reassignment header 1956 [Assign how many K per point? |1] 1958 [This will reassign all point values in areas @p=1@ through @p=2@ based on a 1 point per @p=3@K basis. C)ontinue Q)uit Option: |1 ] -p1= first area in range chosen -p2= last area in range chosen -p3= point per K file size to assign 1960 [Reassigning points in area #@p=1@...] -p1= current area being reassigned 1962 [@p=1:L30@, Size: @p=2@ Old: @p=3@ New: @p=4@] -p1= file name -p2= file size -p3= old file point value -p4= new file point value 1965 [|9|9] -point reassignment trailer 1970 [@cls@--- Offline File Cleanup ---|9] -offline file cleanup header 1972 [This function will remove offline files from the listings. C)onfirm each file A)utomatic deletion Q)uit Option: |1] 1975 [Cleaning offline file from @p=1@ {@p=2@}...] -p1= area number -p2= area name 1978 [Offline file found: @p=1@] -p1= name of offline file located 1980 [Auto-deleting offline files....|9] 1983 [Remove this file from your listings {Y/N}? |1] -msg confirm each deletion 1990 [@cls@--- Move Files to Backup ---|9] -backup files header 1993 [This function will move files to backup (.BCK) files. C)onfirm each move A)utomatic move Q)uit Option: |1 ] -backup files prompt 1996 [Backing up area #@p=1@ (@p=2@)...] -p1= area number -p2= area name 1999 [Offline file found: @p=1@] -p1= name of offline file located 2002 [Automatically backing up offline files....] 2004 [Move this offline file to backup {Y/N}? |1] -individual confirm prompt 2010 [@cls@--- Verify Locations and Size ---|9] -verify location/size header 2013 [This function will scan all files in the area for location and file size. If a file is not found in its specified location, Celerity will look in the current area for the file. C)ontinue Q)uit Option: |1 ] -verify loc/size prompt 2016 [Verifying area #@p=1@ {@p=2@}...] -p1= area number -p2= area name 2019 [@p=1:L30@.] -p1= file name being verified 2022 [Located|9] 2025 [Not found. |9] 2028 [File size mismatch! Old: @p=1@ New: @p=2@] -p1= recorded size -p2= current size 2030 [@cls@--- Old File Removal ---] -old file removal header 2033 [This function will delete files uploaded before @p=1@. C)onfirm each deletion A)utomatic deletion Q)uit Option: |1 ] -file removal prompt 2036 [Examining area #@p=1@ {@p=2@}...] -p1= area number -p2= area name 2039 [Old file found: @p=1@ from @p=2@.] -p1= filename -p2= date uploaded 2042 [Auto deleting old files...] 2045 [Delete this file {Y/N}? |1] -individual delete confirm 2050 [@cls@--- DOS Command Processing ---|9] -DOS command on file(s) header 2052 [This function will perform a DOS command on each and every file in the area. Insert a %1 parameter to specify the file anme, or ENTER to abort. Example: PKZIP %1 -z < c:\zipheadr.asc DOS Command Line: |1] -Dos command proccessing prompt 2055 [Processing area #@p=1@ {@p=2@}...] -p1= area number -p2= area name 2058 [C>@p=1@@p=2@@p=3@] -p1= first portion of command line -p2= %1 equivalent -p3= second portion of command line 2060 [@cls@--- Touch Files ---|9] -touch files header 2063 [This function will set the DOS time and date of all files in the area to the time and date they were uploaded to the BBS. Scan all volumes in this conference {Y/N}? |1] -touch files prompt 2066 [Touching files in area #@p=1@ {@p=2@}...] -p1= area number -p2= area name 2067 [Ready to touch files {Y/N}? |1] -touch files confirm 2069 [Setting time/date stamp on @p=1@@p=2@ to @p=3@ @p=4@|9] -p1= file path -p2= file name -p3= time uploaded -p4= date uploaded 2073 [@cls@--- Multiple File Scan ---|9] -multiple file scan header 2075 [Make sure that you sort areas by file name before performing this operation!] -msg multiple file scan warning 2077 [Scanning for repeats in area #@p=1@ {@p=2@}...] -p1= area number -p2= area name 2079 [Repeat found: @p=1@] -p1= name of file found in multiple areas 2080 [@cls@--- Directory Scan ---|9] -file path directory scan header 2083 [This function scans directories for files not in the listings. C)onfirm each found A)utomatically add files Q)uit Option: |1 ] -directory scan prompt 2086 [Searching area #@p=1@ {@p=2@}...] -p1= area number -p2= area name 2089 [No unlisted files found...|9] 2090 [@cls@--- Offline File Download ---|9] -offline download header 2093 [Full path of file to download: |1] -offline download prompt 2095 [Cannot locate @p=1@|9] -p1= file name not located 2097 [Successful Offline Download] 2099 [Unsuccessful Offline Download] 2100 [@cls@] -upload/download statistics header 2103 [Request that this file be put online {Y/N}? |1] 2105 [That file is already online...] 2107 [Your request has been noted. Please allow a few days for the sysop to put that file online.|9] 2109 [@cls@--- Sysop Commands ---|9|9Free Space: @p=1@|9] -p1= free drive space -p2= area name -p3= area number -sysop commands header 2112 [You were caller #@p=1@ There have been @p=2@ uploads totalling @p=3@k. There have been @p=4@ downloads totalling @p=5@k. ] -p1= caller number -p2= number of uploads -p3= total K of uploads -p4= number of downloads -p5= total K of downloads -CAE status 2115 [Display transfer status again {Y/N}? |1] 2117 [There is no transfer section in this conference.] 2119 [There is no transfer section in this conference.] 2122 [Your PCR is too low! Current PCR: @p=1@ Required PCR: @p=2@ Post more intelligent messages in order to access transfers. ] -msg PCR too low (celsetup.exe) 2125 [Current Location: @p=1@ Area: @p=2@ ] -p1= area name -p2= area number -transfer area bar 2128 [Newscanning @p=1:L4@, @p=2@ ] -p1= area number -p2= area name -newscan transfers prompt 2130 [Filename] -filesort param 2133 [Date] -filesort param 2136 [Times Downloaded] -filesort param 2139 [File Size] -filesort param 2142 [GIF/TGA Resolution] -filesort param 2145 [GIF/TGA Color Depth] -filesort param 2148 [Random Sort] -filesort param 2150 [Slow] -CAE param 2153 [U/L] -CAE param 2155 [D/L] -CAE param 2158 [No Ratio] -CAE param 2161 [Free] -CAE param 2164 [Scan Area] -CAE param 2167 [Repeat scan] -CAE param 2170 [File_id.diz] -CAE param 2173 [-opt] -CAE param 2175 [@cls@--- File Editor ---|9] -file edit header 2176 [@cls@--- Extended File Edit ---|9] -extended file edit header 2179 [File uploaded by {@p=1@}: |1 ] -p1= default uploader 2182 [Free Download {Y/N}? |1] 2185 [Unrated File {Y/N}? |1] 2189 [File path {@p=1@}: |1] -p1= current file path 2192 [File Point Cost {@p=1@}: |1 ] -p1= current file point cost 2195 [Times Downloaded {@p=1@}: |1] -p1= number of times downloaded 2196 [Path to move file to: |1] 2197 [Unable to move file...] 2198 [Renew this file's appearance on newscans {Y/N}? |1] 2199 [@cls@] -extended edit trailer 2200 [@cls@--- Sysop Flag Editor ---|9] -sysop flag editor header NOTICE: Spacing on the items below is -critical- to a good display. It is advisable to NOT extend the length of the descriptions unless you intend to totally rewrite the langauage positions of all of the items below... 2201 [@pos=01,04@ 1 (X) Unlimited Time ] 2202 [@pos=01,04@ 1 ( ) Unlimited Time ] 2203 [@pos=01,05@ 2 (X) Transfer Users ] 2204 [@pos=01,05@ 2 ( ) Transfer Users ] 2205 [@pos=01,06@ 3 (X) Extended Info ] 2206 [@pos=01,06@ 3 ( ) Extended Info ] 2207 [@pos=01,07@ 4 (X) Parameter Edit ] 2208 [@pos=01,07@ 4 ( ) Parameter Edit ] 2209 [@pos=01,08@ 5 (X) View Anonymous ] 2210 [@pos=01,08@ 5 ( ) View Anonymous ] 2211 [@pos=01,09@ 6 (X) Sensitive Xfer ] 2212 [@pos=01,09@ 6 ( ) Sensitive Xfer ] 2213 [@pos=01,10@ 7 (X) Timeout Xclude ] 2214 [@pos=01,10@ 7 ( ) Timeout Xclude ] 2215 [@pos=01,11@ 8 (X) Feedback List ] 2216 [@pos=01,11@ 8 ( ) Feedback List ] 2217 [@pos=01,12@ 9 (X) Log Exclusion ] 2218 [@pos=01,12@ 9 ( ) Log Exclusion ] 2219 [@pos=01,13@10 (X) Art Gallery ] 2220 [@pos=01,13@10 ( ) Art Gallery ] 2221 [@pos=27,04@11 (X) BBS Listing ] 2222 [@pos=27,04@11 ( ) BBS Listing ] 2223 [@pos=27,05@12 (X) New User Vote ] 2224 [@pos=27,05@12 ( ) New User Vote ] 2225 [@pos=27,06@13 (X) Oneliners ] 2226 [@pos=27,06@13 ( ) Oneliners ] 2227 [@pos=27,07@14 (X) SysMenu Access ] 2228 [@pos=27,07@14 ( ) SysMenu Access ] 2229 [@pos=27,08@15 (X) User Custodian ] 2230 [@pos=27,08@15 ( ) User Custodian ] 2231 [@pos=27,09@16 (X) Online Doors ] 2232 [@pos=27,09@16 ( ) Online Doors ] 2233 [@pos=27,10@17 (X) E-Mail ] 2234 [@pos=27,10@17 ( ) E-Mail ] 2235 [@pos=27,11@18 (X) Voting Section ] 2236 [@pos=27,11@18 ( ) Voting Section ] 2237 [@pos=27,12@19 (X) D/L Private ] 2238 [@pos=27,12@19 ( ) D/L Private ] 2239 [@pos=27,13@20 (X) System Config ] 2240 [@pos=27,13@20 ( ) System Config ] 2241 [@pos=53,04@21 (X) Message Sysop ] 2242 [@pos=53,04@21 ( ) Message Sysop ] 2243 [@pos=53,05@22 (X) Xfer Sysop ] 2244 [@pos=53,05@22 ( ) Xfer Sysop ] 2245 [@pos=53,06@23 (X) Bulletin Area ] 2246 [@pos=53,06@23 ( ) Bulletin Area ] 2247 [@pos=53,07@24 (X) Remote DOS ] 2248 [@pos=53,07@24 ( ) Remote DOS ] 2249 [@pos=53,08@25 (X) Multinode Login] 2250 [@pos=53,08@25 ( ) Multinode Login] 2251 [@pos=53,09@26 (X) Quick Login ] 2252 [@pos=53,09@26 ( ) Quick Login ] 2253 [@pos=53,10@27 (X) ] 2254 [@pos=53,10@27 ( ) ] 2255 [@pos=53,11@28 (X) ] 2256 [@pos=53,11@28 ( ) ] 2257 [@pos=53,12@29 (X) ] 2258 [@pos=53,12@29 ( ) ] 2259 [@pos=53,13@30 (X) ] 2260 [@pos=53,13@30 ( ) ] 2261 [] 2262 [] 2263 [] 2264 [] 2265 [@pos=01,17@Toggle which Flag: |1] -toggle flag prompt 2270 [@cls@--- User Flag Editor ---|9] -user flag editor header 2271 [@pos=01,04@ 1 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2272 [@pos=01,04@ 1 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2273 [@pos=01,05@ 2 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2274 [@pos=01,05@ 2 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2275 [@pos=01,06@ 3 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2276 [@pos=01,06@ 3 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2277 [@pos=01,07@ 4 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2278 [@pos=01,07@ 4 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2279 [@pos=01,08@ 5 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2280 [@pos=01,08@ 5 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2281 [@pos=01,09@ 6 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2282 [@pos=01,09@ 6 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2283 [@pos=01,10@ 7 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2284 [@pos=01,10@ 7 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2285 [@pos=01,11@ 8 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2286 [@pos=01,11@ 8 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2287 [@pos=01,12@ 9 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2288 [@pos=01,12@ 9 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2289 [@pos=01,13@10 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2290 [@pos=01,13@10 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2291 [@pos=27,04@11 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2292 [@pos=27,04@11 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2293 [@pos=27,05@12 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2294 [@pos=27,05@12 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2295 [@pos=27,06@13 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2296 [@pos=27,06@13 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2297 [@pos=27,07@14 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2298 [@pos=27,07@14 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2299 [@pos=27,08@15 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2300 [@pos=27,08@15 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2301 [@pos=27,09@16 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2302 [@pos=27,09@16 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2303 [@pos=27,10@17 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2304 [@pos=27,10@17 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2305 [@pos=27,11@18 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2306 [@pos=27,11@18 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2307 [@pos=27,12@19 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2308 [@pos=27,12@19 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2309 [@pos=27,13@20 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2310 [@pos=27,13@20 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2311 [@pos=53,04@21 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2312 [@pos=53,04@21 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2313 [@pos=53,05@22 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2314 [@pos=53,05@22 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2315 [@pos=53,06@23 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2316 [@pos=53,06@23 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2317 [@pos=53,07@24 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2318 [@pos=53,07@24 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2319 [@pos=53,08@25 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2320 [@pos=53,08@25 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2321 [@pos=53,09@26 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2322 [@pos=53,09@26 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2323 [@pos=53,10@27 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2324 [@pos=53,10@27 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2325 [@pos=53,11@28 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2326 [@pos=53,11@28 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2327 [@pos=53,12@29 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2328 [@pos=53,12@29 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2329 [@pos=53,13@30 (X) @p=1:L19@] 2330 [@pos=53,13@30 ( ) @p=1:L19@] 2331 [] 2332 [] 2333 [] 2334 [] -p1= hardcoded parameters 2335 [@pos=01,17@Toggle which Flag: |1] -toggle user flag prompt 2340 [@cls@Viewing Infoscript #@p=1@ for @p=2@|9|9] -p1= infoscript number -p2= name of user -view infoscript header 2342 [@cls@--- Information Scripts ---|9|9] -infoform header 2345 [{@p=1@} @p=2:L30@ ] -p1= script number -p2= script name 2346 [Completed] -status script completed 2347 [Not yet completed.] -status script not completed 2348 [Required] -status script required 2349 [Not Mandatory] -status script not required 2351 [|1] 2350 [|9] -infoform report trailer 2352 [|9Required Forms: ] 2353 [@p=1@] -p1= numbers of required forms 2354 [|9] -required forms trailer 2357 [Fill out which infoform {? to list}: |1] 2358 [There are still forms which you must fill out...|9] -msg rcvd when all required forms are not completed 2370 [International phone # noted. Notify sysop if over 12 digits.|9] 2371 [The phone number must be in the format: 800-555-1212.|9] 2372 [Invalid phone number!|9] 2379 [|1] 2380 [Available Selections: Access Area Name|9 ] -scan configure header 2381 [@p=1:L14@ @p=2:L40@ ] -p1= access number -p2= area name 2382 [{Msg}|9] -area type (scan config) 2383 [{Xfer}|9] -area type (scan config) 2384 [{Conf}|9] -area type (scan config) 2385 [{Door}|9] -area type (scan config) 2386 [{Bull}|9] -area type (scan config) 2387 [{Art}|9] -area type (scan config) 2388 [{BBS}|9] -area type (scan config) 2389 [Unused] -area type (scan config) 2390 [Unused] -area type (scan config) 2391 [N {Newscan Sub-Trees }|9] 2392 [Q {Previous Conference }|9] 2393 [^ {Exit Conference Tree}|9] 2394 [% {Edit Conference Item}|9] -this one seen by sysops only 2395 [|9] -scan config trailer 2396 [{@p=1@} Select item {? to list}: |1] -p1= current location 2400 [If you are creating/uploading a .QWK packet at this time and do not have the Sysop password, hit ENTER and the process will continue for the areas that you have access to. Password for @p=1@: |1 ] -p1= area requiring pw 2401 [Password Accepted.] -msg correct pw 2402 [Password NOT Accepted.] -msg incorrect pw 2405 [You do not have post access on @p=1@.|9] -p1= current conf item -msg conf post denied 2406 [Add a new message base {Y/N}?: |1] 2407 [Error saving base! Data file @p=1@ exists!|9] -p1= data file for base -create msg base error 2408 [Edit @p=1@ {Y/N}? |1] -p1= current/selected msg area or conf 2409 [Would you like to create a new item {Y/N}? |1] -msg create new msg base or conference 2410 [Warning- Access code or data files not unique.@pause@] -msg access code not unique -create msg base/conf item 2411 [No conference item to @p=1@.|9] -p1= action (delete, modify, etc.) 2412 [Delete which item: |1] -delete msg base or conf prompt 2413 [Edit which item: |1] -select modifier item prompt 2414 [Are you sure you want to delete @p=1@ {Y/N}? |1] -p1= item to be deleted -msg confirm delete msg base/conf 2415 [Delete data files for this item from disk {Y/N}? |1] -msg confirm delete data files for previous item 2416 [Sorry, that item does not exist...|9] 2417 [There is no conference item to select...] 2419 [Search for messages addressed only to you {Y/N}? |1] 2420 [Message base @p=1@ located! Include in your Global Newscan {Y/N}? |1] -p1= new base found -msg new area found, include confirm 2421 [Post a message on @p=1@ {Y/N}? |1] -p1= current msg base -msg rcvd at end of item scan 2422 [Transfer area @p=1@ located! Add to your Global Newscan {Y/N}? |1] -p1= current area -transfer area found, include confirm 2423 [Sub Conf @p=1@ found. Include this conf in your Newscan {Y/N}? |1] -p1= new sub conference found -msg subconference found, include confirm 2424 [Sorting sub-conferences...|9] -msg conf sort * 2437 [(Sorry, I don't know what this one is supposed to be...)] 2500 [The sysop does NOT want to chat...@delay=50@] 2504 [Tell @sysop@ why you would like to chat: |1] 2507 [Repeat the {C}hat command to turn chat call off.] 2510 [Face it buddy, @sysop@ doesn't isn't around!@delay=99@@hangup@] -msg when user tries to chat more than 10 times 2513 [Chat call is now off...] 2520 [Range {1-@p=1@} (ENTER for all, ? for help): |1] -p1= maximum range -msg listing prompt 2521 [Enter a range of entries: 4 Selects entry #4 2-7 Selects entry #2 through #7 6+ Selcets entries from #6 to the end ENTER Selects all entries ] -msg listing help display 2523 [Invalid range!] -msg invalid range entered 2525 [Edit Conf Item: |1] -conf item edit input prompt 2528 [Trying to page @sysop@.] 2530 [Node to send a message to {? to list}: |1] 2533 [Enter your message to @p=2@ on Node #@p=1@. ENTER on a blank line to end.] -p1= node number -p2= name of user on node 2536 [Message: |1] -multinode message entry prompt 2538 [The message has not been sent. There is no one on that node.] -msg no user on other node 2539 [Message has been sent.] 2540 [You have a message from another user currently online!|9] 2541 [Do you wish to R)ead it S)end a reply I)gnore it Q)uit: |1] 2542 [--- InterNode Message ---|9] -internode msg header 2546 [Node #@p=3@ @p=1L:12@ active at @p=2:R8@ ] -p1= node description -p2= time active -p3= node number 2550 [Unknown] -node status 2551 [Node Down] -node status 2552 [Waiting for call] -node status 2553 [In Login Shell] -node status 2554 [Main System] -node status 2555 [In Message Area] -node status 2556 [In Xfer Area] -node status 2557 [Xfering Files] -node status 2558 [Multinode Chat] -node status 2559 [In Sysop Chat] -node status 2560 [New User Applying] -node status 2561 [In .QWK Area] -node status 2562 [Using a Door] -node status 2563 [Entering System] -node status 2564 [Direct Chat] -node status 2565 [System Link] -node status 2566 [Network Call] -node status 2567 [In Sysop Functions] -node status 2568 [In Sysop File Mgmt] -node status 2569 [Writing a Message] -node status 2570 [In Conference Area] -node status 2571 [In E-Mail Area] -node status 2575 [User: @p=1:L15@] -p1= user on node 2576 [|9] -multinode status trailer 2577 [|9|9] -"Who's online" listing trailer 2579 [User @p=1:L15@ requests your presence in multinode chat.] 2580 [Activating voice synthesizer...] 2582 [Paging @sysop@...] -msg user rcvs each time chat call sounds on sysop end 2585 [A system event must be completed. Please call back later. (ENTER) @pause@ ] 2588 [Your time has expired for today. Please call back tomorrow. (ENTER) @pause@ ] 2590 [Force Chat Password: |1] 2593 [Forcing chat call....] 2595 [No display file found for this menu.|9|9] 2597 [Please aquire or design @p=1@|9|9] -p1= filename of missing menu 2598 [|1] -menu prompt trailer 2599 [Valid Commands are: @p=1@|9] -p1= valid commands for current menu 2600 [Login Password: |1] -login pw (celsetup.exe) 2605 [Date to scan from {@p=1@}: |1] -p1= currently selected date -.QWK by date prompt 2610 [@cls@@software@ v@version@ Line Editor (100 lines maximum length)] -line editor header 2613 [{/S}ave {/A}bort {/?}Help] -line editor instructions 2616 [Line number to @p=1@: |1] -p1= edit, delete, etc. (depends on action chosen) 2619 [Invalid Line Number!] -msg invalid line number chosen 2622 [Erase entire message {Y/N}? |1] -msg /Abort 2625 [@cls@@software@ v@version@ Line Editor (100 lines maximum lenght)] -line editor header -for new screen when first is filled or scrolled 2629 [Edit previous line.] 2632 [Continue with message...] 2637 [Current line:|9@p=1@|9|9New line: |1] 2640 [List with line numbers {Y/N}? |1] 2643 [Line number to center: |1] 2647 [Replace this {Y/N}? |1] 2650 [Search for: |1] 2653 [Replace with: |1] 2656 [Confirm each replace {Y/N}? |1] 2659 [Search and replace complete...] 2662 [Saving message....] (line editor) 2665 [Editor Command {? for help}: |1] (line editor) 2669 [Maximum message size has been reached. If you require more space, write your message in a standard text editor and upload it via a transfer protocol. ] -msg max size reached in line editor 2672 [@p=1@ lines left.] -msg lines remaining (line editor) 2675 [Back one line...] 2679 [@cls@News #@p=1@|9Written by @p=2@ on @p=3@|9] -p1= news item number -p2= writer of news bulletin -p3= date written -system news header 2700 [Do you wish to check each file for on/off line status {Y/N}? |1] 2703 [Calculating for conference @p=1@.] -p1= conference being calculated -file status check 2710 [@cls@--- Recent Caller Listing ---|9] -recent callers header 2711 [-@reol=-@] -recent callers trailer 2713 [Call # Node Name Time Speed -@reol=-@ ] -recent callers listing top bar 2716 [@p=1@ @p=2@ @p=3@ @p=6@ @p=7@ ] -p1= call number -p2= node number -p3= user name -p4= user location -p5= login date -p6= login time -p7= bps rate -recent callers listing 2730 [@pos=40, 18@Total Files @pos=40, 19@Total Kbytes @pos=40, 20@Offline Files @pos=40, 21@Offline Kbytes] -file status check 2733 [@pos=56, 18@@p=1@] -p1= total # of files on BBS so far -file status check 2736 [@pos=56, 19@@p=1@] -p1= total K of files on BBS so far -file status check 2738 [@pos=56, 20@@p=1@] -p1= total offline files on BBS so far -file status check 2741 [@pos=56, 21@@p=1@] -p1= total offline K on BBS so far -file status check NOTICE: The following entry may be used in place of 2730-2741 above or you can use the next entry as a trailer for the ones above or as an additional entry for something else related to status check. 2744 [@pos=40, 18@ Total Files: @p=1@ @pos=40, 19@ Total Kbytes: @p=2@ @pos=40, 20@ Offline Files: @p=3@ @pos=40, 21@Offline Kbytes: @p=4@ -p1= total files on BBS (final) -p2= total Kbytes on BBS (final) -p3= total offline files on BBS (final) -p4= total offline Kbytes on BBS (final) -file status check 2747 [@pos=22, 01@Total Files @p=1@] -p1= total files on BBS (final detail information) -file status check 2749 [ Files Online: @p=1@ % Online: @p=2@% Storage Online: @p=3@ Storage Offline: @p=4@ Storage Total: @p=5@ -p1= files online -p2= % of files online -p3= storage online -p4= storage offline -p4= storage total -file status check (final detail information) 2753 [@p=1@ @p=2@ @p=3@ @p=4@] -p1= drive letter -p2= size of drive -p3= space used -p4= space free -system storage info 2759 [-@reol=-@ Drive Size Used Free -@reol=-@|9 ] -system storage header 2762 [-@reol=-@|9] -system storage trailer 2770 [@cls@--- System Information ---|9] -system info header 2773 [Software: @p=1@ v@p=2@ compiled @p=3@] -p1= software name (Celerity, CAE, CAE/TAC, etc.) -p2= software version -p3= compile date -system info 2776 [Network: CelNet v@p=1@ Mercnet v@p=2@ FidoMailer v@p=3@ CelerityNet : Node #@p=4@ ] -p1= Celerity Net version -p2= MercuryNet version (unused with v2.0) -p3= FidoMailer -p4= Celerity node # -p5= Celerity Hub # -system info 2779 [Time/Date: @p=1@, @p=2@] -p1= current time -p2= current date -system info 2783 [Registered to: @p=1@ Serial Number: @p=2@] -p1= name software is registered to -p1= serial number of registration -system info 2786 [BBS Node: @p=2@ #@p=1@] -p1= node number -p2= node description -system info 2789 [Calls Today: @p=1@ Total Calls: @p=2@] -p1= calls today -p2= total number of system calls -system info 2792 [Total Days Up: @p=1@ Calls per Day: @p=2@] -p1= total number of days running -p2= average number of calls per day -system info 2795 [Modem Driver: @p=1@ ] -p1= driver name, FOSSIL or DIGIBOARD -system info 2798 [I/O Info: UART=@p=1@ Input Buffer: @p=2@ Output Buffer: @p=3@ Chars Sent : @p=4@ Chars Rcvd : @p=5@ ] -p1= detected UART -p2= input buffer size -p3= output buffer size -p4= characters sent -p5= characters rcvd -system info 2800 [@cls@--- System Status ---|9] -system status header 2806 [@cls@Sysop found... @p=1@] -p1= user name, user level (both show) -show sysops 2808 [Show access flags {Y/N}? |1] -show sysops 2809 [Edit this Sysop {Y/N}? |1] -show sysops 2830 [Auto-validating @p=1@] -p1= user being autovalidated in voting -NUV 2831 [Auto-deleting @p=1@] -p1= user being autodeleted in voting -NUV 2835 [Processing votes.....] -msg process votes in voting -NUV 2837 [@p=1:L30.@] -p1= user name -user being processed -NUV 2838 [Not processing...] -msg not processing votes -NUV 2839 [|9|9] -NUV process trailer 2840 [@cls@--- List Pending New Users ---|9] -list users in NUV header 2843 [Yes votes: @p=1@ No Votes: @p=2@] -p1= number of yes votes on user -p2= number of no votes on user -NUV list pending 2846 [Yes|9] -status, NUV list 2847 [Nay|9] -status, NUV list 2848 [No vote recorded.] -status, NUV list 2849 [|9|9] -NUV list trailer 2850 [Do you wish to comment on this user {Y/N}? |1] -NUV comment confirm 2853 [Sorry, but the comment field is full...] 2856 [Enter your comment: |1] -NUV comment prompt 2860 [@cls@--- Vote on New Users ---|9] -NUV header 2862 [Skip those you have already voted on {Y/N}? |1] -NUV skip voted on confirm 2864 [New User Found: @p=1@ -p1= user found in NUV that you have not yet voted on 2866 [Vote Pending|9] -status, NUV 2868 [Yes: @p=1@ No: @p=2@] -p1= yes votes cast on user -p2= no votes cast on user -NUV cast YOUR ballot 2870 [Comments exist on this user. Care to read them {Y/N}? |1] -read comments confirm, NUV 2872 [You have already voted on this user. Change your vote {Y/N}? |1] -chang vote confirm, NUV 2874 [View info-script for @p=1@ {Y/N}? |1] -p1= user you are voting on -view infoform confirm, NUV -this shows infoform #5 as defined in celsetup.exe 2876 [View sysop infoform for @p=1@ {Y/N}? |1] -p1= user you are voting on -view infoform confirm, NUV -this shows infoform #1 (to sysops) as defined in celsetup.exe 2878 [View validation upload for @p=1@ {Y/N}? |1] -p1= user you are voting on -view validation upload confirm, NUV (celsetup.exe) 2880 [@p=1@ did not bother to send a validation upload!] -p1= user you are voting on -msg no upload rcvd from user as required (celsetup.exe) 2882 [How do you vote on @p=1@? Y)es N)o A)sk me again later ] -p1= user being voted on -input vote prompt, NUV 2884 [R)emove from voting V)eto -input vote prompt, NUV 2886 [Option: |1] -input vote prompt, NUV 2888 [V)alidate or D)elete: |1] -V)eto input prompt, NUV 2890 [Thanks for voting....] -exit prompt, NUV 2892 [@cls@--- New User Voting ---|9] -NUV header 2894 [There are no new users at this time...] -msg no users in voting 2900 [@cls@--- Transfer Activity ---|9] -transfer activity header 2902 [User File Size When -@reol=-@|9 ] -transfer activity title bar 2905 [@p=1:L25@ @p=2:L16@ @p=3:R10@ @p=4@ @p=5@] -p1= user name -p2= file name -p3= file size -p4= date of transfer -p5= time of transfer -transfer activity 2907 [-@reol=-@|9] -transfer activity trailer 2910 [Write a new automessage {Y/N}? |1] 2920 [@cls@--- Log off of @BBS@ ---|9] -logoff header 2922 [Are you sure {Y/N}? |1] -logoff confirm prompt 2825 [Thank you for calling @BBS@@hangup@!] -logoff "Y" message -NOTE: hangup will throw them back into the login shell unless you have "hang up on exit" checked in celsetup.exe 2928 [Aborting logoff....] -logoff "N" message 2940 [@cls@--- List Users ---|9] -list users header 2942 [@cls@ # Name Loc Last On UserNote -@reol=-@|9 ] 2944 [@p=1:R3@ @p=2:L30@ (@p=3@) @p=4@ @p=6@|9] -p1= user number -p2= user name -p3= user area code -p4= date last on -p5= user level -p6= user note -p7= user personal note -p8= user internet name -p9= user data phone number -p10= user voice phone number -list users 2945 [@p=1:R3@ @p=2:L30@ (@p=3@) @p=4@ @p=6@|9] -p1= user number -p2= user name -p3= user area code -p4= date last on -p5= user level -p6= user note -p7= user personal note -p8= user internet name -p9= user data phone number -p10= user voice phone number -list long distance users 2948 [-@reol=-@|9] -list users trailer 2950 [Erase the error log for this node {Y/N}? |1] -error log delete confirm 2952 [Node @node@ error log deleted!] -msg error log deleted 2954 [Error log not found.] -msg no error log 2960 [@p=3@: @p=1@] -p1= system log entry -p2= date of entry -p3= time of entry -system log 2962 [@p=2@ @p=3@ @p=1@ |9] -p1= system log entry -p2= date of entry -p3= time of entry -system log entry, first line 2964 [@cls@--- View System Log ---|9] -system log header 2965 [View the system log for which node: |1] -system log view (multinode setups) 2966 [ENTER/R/Q: |1] -ENTER to continue -R)epeat last entry -Q)uit -view syslog prompt 2967 [CR= Next entry R= Repeat last entry Q= Quit viewing syslog -syslog help (? at view syslog prompt) 2968 [Delete the system log {Y/N}? |1] -syslog delete confirm 2969 [System log deleted...] -msg "Y" syslog delete 2970 [@cls@--- System History ---|9] -system history header 2972 [System history dates back @p=1@ days. How many days back would you like to view the history for? |1 ] -p1= number of days in system history 2974 [Day# Date Calls Posts EMail Uploads Downloads New Users|9 -@reol=-@|9 ] -system history title bar NOTICE: The following line should NOT be split! 2976 [@p=1:R3@ @p=2:C8@ @p=3:C5@ @p=4:C5@ @p=5:C5@ @p=6:C7@ @p=7:C9@ @p=8:C9@|9 ] -p1= day number -p2= date for that day -p3= number of calls -p4= number of posts -p5= number of e-mail items -p6= number of uploads -p7= number of downloads -p8= number of new users -p9= unused #1 -p10= unused #2 -system history 2978 [-@reol=-@|9] -system history trailer 2980 [There have been @p=1@ calls to the system. Enter new total number of calls: |1] -p1= total number of calls to the system to date -edit system history 2982 [The board has been online for @p=1@ days. Enter new total number of days up: |1] -p1= number of days online -edit system history 2984 [This option will truncate your user list. All users over the new size will be LOST. It is advised that you back up your user list before performing this option. There are currently @p=1@ user records. Enter size of new user list: |1] -p1= current number of users on system -edit user list size 2986 [Completed. There are now @p=1@ user records.] -p1= new number of users on system -edit user list size 2990 [Current Time: @p=1@ Current Date: @p=2@|9] -p1= current time -p2= current date -edit system time/date prompt 2992 [New System Time: |1] -edit system time 2994 [Invalid Time!] -msg invalid time or time format 2996 [New System Date: |1] -edit system date 2998 [Invalid Date!] -msg invalid date or date format -edit system date NOTICE: The following entry should be limited to ONE line. 3000 [---@p=1:R20-@ on Node #@p=2@-@reol=-@] -p1= name of user in chat window -p2= node user is on -multinode chat window title bar 3002 [There is no one in the chat room at this time. Enter the chat room anyway {Y/N}? |1] -multinode enter chat confirm 3004 [Make this room personal {Y/N}? |1] -multinode make room private confirm 3006 [Entering chat room #@p=1@|9|9] -p1= multinode chat room number being entered 3008 [Error encountered entering chat room. Try again.] 3010 [Sorry, but that chat room is currently full.] 3012 [Sorry, but that chat room has been designated as personal.] 3020 [Your status is as follows: Yes votes- @p=1@ No votes- @p=2@ You must have @p=3@ yes votes to be accepted. You must have @p=4@ no votes to be refused. Press {ENTER} to continue. @pause@ ] -p1= current number of yes votes on user -p2= current number of no votes on user -p3= required number of yes votes for validation -p4= required number of no votes for deletion -NUV status check 3022 @cls@@showfile={path\validud.bbs@} -path= path to validud.bbs display file. -Example: You must now upload a copy of your newest ware for examination by the voting panel. All uploaded files must be in .ZIP format 3024 [Filename to upload: |1] -get filename prompt -new user upload 3026 [Please give a single line description of your upload: (> |1 ] -description input field -new user upload 3028 [Chances of gaining access are low for one of two reasons: a) You don't care enough to send an upload. b) You don't know HOW to upload. Try again {Y/N}? |1] -msg upload not rcvd -new user upload 3030 [Your real name is required for access. It will only be displayed on real name echoes. Please enter your first and last name below. > |1] -real name request -new user 3032 [How old are you? |1] -age request -new user 3034 [What gender are you? |1] -gender request -new user 3036 [What is your birthdate {Example format @p=1@}? |1] -p1= today's date (used as an example) -birthdate request -new user 3037 [Invalid date format, please try again.] -msg invalid date format -new user 3038 [You have been blacklisted from this BBS. Don't bother to call back. @pause@@hangup@ ] -blacklist notice -new user 3040 [Invalid alias!] -msg alias is already in use, or improper characters are in it. -new user 3042 [Please send a message to @sysop@ requesting access...@pause@] -feedback required notice -new user 3044 [An archive of @BBS@ policies and text is available for download. Would you like to download it {Y/N}? |1] -policies available for dl notice -new user 3046 [@BBS@ accepts, but does not require, user aliases. Please enter your desired alias: |1] -alias input -new user 3048 [@BBS@ does not accept user aliases. Please enter your real name:|1] -real name required input -new user 3049 [Sorry, no new local users are being accepted at this time. @pause@@hangup@ ] -msg no new local users -new user 3050 [Try again, that name is already in use. @pause@] -new user 3052 [New user process aborted...] 3054 [Which do you prefer: 1) @p=1@ 2) @p=2@ : |1] -p1= name as entered -p2= name in lower case with first letter in caps -new user 3056 [Please choose an emulation for your account: 1) IBM ANSI, ANSI BBS, VT100, VT102 (recommended) 2) Avatar/0+ (strongly recommended) 3) VT52 (discouraged) 4) VT52 with Atari ST Codes (discouraged) N) TTY (no emulation) (strongly discouraged) Option: |1] -new user 3058 [Please enter a phone number at which you can be reached. Format within North America : 800-555-1212 Format outside North America: +44-1-213021 Note: International codes must begin with a + and may have up to 11 digits following, including dashes. |9] -phone number request -new user 3060 [Voice number: |1] -new user 3062 [You may also enter a BBS or data number if you so choose.] -new user 3064 [BBS/Data number: |1] -new user 3066 [A fax number may also be listed if you so choose.] -new user 3068 [Fax number: |1] -new user 3070 [A password is required to access your account here. It should be between 3 and 15 characters long. It may contain any alpha-numeric, punctuation, or 8-bit ASCII characters. Password: |1] -password input -new user 3072 [Please enter your mailing address below. You have two lines. Street Address: |1] -street address input -new user 3074 [City, State, Zip: |1] -address input -new user 3076 [@p=1@ @p=2@ @p=3@ Is this correct {Y/N}? |1] -p1= real name -p2= address line 1 -p3= address line 2 -address verification -new user 3078 [Error writing account. Sysop may be using an unregistered version of @software@ and has a limit on the number of available accounts, or there may have been a hardware failure. Press ENTER @pause@ ] -msg error writing account -new user 3080 [Account Assignment- Alias: @p=1@ Password: @p=2@ Please write down your password and alias! ] -p1= alias -p2= password -p3= real name -p4= user ID number -p5= voice phone number -account assignment -new user 3082 [To continue, you must enter the lockout password: |1] -new user lockout password required to apply (celsetup.exe) -new user 3084 [Password Accepted] -msg valid pw -new user 3086 [Password Incorrect!] -msg invalid pw -new user 3088 [Sorry, @BBS@ is not currently accepting new users.] -msg no new users accepted -new user 3092 [This system is accepting users by invitation only. A password is required to to access the application process. New User Password: |1] -msg NUP input required, -new user 3094 [Qualified users will vote on your application. Applicants who do not call back within one week will be deleted. |9] -NUV notice -new user 3096 [Please call back in a few days to check your application status. @pause@@hangup@ ] -msg call later to check on voting -new user 3098 [You have access to @BBS@. Please feel free to login!] -msg access granted -new user 3100 [@cls@--- Create a New User Account ---|9] -make a new user header 3102 [Assign access levels from -5 to 100.|9] -make a new user instruction 3104 [Access level to grant: |1] -level input -make new user 3106 [Transfer level to grant: |1] -xfer level input -make new user 3108 [File points to grant: |1] -file point input -make new user 3200 [Oneliner written by @p=1@ on @p=3@|9] -p1= author -p2= origin -p3= date written -p4= time written -oneliner information 3202 [Display which oneliner: |1] -OL display input -oneliners 3204 [Out of range!] -msg invalid range -oneliners 3206 [@p=1:C80@@ceol@|9] -oneliner display prompt -oneliners 3208 [|9] -oneliner trailer 3210 [@cls@--- Create a Oneliner ---|9] -oneliner create header 3212 [Enter your oneliner below. You have 78 characters. (> |1] -oneliner input prompt 3214 [Please do not use obscene or libelous langauge in oneliners!] 3216 [You may not add carriage returns to oneliners.] -msg CR invalid entry 3218 [@p=1:C80@ Save this oneliner {Y/N}? |1] -p1= text of oneliner -save oneliner confirm prompt 3220 [@cls@--- Delete a Oneliner ---|9 Delete which oneliner {? to list}? |1] -delete oneliner header/input prompt 3222 [Sorry, but you can't delete what you didn't write!] -msg not your oneliner 3224 [@p=1@ Delete this oneliner {Y/N}? |1] -p1= oneliner text -oneliner delete confirm 3226 [Deleted] -status oneliner 3228 [@cls@--- List Oneliners ---|9] -list oneliner header 3230 [@p=1@] -p1= oneliner text -list oneliners 3232 [|9] -oneliner CR -list oneliners 3234 [|9|9] -list oneliner trailer 3236 [@cls@--- Purge Old Oneliners ---|9] -purge oneliner header 3238 [Purge all oneliners dated before @p=1@ {Y/N}? |1] -p1= date to purge before -oneliner purge confirm 3240 [@lastline@@p=1:C78@@ceol@] -oneliner floating postion prompt 3242 [@p=1@|9] -oneliner non-floating postion prompt 3250 [@p=1@ upload bytes have been credited to your account.|9] -p1= bytes added to account 3251 [@p=1@ upload bytes have been removed from your account.|9] -p1= bytes removed from account 3252 [@p=1@ file points have been credited to your account.|9] -p1= file points granted 3253 [@p=1@ file points have been removed from your account.|9] -p1= file points removed 3254 [You have received @p=1@ points as commission.|9] -p1= points commission received 3255 [Your upload of @p=2@ was downloaded by @p=1@ on @p=3@.|9 -p1= filename downloaded -p2= name of downloader -p3= date of download 3256 [Your upload of @p=1@ was received. Please make sure that it has a description!] -p1= filename received 3257 [Your file @p=1@ was validated.|9] -p1= filename validated 3258 [Your file @p=1@ was deleted.|9] -p1= filename deleted 3259 [Your upload of @p=1@ was processed successfully!] -p1= filename processed 3300 [Scanning for file @p=1@.....] -p1= name of file being scanned for 3302 [Scanning @p=2@ for file @p=1@...] -p1= filename being scanned for -p2= area being scanned 3304 [That file does exist.] -msg file found -scan for file 3306 [|9] -scan area trailer 3308 [|9|9Seconds required for search: @p=1@ |9] -p1= seconds used in search 3310 [Hangup after completion of transfer {Y/N}? |1] -hangup after transfer confirm 3312 [You have downloaded more than your daily limit of @p=1@k.|9] -p1= users daily download limit 3314 [Your upload/download ratio is extremely low!|9] -msg ratios getting low 3316 [Your upload/download ratio is too low for this transfer. You need to upload @p=1@ bytes to continue with this download.|9] -p1= bytes needed to upload in order to increase ratio enough 3318 [Your GenR is extremely low. You need to post or upload more often.] -msg ratios getting low 3320 [Your GenR is too low to for this transfer. You need to upload @p=1@ bytes or post @p=2@ messages to continue with this download.|9] -p1= bytes needed to upload in order to increase ratio enough -p2= number of msgs need to post in order to increase ratio enough 3322 [You may not download from this area.|9] -msg no downloads permitted in this area 3324 [Please address the above problems and then try the download again.] -msg problem with download 3326 [Transfers only work via modem or null modem!] -msg no local transfers 3328 [Transfers at the speed of @p=1@bps are not permitted.|9] -p1= connect speed of user 3330 [@cls@--- Batch Download Queue ---|9] -batch download listing header 3332 [# Filename Cost Size Est.Time -@reol=-@|9] -batch dl title bar 3334 [@p=1:L4@@p=2:L12@ @p=3:R4@ @p=4:R7@ @p=5@|9] -p1= filenumber -p2= filename -p3= point cost -p4= size of file -p5= estimated time to download -batch dl listing 3336 [-@reol=-@ Total Batch @p=1@ @p=2@ @p=3@ at @cpsrate@cps (avg)|9|9] -p1= total point cost -p2= total size in bytes -p3= estimated xfer time -p4= total xfer size in K -batch list summary 3338 [|9] -batch list trailer 3340 [You may not add any more files to this batch.] -msg batch limit reached 3342 [Adding @p=1@ to batch. @p=2@ files currently in batch queue. @p=3@ point cost for batch download. @p=4@ bytes total in batch. This will take approximately @p=5@ to download. |9] -p1= file being added -p2= number of files in batch queue -p3= total point cost of files in batch queue -p4= total bytes in batch queue -p5= estimated total time for batch download 3344 [You may not download between @p=1@ and @p=2@|9] -msg restricted download times in effect 3346 [You may enter a file number (3), a file number range (1-6), a file name (, wildcard specifications (*.zip), ? for list, or ENTER to abort.|9] -batch add instructions 3348 [Filename/# to add: |1] -batch add prompt 3349 [|9] -batch add trailer 3350 [@p=1@ @p=2@ @p=3@ Successful!] -p1= filename -p2= bytes transfered -p3= cps rate -batch dl status successful 3352 [@p=1@ @p=2@ @p=3@ Failed! Only @p=4@% complete.] -p1= filename -p2= bytes transfered -p3= cps rate -p4= percentage successfully downloaded -batch dl status failed 3354 [@p=1@ @p=2@ @p=3@ Lost Carrier] -p1= filename -p2= bytes transfered -p3= cps rate -batch dl status lost carrier 3356 [@p=1@ @p=2@ @p=3@ Aborted! Only @p=4@% complete.] -p1= filename -p2= bytes transfered -p3= cps rate -p4= percentage successfully downloaded -batch dl status aborted 3358 [Free] -batch dl status 3360 [@p=1:R6@] -p1= item cost -batch dl status 3362 [Uploader not found!] -msg uploader no longer has account on system 3364 [@p=1@ to @p=2@] -p1= points given to uploader -p2= name of uploader -commission given notice 3366 [A file_id.diz has been found attached to this file. Do you wish for it to override your description {Y/N}? |1] -import id.diz confirm 3368 [Importing File_ID.diz...] -msg id.diz import "Y"es 3370 [@cls@Received File: @p=1@] -p1= file received -batch item rcvd listing 3372 [The file you uploaded already exists. Please do a S)earch before you upload files to avoid this problem in the future. If it was your file and a botched upload, please E)dit and K)ill it before attempting to upload it again. Press ENTER...@pause@|9] -msg filename exists 3374 [Posting file to file base...] 3376 [@p=1@ uploaded files found. |9|P] -p1= number of extra files found in temp directory -msg files found but not processed yet 3378 [Extra file found: @p=1@|9] -p1= extra file found in temp dir 3380 [Uploads to this area are not allowed.] -msg area doesn't allow uploads 3382 [A board event must be completed within the half hour. Upload at a later time.|9] -msg event will happen before upload is completed 3384 [Uploading to @p=1@|9@showfile=c:\celerity\display\upload.txt@ -p1= current area -upload.txt: textfile with uploads rules, restrictions, etc. 3386 [Filename #@p=1@: |1] -p1= batch entry number -batch ul filename entry prompt 3388 [That filename exists! If you had a botched upload, please E)dit and K)ill it before you try again.|9] -msg file exists 3392 [Some files were not received...] -msg some files not rcvd 3394 [Some extra files were received...] -msg extra files rcvd 3396 [Granting @p=1@ minutes of time in compensation for your upload.|9] -p1= time online returned to user 3397 [Clear your batch dl queue (@p=1@ items), {Y/N}? |1] -p1= number of items in batch -clear batch queue confirm 3398 [File to remove from batch queue {1-@p=1@, ? to list}? |1] -p1= total number of files in batch queue 3400 [@cls@--- @p=1@ Protocols ---|9] -p1= upload, download, batch upload or batch download -protocol list header 3402 [Error reading protocol files...|9] 3404 [{@p=1@} @p=2@|9] -p1= letter option for protocol -p2= description of protocol -protocol listing 3406 [{Q} to abort transfer.|9|9|9] -protocol listing trailer 3408 [There are no files currently in the batch queue...] -msg no files found in buffer 3410 [Disabling temporary sysop status...] -msg temp sysop (F6 from local) disabled 3412 [@cls@--- Transfer Summary ---|9] -xfer summary header 3414 [Filename Size cps Comment Cost Commission -@reol=-@|9] -xfer summary title bar 3416 [|9] -batch status trailer 3418 [N/A No commission given.|9] 3420 [-@reol=-@|9] -xfer summary trailer 3422 [Do you wish to type @p=1@ to the screen {Y/N}? |1] -p1= filename to type 3426 [@showfile=c:\celerity\display\bidirect.txt@] -bidirect.txt file displays pertinent bi-directional xfer info. 3428 [H/S Link Received Files...] -msg bidirect files rcvd 3432 [Filename to upload: |1] -bidir attach file input prompt 3434 [File attach failed.|9] -msg bidir attach failed 3436 [File attach successful!|9] -msg bidir attach successful 3437 [@cls--- Batch Upload Protocols ---|9] -protocol listing batch ul header 3438 [@cls--- Batch Download Protocols ---|9] -protocol listing batch dl header 3439 [@cls--- Single Upload Protocols ---|9] -protocol listing single ul header 3440 [@cls--- Single Download Protocols ---|9] -protocol listing single dl header 3441 [@cls--- Bi-Directional Protocols ---|9] -protocol listing bi-directional header 3450 [Located @p=1@ posts.|9] -p1= number of posts found -.QWK 3452 [QWK: @p=1:L20.@|9] -p1= .QWK name of sub 3453 [@p=1@@p=2@] -this is the .QWK post counter. Backspaces over previous value and inserts the new value 3454 [Messages|9] -follows the above entry (i.e. 23 Messages) -.QWK 3456 [Assembling the .QWK packet, please wait....] 3460 [@cls@--- .QWK Options ---|9] -QWK options header 3464 [Create a packet containing N)ew messages from all areas D)ate scan from a specific date %) 20% of messages from all areas G)lobal Scan Configure Q)uit from this menu Option: |1] -.QWK 3466 [@cls@--- Creating the .QWK Packet ---|9] -creating packet header 3468 [Your .QWK packet is exported to @p=1@@p=2@.|9] -p1= path to packet -p2= packet name 3470 [Error transfering packet. Press ENTER to retry or type ABORT to abandon this packet.|9] -msg packet not sent -.QWK 3472 [Update your newscan pointers {Y/N}? |1] -update scan pointers confirm prompt -.QWK 3500 [Please re-logon to the other system. Your account on this system has been disabled.|9Press ENTER...@pause@@hangup@] -msg account removed from system #x, account on system #xx still active -multi system 3502 [Your account has been deleted from this system.|9Press ENTER... @pause@@hangup@] -msg account deleted from all systems -multi system 3504 [You do not have access to this system.|9Press ENTER... @pause@@hangup@] -msg access denied -multi system 3510 [@cls@--- Auto-Message ---|9] -automessage header 3512 [|9] -automessage trailer * 3513 [|9] -don't know what this one is for 3514 [|9] -art show header * 3515 [|9] -don't know what this one is for 3516 [|9] -art show trailer * 3517 [|9] -don't know what this one is for 3518 [--- System Notices ---|9] -system notice header * 3519 [|9] -don't know what this one is for 3520 [|9] -system notice trailer 3600 [@pos=01, 20@Login ID: |1] -shell 0 user prompt 3602 [@pos=01, 20@Login ID: |1] -shell 1 user prompt 3604 [Username: |1] -shell 2 user prompt 3606 [Login: |1] -shell 3 user prompt 3608 [@pos=01, 20@Login ID: |1] -shell 4 user prompt 3610 [@pos=01, 20@Login ID: |1] -shell 5 user prompt 3612 [User not found.] -shell 0 bad username 3614 [User not found.] -shell 1 bad username 3616 [Account not found. Exiting.|9] -shell 2 bad username 3618 [Login Incorrect.|9] -shell 3 bad username 3620 [User not found.|9] -shell 4 bad username 3622 [User not found.|9] -shell 5 bad username 3624 [Password: |1] -shell 0 password prompt 3626 [Password: |1] -shell 1 password prompt 3628 [Password: |1] -shell 2 password prompt 3630 [Password: |1] -shell 3 password prompt 3632 [Password: |1] -shell 4 password prompt 3634 [Password: |1] -shell 5 password prompt 3636 [Password Incorrect!] -shell 0 password bad 3638 [Password Incorrect!] -shell 1 password bad 3640 [Password Incorrect!] -shell 2 password bad 3642 [Password Incorrect!] -shell 3 password bad 3644 [Password Incorrect!] -shell 4 password bad 3646 [Password Incorrect!] -shell 5 password bad 3700 [@p=1:L20@@p=2@] -p1= command for entry #1 -p2= long/short BBS name 3702 [@p=1:L20@@p=2@] -p1= command for entry #2 -p2= system 2 name 3704 [@p=1:L20@@p=2@] -p1= command for entry #3 -p2= system 3 name 3706 [@p=1:L20@Apply for an Account] -command for entry #4 3708 [@p=1:L20@Check Validation Status] -command for entry #5 3710 [@p=1:L20@Feedback to Sysops] -command for entry #6 3712 [@p=1:L20@Chat with Sysops] -command for entry #7 3713 [Password Accepted.] -Low speed lockout pass accepted 3714 [@p=1:L20@Log off of Shell] -command for entry #8 3716 [@p=1:L20@Upload to Sysop] -command for entry #9 3718 [|9|9] -shell trailer 3720 [@p=1@] -p1= shell prompt as defined in celsetup.exe 3721 [] -exterior shell background goes here. Designed to be an ANSI. 3722 [] -exterior shell #1 inactive 3723 [] -exterior shell #1 active 3724 [] -exterior shell #1 activation number 3725 [] -exterior shell #2 inactive 3726 [] -exterior shell #2 active 3727 [] -exterior shell #2 activation number 3728 [] -exterior shell #3 inactive 3729 [] -exterior shell #3 active 3730 [] -exterior shell #3 activation number 3731 [] -exterior shell #4 inactive 3732 [] -exterior shell #4 active 3733 [] -exterior shell #4 activation number 3734 [] -exterior shell #5 inactive 3735 [] -exterior shell #5 active 3736 [] -exterior shell #5 activation number 3737 [] -exterior shell #6 inactive 3738 [] -exterior shell #6 active 3739 [] -exterior shell #6 activation number 3740 [] -exterior shell #7 inactive 3741 [] -exterior shell #7 active 3742 [] -exterior shell #7 activation number 3743 [] -exterior shell #8 inactive 3744 [] -exterior shell #8 active 3745 [] -exterior shell #8 activation number 3746 [] -exterior shell #9 inactive 3747 [] -exterior shell #9 active 3748 [] -exterior shell #9 activation number 3750 [@cls@--- Login Status ---|9] -p1= number of new uploads -p2= commission points -p3= validation points -p4= new messages since last call -p5= number of new users -p6= number of new e-mail waiting -p7= date last called -p8= time last called -p9= number of hack attempts -p0= last caller -make your own screen, I'll be damned if I'm going to type one out in this file for ya! -login status screen 3755 [@cls@--- Transfer Status ---|9] -no parameters passed. Use the @xxx@ commands to make your own xfer status screen. -transfer status screen 3760 [@cls@--- Message Status ---|9] -no parameters passed. Use the @xxx@ commands to make your own msg status screen. -message status screen * 3761 [Command: |1] -I don't know what this prompt is for... 3765 [@cls@--- Main System Status ---|9] -no parameters passed. Use the @xxx@ commands to make your own main user status screen. -main user status screen 3770 [Transfers cost 1 point per @p=1@k. You are credited @p=2@ points/ @p=1@k of upload. You receive 1/@p=3@ of cost for commission each time someone downloads a file you uploaded.|9] -p1= point value -p2= upload factor -p3= commission rate -transfer policy screen (commission) 3775 [Transfers cost 1 point per @p=1@k. You are credited @p=2@ points/ @p=1@k of upload. -p1= point value -p2= upload factor -transfer policy screen (file point system) 3780 [All downloads are based on a General Ratio, which is an average of your Post/Call Ratio and your UL/DL ratio. Required Genr: @reqgenr@% Your Current Ratio: @genr@% |9] -no parameters passed, use additional @xxx@ commands to enhance this 3782 [This is a DDD Disk Image.|9] 3784 [This is a Teledisk Disk Image.|9] 3786 [Individual files cannot be extracted from .ZOO archives.|9] 3788 [That file may not be extracted from an archive.|9] 3790 [That file is not a valid archive.|9] -msg invalid archive 3792 [That DOS pathname (@p=1@) does not exist. Create it {Y/N}? |1] -p1= pathname -msg invalid DOS path, create confirm 3794 [Error creating directory @p=1@... Note that when running Celerity under certain network conditions, new directories must be created from DOS.|9] -p1= pathname -msg error creating directory 3800 [@cls@--- Top Five All Time Posters ---|9|9] -top five all time poster header 3802 [--- Top Five Monthly Posters ---|9|9] -top five monthly poster header 3804 [@cls@--- Top Five All Time Uploaders ---|9|9] -top five all time ul header 3806 [--- Top Five Monthly Uploaders ---|9|9] -top five monthly ul header 3808 [@cls@--- Top Five All Time Downloaders ---|9|9] -top five all time dl header 3810 [--- Top Five Monthly Downloaders ---|9|9] -top five monthly dl header 3812 [{@p=1@} @p=2:R30@ with @p=3@ posts.|9] -p1= position number -p2= user name -p3= number of posts -top five all time poster listing 3814 [{@p=1@} @p=2:R30@ with @p=3@ posts.|9] -p1= position number -p2= user name -p3= number of posts -top five monthly poster listing 3816 [{@p=1@} @p=2:R30@ uploaded @p=5@k|9] -p1= position number -p2= user name -p3= number of uploads -p4= uploaded bytes -p5= uploaded k -top five all time uploader listing 3818 [{@p=1@} @p=2:R30@ uploaded @p=5@k|9] -p1= position number -p2= user name -p3= number of uploads -p4= uploaded bytes -p5= uploaded k -top five monthly uploader listing 3820 [{@p=1@} @p=2:R30@ uploaded @p=5@k|9] -p1= position number -p2= user name -p3= number of downloads -p4= downloaded bytes -p5= downloaded k -top five all time downloader listing 3822 [{@p=1@} @p=2:R30@ uploaded @p=5@k|9] -p1= position number -p2= user name -p3= number of downloads -p4= downloaded bytes -p5= downloaded k -top five monthly downloader listing 3824 [|9|9] -top five listing trailer 3826 [Not enough time left...] -msg insufficient time remaining for download 3828 [Not enough time until board event occurs...] -msg insufficient time remaining till board event 3830 [You do not have enough file points to download that file.|9] 3832 [But you are entitled to a loan of up to @p=1@ points...] -p1= loan amount + u/d points available 3834 [Upload something worthwhile to gain file points...] -msg no file point loans on system (celsetup.exe) 3836 [That would put you over your limit of @p=1@k per day.] -p1= daily download limit 3838 [File newscan aborted...] 3840 [That directory is protected. You may not access it.] -msg protected dir 3842 [Invalid area number. Create a new area {Y/N}? |1] -file areas 3844 [Name of new Area: |1] -new area name input prompt 3846 [Existing area files detected. Sharing the area.|9] 3848 [That area does not exist...] 3850 [That file is offline and may not be downloaded at this time.|9] 3852 [That file has not yet been validate and may not be dowloaded at this time. |9] 3854 [That file requires special permission to download.|9] 3856 [Enter the download password for @p=1@: |1] -p1= filename to be downloaded 3858 [That file is reserved for another user. You may not download it.|9] NOTICE: In the following entries the file separators are the color changes between fields in the file listings. 3860 [@p=1:L4@] -p1= file number -file listing 3862 [@p=1:L8@] -p1= filename (no extension), filename uppercase, filename lowercase -file listing 3863 [] -file separator -file listing 3864 [.ZIP] extension -file listing 3866 [.GIF] -.gif extension -file listing 3868 [.ARJ] -.arj extension -file listing 3870 [.LZH] -.lzh extension -file listing 3872 [.LHA] -.lha extension -file listing 3874 [.TXT] -.txt extension -file listing 3876 [.DOC] -.doc extension -file listing 3878 [.ARC] -.arc extension -file listing 3880 [.NFO] -.nfo extension -file listing 3882 [.@p=1:R3@] -p1= other extension, not listed above -file listing 3890 [RES: @p=1:L15@] -p1= GIF/TGA/BMP/TIF resloution info on file -file listing 3892 [@p=1:L20@] -p1= program name -file listing 3894 [@p=1:R2@/@p=2:L2@] -p1= current disk number -p2= max disk number -file listing 3896 [@p=1:R4@k] -p1= file size -file listing 3898 [Off] -status, file listing 3900 [Take] -status, file listing 3902 [Resv] -status, file listing 3904 [New] -status, file listing 3906 [Ask] -status, file listing 3908 [Free] -status, file listing 3910 [@p=1:R4@] -p1= file points charged. Will display if fp chg > 0 and user is not exempt from fps, if system uses fps, if area is not a free area. -file listing 3912 [@p=1:L8@] -p1= date file was uploaded -file listing 3914 [@p=1:L10@] -p1= file uploader -file listing 3916 [@p=1:L3@] -p1= number of times file has been downloaded -file listing 3918 [*] -file separator ext desc -file listing 3920 [ ] -file separator no ext desc -file listing 3922 [|9] -file separator end of line -file listing 3924 [|9] -file separator extra line -file listing 3926 [-@reol=-@|9] -file list trailer 3928 [@cls@#] -file listing header 3930 [Filename] -file listing title bar 3932 [.Ext] -file listing title bar 3933 [ ] -file listing title bar (post name) 3934 [Program Name] -file listing title bar 3936 [Disks] -file listing title bar 3938 [Size] -file listing title bar 3940 [Cost] -file listing title bar 3942 [Date] -file listing title bar 3944 [Uploader] -file listing title bar 3946 [Dn] -file listing title bar 3948 [Description] -file listing title bar 3950 [---@p=1@-@reol=-@|9] -p1= area name -file listing title bar 3960 [Number of files: @p=1@|9] -p1= number of files in area -file listing 3962 [Q)uit or N)onstop: |1] -file listing continue prompt 3980 [Pathname to show dir of {@p=1@}: |1] -p1= default pathname for area 3982 [No Volume Label|9|9] -msg no vol label on drive 3984 [Volume Label: @p=1@|9|9] -p1= vol label of drive 3986 [Total # of files: @p=1@|9] -p1= number of files in listing 3988 [Free Space: @p=1@|9] -p1= free space on drive 4000 [That file is personal. You may not view it.|9] -msg personal file 4002 [@cls@--- Archive File List ---|9] -archive listing header 4004 [Error. Unable to identify this archive by its extenstion. Would you like to select the archive type manually {Y/N}? |1] -msg cannot identify archive 4006 [Select from the following list: 1) Pkzip 2) LHArc/LHA 3) Arj 4) DDD 4) TD0 5) Arc/Pkarc 6) Pak/Pkpak 8) Zoo Q)uit Option: |1] -select archive type listing 4008 [|9|9] -archive listing trailer 4010 [@cls@--- File Information ---|9] -file information header 4012 [|9|9] -file information trailer 4014 [@cls@--- Type File ---|9] Filename: @p=1@ UL By: @p=2@ Cost: @p=3@ ] -p1= filename -p2= uploader of file -p3= point cost -p4= date uploaded -p5= file size -file type header 4016 [Resolution: @p=1@] -p1= GIF/TGA resolution -file type .gif 4018 [Ready to view this file {Y/N}? |1] -view/type file confirm 4020 [[|9|9] -view/type file trailer 4022 [@cls@--- File Area Listing ---|9] -file area list header 4024 [View extended information {Y/N}? |1] -view ext info confirm 4026 [## Area Name # Files ## Area Name #Files|9] -area list title bar (NOT extended view) 4028 [## Area Name # Files Rights|9] -area list title bar (extended view) 4030 [-@reol=-@|9] -area listing trailer 4032 [Transfer Area {? to list}: |1] -change area prompt 4034 [No such area....|9] -msg invalid area specified 4036 [@cls@Current area is set to #@p=1@, @p=2@.|9] -p1= area number -p2= area name -area changed prompt 4040 [@cls@--- Upload Data Entry ---|9] -parameter passed is free space on drive 4042 [Your upload of @p=1@ failed its archive validity test. Please verify archive integrity before attempting to upload.|9] -p1= filename * 4050 [Your upload of @p=1@ failed its archive validity test. Please verify archive integrity before attempting to upload.|9] -p1= filename -I don't know if this entry is necessary or not.... 4052 [A virus has been detected in your upload of @p=1@! Please verify that your files are virus free before uploading.|9] -p1= filename 4060 [Processing your upload of @p=2@....|9] -p1= filepath -p2= filename 4061 [File has been processed.|9|9] 4062 [Commenting your upload ...|9] -p1= file path -p2= filename, ext 4064 [Verifying upload integrity for @p=2@...|9] -p1= file path -p2= filename, ext 4066 [Virus scanning @p=2@....|9] -p1= file path -p2= filename, ext 4068 [Converting archive format of @p=2@...|9] -p1= file path -p2= filename, ext 4070 [Cleaning ads out of @p=2@...|9] -p1= file path -p2= filename, ext 4072 [Commenting your upload of @p=2@...|9] -p1= file path -p2= filename 4080 [You may determine the download cost of this file. In general, standard files should be normal cost. Large programs, low-demand, and beta/pre-release programs should be half cost. Use double cost only when it is a very special upload... N)ormal Cost : @p=1@ D)ouble Cost: @p=2@ H)alf Cost: @p=3@ Q)uarter Cost: @p=4@ O)ne Point : 1 F)ree : 0 |9|9] 4082 [Option {@p=1@}: |1] -cost entry prompt 4084 [@p=1@ has been auto-validated. You have been granted @p=2@ file points for the upload...|9] -p1= filename -p2= number of filepoints granted 4086 [@cls@--- Verify Transfer Areas ---|9This function will step through all file areas in a file section and verify the data name (.DIR/ .DES) existance and the existance of the file path.|9] -verify areas header 4088 [The data file {@p=1@} for @p=2@ is invalid. C)reate a new one R)ename the old one S)earch for the right one Option: |1] -invalid data file correction prompt 4090 [Error creating data file.] -msg error in creation of data file 4092 [New path to data file: |1] -new data file path entry prompt 4094 [Drive spec to search (i.e. C:): |1] -drive name to search for data files 4096 [@p=1@ found at @p=2@. Use this data file {Y/N}? |1] -p1= data name -p2= path where found -data file use confirm 4098 [Press any key to abort auto logoff countdown...|9|9] -msg abort automatic logoff "Y" 4099 [@xpos=01@(@p=1@)] -p1= count number (countdown timer) 4100 [@p=1:L12@:@p=2:R8@] -p1= dos name -p2= file size -dos directory listing 4101 [Read Only] -status dos dir 4102 [Hidden] -status dos dir 4103 [System] -status dos dir 4104 [Vol ID] -status dos dir 4105 [Dir] -status dos dir 4106 [Archive] -status dos dir 4107 [Shareable] -status dos dir 4109 [|9] -end dos dir 4110 [@p=1:L3@ @p=2:L30@ @p=3:L5@] -p1= area number -p2= area name -p3= number of files -extended area listing 4112 [U/L ] -status area listing 4113 [ ] -status area listing (no uploads) 4114 [D/L ] -status area listing 4115 [ ] -status area listing (no downloads) 4116 [N/R ] -status area listing 4117 [ ] -status area listing (ratios enforced) 4118 [Free] -status area listing 4119 [ ] -status area listing (no free files) 4120 [Slow] -status area listing 4121 [ ] -status area listing (no slow drives) 4122 [Sc ] -status area listing 4123 [ ] -status area listing (not scanned) 4124 [ScA ] -status area listing 4125 [ ] -status area listing (do NOT scan) 4126 [Idz ] -status area listing 4127 [ ] -status area listing (do NOT import id.diz files) 4128 [-Opt] -status area listing 4129 [ ] -status area listing (do not allow users to ask for files) 4130 [|9] -area listing extended trailer 4132 [@p=1:L3@ @p=2:L30@ @p=3:L5@] -p1= area number -p2= area name -p3= number of files in area -area listing normal 4133 [|9] -area list normal trailer 4134 [ ] -area list normal spacer 4140 [@cls@--- Upload Area Listing ---|9 ## Area Name Files|9-@reol=-@|9] -upload area list header 4142 [@p=1:L3@ @p=2:L30@ @p=3:L5@ ] -p1= area number -p2= area name -p3= number of files -upload area listing 4145 [Destination for @p=1@ {? to list, ENTER (@p=2@)}: |1] -p1= filename being uploaded -p2= default destinaton -upload file destination prompt 4150 [@POS=07,07@File Name: @P=1@@POS=40,07@ File Size: @P=2@] -p1= file name -p2= file size 4152 [@POS=07,09@Graphic Parameters: @PARAM=2@] -p2= GIF/TGA resolution 4153 [@POS=03,09@{@P=1@} Program Title: @PARAM=2@] -p2= program name 4154 [@POS=28,09@] -enter program name prompt 4155 [@POS=03,11@{@P=1@} Private For: @P=2:L40@] -user name file is reserved for 4156 [@POS=03,10@Should this file be private {Y/N}? |1] -file private confirm 4157 [@POS=03,10@@ceol@] -file private entry prompt * 4158 [@POS=03,12@{@P=1@} Disk Numbers: @PARAM=2:L2@ of |7@PARAM=3@] -p1= I don't know what this one is -p2= beginning disk number -p3= max disk number 4159 [@POS=03,10@ |1] -enter first disk number prompt 4160 [@POS=34,12@ @XPOS=34@ |1] -enter next disk number prompt * 4161 [@POS=03,13@{@P=1@} Download Password: @PARAM=2@] -p1= I don't know what this one is -p2= download password 4162 [@POS=28,13@Should this file have a password {Y/N}? |1] -password for file confirm 4163 [@POS=28,13@Desired Password: |1] -password entry prompt * 4164 [@POS=03,15@@ceol@@POS=03,16@@ceol@@POS=03,17@@ceol@@POS=03,18@ @ceol@@POS=03,19@@ceol@@POS=03,20@@ceol@@POS=03,21@@POS=03,14@ {@P=1@} File Description: @POS=25,14@] -p1= I don't know what this one is -file descripton display 4165 [@POS=03,15@@ceol@@POS=03,16@@ceol@@POS=03,17@@ceol@@POS=03,18@ @ceol@@POS=03,19@@ceol@@POS=03,20@@ceol@@POS=03,21@@ceol@ @POS=25,14@@ceol@@XPOS=25@] -file description input prompt 4166 [@POS=03,22@{@P=1@} Extended Description: @P=2@] -extended description input prompt 4167 [@POS=28,22@|3 Add an extended description {Y/N}? |1] -ext desc input confirm 4170 [@CLS@--- Upload Data Entry ---|9Q)uit and Save |1] -upload data entry header 4172 [Edit upload data {? to redraw}: |1] -edit entries prompt 4190 [What is the program title: |1] -title input prompt 4191 [How many disks/files total for this program: |1] -total disk number input prompt 4192 [What disk/file number is this: |1] -current disk number input prompt 4193 [Is this file personal for a single user {Y/N}? |1] -file personal input confirm 4194 [Enter the FULL alias of the user this file is for: |1] -file personal user name input prompt 4195 [PW required to DL this file {ENTER for none}: |1] -download pw input prompt 4196 [Enter the file description below. ENTER on a blank line to end. Lines may be up to @p=2@ characters in length. Wordwrap is supported.|9-@reol=-@|9] -p1= filename -p2= number of columns in description field -description input instructions 4197 [(> |1] -description field input prompt 4200 [Error. @p=1@] -p1= error which has occured 4202 [That user name is invalid.] -msg invalid username, file personal 4300 [@p=1:L2@ @p=2:R30@] -p1= topic number -p2= topic title -voting topic listing 4302 [Voted|9] -status topic voting 4304 [Pending|9] -status topic voting 4306 [@cls@--- Voting Topics ---|9] -topic voting header 4308 [# Topic Status|9] -topic voting title bar 4310 [|9|9] -topic voting trailer 4312 [Create a new voting topic {Y/N}? |1] 4314 [Voting topic created...|9] 4316 [@cls@--- Voting Topic Deletion ---|9] -topic voting deletion header 4318 [Delete which topic {1..@p=1@}: |1] -p1= max number of topics -topic voting deletion prompt 4320 [@cls@--- Voting Topic Editor ---|9] -topic voting editor header 4322 [Edit which topic {1..@p=1@}: |1] -p1= max number of topics -topic voting edit prompt 4324 [@cls@--- Add a Voting Choice ---|9 Please word your choice carefully. You will NOT be able to edit it later....|9] -topic voting choice add header 4326 [New Choice: |1] -topic voting choice add prompt 4328 [@cls@--- Cast Your Vote ---|9 Topic: @p=1@|9|9] -p1= topic being voted on -cast vote header 4329 [Ballot Results: |9] -ballot result title bar 4330 [@cls@--- Edit Ballot ---|9 T) Ballot title R) Required vote @p=2@ on @p=3@ U) User write-ins @p=4@ ] -p1= ballot title -p2= reqd vote on previous ballot -p3= previous ballot number -p4= allow user write-ins {Yes/No} -edit ballot header 4332 [{@p=1:R2@} Choice: @p=2@|9] -p1= choice number -p2= choice description -edit ballot title bar 4335 [Change which: |1] -edit ballot option choice prompt 4336 [New Choice {@p=1@}: |1] -p1= previous choice -edit ballot choice input prompt 4337 [New Title {@p=1@}: |1] -p1= previous title -edit ballot title input prompt 4338 [Require users to vote on previous ballot #{@p=1@}: |1] -p1= previous ballot number, default 4339 [Required previous choice (0 for none): |1] -reqd choice chosen on previous to vote on this one 4340 [Allow users to add choices {Y/N}? |1] -user choice input confirm 4345 [{@p=1:R2@} @p=2@|9] -p1= choice number -p2= choice description -vote choice option display 4346 [A)dd a write in entry|9] -add entry choice selection 4348 [Q)uit|9 Cast your vote: |1] -choice input prompt 4350 [Vote on topic {1..@p=1@/ Q to quit}: |1] -p1= max topic number 4352 [Scanning for new voting topics....|9] 4354 [Tabulating votes, please wait....|9] 4355 [No votes have been cast yet.|9] -msg rcvd when tabulating votes, and none have been cast 4356 [Uncommitted votes....@p=1:L4@ @p=2:R3@%|9] -p1= number of uncommitted votes -p2= percent of uncommitted votes 4357 [@p=1:L29.@@p=2:L4@ @p=3:R3@% @p=4@|9] -p1= voting choice -p2= votes cast -p3= percentage FOR -p4= current users vote -display voting results 4358 [View Results for {1..@p=1@}: |1] -p1= max number of topics -view results prompt NOTICE: In the following entries p1= command letter or number for that option. 4400 [@POS=50,07@{@P=1@} User ID.....@P=2@@CEOL@] -p2= user alias 4402 [@POS=50,08@{@P=1@} Last Call...@P=2@@CEOL@] -p2= date of last call 4404 [@cls@--- Edit User ---|9] -edit user header 4406 [@POS=01,23@@CEOL@Edit User: |1] -edit user name input prompt 4408 [@POS=50,09@@CEOL@{@P=1@} Quit and Discard Changes] 4409 [@POS=50,10@@CEOL@{@P=1@} Quit and Save Changes] 4410 [@POS=50,11@@CEOL@{@P=1@} Redraw screen] 4411 [@POS=01,20@@CEOL@{@P=1@} Misc. User Registers] 4412 [@POS=27,20@{@P=1@} User Access Flags] 4413 [@POS=53,20@{@P=1@} Sysop Access Flags] 4414 [@POS=01,21@@CEOL@{@P=1@} Transfer Statistics] 4415 [@POS=27,21@@CEOL@{@P=1@} Exemptions] 4416 [@POS=53,21@{@P=1@} Ratios/Posting Details] 4417 [@POS=01,22@{@P=1@} Security Levels] 4418 [@POS=27,22@{@P=1@} Information Scripts] 4419 [@POS=53,22@{@P=1@} >UNUSED<] 4420 [@POS=01,07@{@p=1@} Alias............ @P=2@] -p2= user alias 4421 [@POS=02,08@{@p=1@} Real Name........ @P=2@] -p2= user real name * 4422 [@POS=01,08@{@p=1@} Real Name........ @P=2@] -p2= I have to check on this 4424 [@POS=01,09@{@p=1@} Internet Name.... @P=2@] -p2= user internet name 4426 [@POS=01,10@{@p=1@} Voice Phone...... @P=2@] -p2= user voice phone 4428 [@POS=01,11@{@p=1@} Data Phone....... @P=2@] -p2= user data phone 4430 [@POS=01,12@{@p=1@} Fax Phone........ @P=2@] -p2= user fax phone 4432 [@POS=01,13@{@p=1@} Password......... @P=2@] -p2= user password 4434 [@POS=01,14@{@P=1@} Expiration Date.. @P=2@] -p2= exp date on user account 4436 [@POS=01,15@{@p=1@} Public Note...... @P=2@] -p2= user note 4438 [@POS=01,16@{@p=1@} Private Note..... @P=2@] -p2= user private/sysop note 4440 [@POS=01,17@{@p=1@} Address Line 1... @P=2@] -p2= street adress 4442 [@POS=01,18@{@p=1@} Address Line 2... @P=2@] -p2= city, state, zip 4444 [@POS=01,23@@CEOL@Abandon all changes to this user {Y/N}? |1] -abandon changes confirm 4446 [@POS=24,07@] -change user alias input prompt 4448 [@POS=24,08@] -change user real name input prompt 4450 [@POS=24,09@] -change user internet name input prompt 4452 [@POS=24,10@] -change user voice phone input prompt 4454 [@POS=24,11@] -change user data phone input prompt 4456 [@POS=24,12@] -change user fax phone input prompt 4457 [@POS=24,13@] -change user pw input prompt 4458 [@POS=24,14@] -change user exp date input prompt 4460 [@POS=24,15@] -change user's user note input prompt 4462 [@POS=24,16@] -change user's private/sysop note input prompt 4464 [@POS=24,17@] -change user street address input prompt 4465 [Sorry, that user could not be located....] -msg invalid username 4466 [@POS=24,18@] -change user city,state,zip input prompt 4467 [Is @p=1@ the user you were looking for {Y/N}? |1] -p1= username 4468 [@POS=01,23@@CEOL@Erase this entry {Y/N}? |1] -erase entry confirm 4469 [Delete which user? |1] -username to delete input prompt 4470 [@cls@--- Access Exemption Flags ---|9 @POS=01,10@Q)uit ] -exemption flag header 4471 [@POS=01,05@{1} PCR Exempt] 4472 [@POS=01,05@{1} PCR Enforced] 4473 [@POS=01,06@{2} UDR Exempt] 4474 [@POS=01,06@{2} UDR Enforced] 4475 [@POS=01,07@{3} GenR Exempt] 4476 [@POS=01,07@{3} GenR Enforced] 4477 [@POS=01,08@{4} Undefined Exempt] 4478 [@POS=01,08@{4} Undefined Enforced] 4479 [@POS=01,09@{5} File Points Exempt] 4480 [@POS=01,09@{5} File Points Enforced] 4481 [@POS=01,22@Toggle Which Exemption: |1] -toggle exemption prompt 4482 [@cls@--- Access Flag Editor ---|9] -access flag editor header 4483 [@POS=01,07@@CEOL@@POS=01,08@@CEOL@@POS=01,06@Flags Enabled For : |1] -user flag enabled display 4484 [@P=1:L4@] -user flag spacer 4485 [Flag To Toggle: |1] -toggle user flags input prompt 4486 [New User Found: @P=1@ {@P=2@} Current Levels: @P=3@ / @P=4@ Infoforms Completed: @P=6@ @P=7@ @P=8@ @P=9@ @P=0@|9] -p1= alias -p2= real name -p3= user level -p4= transfer level -p5= file points -p6= infoform 1 -p7= infoform 2 -p8= infoform 3 -p9= infoform 4 -p0= infoform 5 4487 [New access level for @P=1@ {@P=2@}: |1] -p1= user being edited -p2= current access level 4488 [New xfer access level for @P=1@ {@P=2@}: |1] -p1= user being edited -p2= current transfer level 4489 [View Infoform # {1-5 L)evel E)dit Q)uit}: |1] -view user infoform option prompt 4490 [@cls@--- User Scan Function ---|9] -scan users header 4491 [Mininmum Level to scan for {0}: |1] -min scan level input prompt 4492 [Maximum Level to scan for {0}: |1] -max scan level input prompt 4493 [Delete @p=1@ {Y/N}? |1] -p1= user to delete -user scan delete confirm 4494 [User to transfer to: |1] -load user input prompt 4496 [That user only has @p=1@ minutes left. New time remaining: |1] -p1= user's remaining time online -add/remove time input prompt 4497 [{@p=1@} @p=2:L30@ Completed|9] -p1= infoform number -p2= infoform description -infoforms completed display 4498 [{@p=1@} @p=2:L30@ Incomplete|9] -p1= infoform number -p2= infoform description -infoforms not completed display 4499 [View which infoform? |1] -user edit view infoform input prompt 4500 [Display which news bulletin: |1] -news display input prompt 4501 [@pause@@cls@] -user infoform display trailer 4502 [There is no such news bulletin!] -msg invalid choice of news to view 4503 [@cls@] -user infoform display header 4504 [|9|9] -news listing trailer 4506 [@cls@--- List News Bulletins ---|9 # Name|9-@reol=-@|9] -news listing title bar 4508 [@p=1@ @p=2@|9] -p1= news number -p2= news title -news listing 4510 [Delete which news item {1..@p=1@}: |1] -p1= max news number -delete news input prompt 4512 [News entry deleted.] 4514 [This entry is not yours. You may not delete it.] -msg not current user's entry 4516 [Is this the item you wish to delete {Y/N}? |1] -news delete confirm 4517 [Delete the display file for this news also {Y/N}? |1] -news display file delete confirm 4518 [Please describe the news item you are about to write. (> |1] -news description input prompt 4520 [@cls@--- News Bulletin! ---|9 "@p=5@" by @p=1@ Written on @p=3@ @p=4@ at @p=2@ -p1= author of news -p2= origin -p3= date written -p4= time written -p5= description of news -news display header 4522 [|9|9] -news display trailer 4524 [Access string to read news: |1] -access string to view news input prompt 4526 [Force users to read this news at every login {Y/N}? |1] 4528 [DOS filename for this news: |1] -dos filename for news input prompt 4530 [Error writing news....|9] 4600 [@cls@--- Edit Transfer Stats for @p=2:R30@---|9 @POS=01,05@User Real Name: @P=1@ @POS=01,17@Q)uit ] -p1= user real name -p2= user alias -edit user xfer stats header 4602 [@POS=01,23@Edit XFer Stats: |1] -edit xfer stats option prompt NOTICE: In the following entries p1 is the option letter or number used to edit each statistic. 4605 [@POS=01,07@{@p=1@} Total Uploads............@p=2@@ceol@] -p2= total number user uploads 4606 [@POS=30,07@@CEOL@] -edit total number user upload input prompt 4607 [@POS=01,08@{@p=1@} Uploads This Month.......@p=2@@ceol@] -p2= monthly user uploads 4608 [@POS=30,08@@CEOL@] -edit user monthly uploads input prompt 4609 [@POS=01,09@{@p=1@} Total Bytes Uploaded.....@p=2@@ceol@] -p2= total user bytes uploaded 4610 [@POS=30,09@@CEOL@] -edit total user bytes uploaded input prompt 4611 [@POS=01,10@{@p=1@} Monthly Uploaded Bytes...@p=2@@ceol@] -p2= user monthly bytes uploaded 4612 [@POS=30,10@@CEOL@] -edit user monthly bytes uploaded input prompt 4613 [@POS=01,11@{@p=1@} Total Downloads..........@P=2@@CEOL@] -p2= user total number downloads 4614 [@POS=30,11@@CEOL@] -edit user total number downloads input prompt 4615 [@POS=01,12@{@p=1@} Downloads This Month.....@p=2@@ceol@] -user number dl this month 4616 [@POS=30,12@@CEOL@] -edit user number dl monthly input prompt 4617 [@POS=01,13@{@p=1@} Total Bytes Downloaded...@p=2@@ceol@] -p2= user total bytes dl 4618 [@POS=30,13@@CEOL@] -edit user total bytes dl input prompt 4619 [@POS=01,14@{@p=1@} Monthly Downloaded Bytes.@p=2@@ceol@] -p2= user monthly bytes dl 4620 [@POS=30,14@@CEOL@] -edit user monthly bytes dl input prompt 4621 [@POS=01,15@{@p=1@} Average CPS Rate.........@p=2@@ceol@] -p2= user avg cps 4622 [@POS=30,15@@CEOL@] -edit user avg cps input prompt 4623 [@POS=01,16@{@p=1@} File Points..............@p=2@@ceol@] -p2= user file points 4624 [@POS=30,16@@CEOL@] -edit user file points input prompt 4630 [@cls@--- Ratios/Limits for @p=2:r30@ ---|9 @POS=01,06@User Real Name: @P=1@|9|9] -p1= user real name -p2= user alias -edit user ratios header 4632 [Required UDR {0=@P=1@%/CR=@P=2@%}: |1] -p1= default UDR -p2= user's current reqd UDR 4634 [Required PCR {0=@P=1@%/CR=@P=2@%}: |1] -p1= default PCR -p2= user's current reqd PCR 4636 [Required GenR {0=@P=1@%/CR=@P=2@%}: |1] -p1= default GenR -p2= user's current reqd GenR 4638 [Daily D/L Limit (K) {CR=@P=1@}: |1] -p1= user's current daily dl limit 4640 [Time Allotted Per Day {0=Level default/CR=@P=1@}: |1] -p1= user's current daily time limit 4642 [Time Left Today {CR=@P=1@}: |1] -p1= user's current time left today 4643 [Access Verified!|9] -xfer area access verified 4644 [Scanning Message Sub: {@p=1@} |9] -p1= msg sub currently being scanned 4645 [Scanning Conference : {@p=1@} |9] -p1= conf currently being scanned 4650 [Scan Transfer Area @P=1@ {? for Help}: |1] -p1= current xfer area -scan xfer area prompt 4651 [@ypos=22@@ceol@Scan Conference @P=1@ {? for help}: |1] -p1= current conf area -scan conf areas prompt 4652 [S)kip this section R)emove from newscan configuration E)nter area, but don't newscan A)bort from this conference tree CR) Continue Scan Q)uit|9 ] -scan conf/xfer area help 4653 [S)kip This Entire Sub-Conference R)emove Sub-Conference From NewScan Configuration A)bort from this conference tree CR) Continue Scanning Sub-Conference Q)uit|9 ] -conf sub-area scan help 4654 [@bottompos@@ceol@Scan Message Base @P=1@ {? for Help}? |1] -p1= current msg area 4656 [S)kip this section R)emove from newscan configuration P)ost message in this message base A)bort scan of this conference tree CR) Continue Scan Q)uit|9 ] -msg base scan help 4658 [Switching to Area @P=1@|9|9] -p1= name of conf item being switched to -changing to conf item xxx prompt 4700 [@cls@Sub: @p=1@@xpos=50@@p=2:R4@ of @p=3@ Title: @P=4:L34 @Re: Msg @p=8:R4@ by @p=5@] -p1= sub name -p2= message ID number -p3= max msg number on sub -p4= message title -p5= name of recipient -p6= address of recipient (network address) -p7= number of times msg has been read -p8= msg number this one was a reply to -p9= msg number of first reply to original message -message header, part 1 4701 [From: @P=3@ (@p=5@) @xpos=55@ On @p=1@ Ä@reol=Ä@|1|9] -p1= date posted -p2= time posted -p3= author -p4= author address (network address) -p5= author's user note -message header, part 2 4702 [Posted By: ...Anonymous... Í@REOL=Í@|9|1] -p1= anonymous string as defined in celsetup.exe -message header, anonymous 4705 [Sorry, no new messages at this time! Active messages are @p=2@ through @p=1@.|9] -p1= first valid message number -p2= last valid message number 4706 [|1] -message trailer 4710 [@cls@--- Message Title Listing ---|9] -msg title listing header 4712 [No messages to list.] -msg no msgs in sub to list 4714 [Start list from #{@P=2@-@P=1@}: |1] -p1= first msg in sub -p2= last message in sub -msg listing input prompt 4715 [@cls@--- Quick Title Listing ---|9] -parameters: starting msg, starting msg +20 -quick title listing header 4716 [# Title Author Date Ä@REOL=Ä@|9] -msg listing title bar 4718 [@P=1:L4@@P=2:L25@@P=3:L18@@P=4@|9] -msg listing 4719 [|9|9] -msg listing trailer 4720 [@cls@--- Export a Message ---|9] -export msg header 4722 [# to Export {CR=@P=1@/? to List/Q to Abort}: |1] -export msg # input prompt 4723 [Invalid message number.|9] -msg invalid msg number chosen 4724 [Error exporting messages.] 4725 [Name to export message to {@p=1@}? |1] -p1= default filename to export msg to 4726 [Path to export message to {@p=1@}? |1] -p1= user path to export msg to 4727 [Please wait while exporting message...] 4728 [Message exported to @P=1@|9] -filename msg was exported to 4729 [Error downloading message.|9] 4730 [Successful download.|9] -msg successful msg exportation 4731 [@cls@--- Delete a Message ---|9] -delete msg header 4732 [Hang on a sec...] -msg wait while deleting msg 4733 [Message # to delete {CR=@P=1@/? to List/Q to Quit}? |1] -p1= current message 4734 [Invalid message number.] -msg invalid msg number to delete 4735 [Error Deleting Message.] 4736 [You do not have access to delete that message.] -msg no access to delete msg 4737 [Delete this message {Y/N}? |1] -confirm msg delete 4740 [Message Title {@p=1@}: |1] -p1= default title (same as msg being replied to) -msg title input prompt 4741 [Send To {@p=1@}: |1] -p1= author of msg being replied to or "Everyone" if new msg -msg send to input prompt 4742 [Address {@p=1@}: |1] -p1= default network address -msg address input prompt 4743 [Anonymous {Y/N}? |1] -reply anonymous confirm 4744 [Error accessing sub-board.|9] 4745 [The message cannot be accessed. {Aborting}|9] 4746 [Attach a file to this message {Y/N}? |1] -attach file to msg confirm 4747 [Include @P=1@ in your scan configuration {Y/N}? |1] -p1= conf item include confirm -scan config 4748 [Include Message Base @P=1@ in your scan configuration {Y/N}? |1] -p1= msg base include confirm -scan config 4749 [Include XFer Area @P=1@ in your scan configuration {Y/N}? |1] -xfer area include confirm -scan config 4750 [Display Message Status Again {Y/N}? |1] -redisplay msg stats confirm 4752 [Reply via E-mail or Netmail {Y/N}? |1] -reply privately confirm 4754 [P) Personal Messages T) Text Search Option: |1] -search option input prompt -msg bases 4756 [Text to search for: |1] -text search input prompt -msg bases 4757 [This message is too large to edit!] -msg not enough memory to edit post 4758 [@cls@--- Edit a Message ---|9] -edit msg header 4759 [?) to List Q) Quit CR) Edit message number @p=1@ Option: |1] -p1= current msg number -edit msg instruction/option input prompt 4760 [Invalid message number!] -msg invalid msg number to edit 4761 [Error editing message!] 4762 [You do not have access to delete that message!] -msg invalid access, not the users msg *********************** Menu Item Entries ********************************** 5002 [Standard Menu File] -menu file description, displayed when menu is selected 5003 [Notes] -any notes on this menu file you wish to include 5004 [Menu file vXX.X 08/25/94] -whatever you want here, seen when user types /MENU from a BBS prompt 5010 [scnmailm] -scan e-mail menu -emulation, expert 5011 [] -scan e-mail menu -emulation, intermediate 5012 [] -scan e-mail menu -emulation, novice 5013 [] -scan e-mail menu -emulation, beginner 5014 [Scanmail] -scan e-mail prompt -emulation 5015 [] -scan e-mail menu -TTY, expert 5016 [] -scan e-mail menu -TTY, intermediate 5017 [] -scan e-mail menu -TTY, novice 5018 [] -scan e-mail menu -TTY, beginner 5019 [] -scan e-mail prompt -TTY 5020 [emailm] -e-mail menu -emulation, expert 5021 [] -e-mail menu -emulation, intermediate 5022 [] -email menu -emulation, novice 5023 [] -email menu -emulation, beginner 5024 [Email] -e-mail prompt -emulation 5025 [] -email menu -TTY, expert 5026 [] -email menu -TTY, intermediate 5027 [] -email menu -TTY, novice 5028 [] -email menu -TTY, beginner 5029 [Email] -e-mail prompt -TTY 5030 [ueditm] -user edit menu -emulation, expert 5031 [] -user edit menu -emulation, intermediate 5032 [] -user edit menu -emulation, novice 5033 [] -user edit menu -emulation, beginner 5034 [User Editor] -user editor prompt -emulation 5035 [] -user edit menu -TTY, expert 5036 [] -user edit menu -TTY, intermediate 5037 [] -user edit menu -TTY, novice 5038 [] -user edit menu -TTY, beginner 5039 [User Editor] -user edit prompt -TTY 5040 [nuvm] -nuv menu -emulation, expert 5041 [] -nuv menu -emulation, intermediate 5042 [] -nuvmenu -emulation, novice 5043 [] -nuvm menu -emulation, beginner 5044 [New User Voting] -nuv prompt -emulation 5045 [] -nuv menu -TTY, expert 5046 [] -nuv menu -TTY, intermediate 5047 [] - nuv menu -TTY, novice 5048 [] -nuv menu -TTY, beginner 5049 [New User Voting] -nuv prompt -TTY 5050 [usrcustm] -user cust menu -emulation, expert 5051 [] -user cust menu -emulation, intermediate 5052 [] -user cust menu -emulation, novice 5053 [] -user cust menu -emulation, beginner 5054 [User Custodian] -user cust prompt -emulation 5055 [] -user cust menu -TTY, expert 5056 [] -user cust menu -TTY, intermediate 5057 [] -user cust menu -TTY, novice 5058 [] -user cust menu -TTY, beginner 5059 [User Custodian] -user cust prompt -TTY 5060 [onelinem] -oneliner menu -emulation, expert 5061 [] -oneliner menu -emulation, intermediate 5062 [] -oneliner menu -emulation, novice 5063 [] -oneliner menu -emulation, beginner 5064 [Oneliners] -oneliner prompt -emulation 5065 [] -oneliner menu -TTY, expert 5066 [] -oneliner menu -TTY, intermediate 5067 [] -oneliner menu -TTY, novice 5068 [] -oneliner menu -TTY, beginner 5069 [Oneliners] -oneliner prompt -TTY 5070 [sysopm] -sysop menu -emulation, expert 5071 [] -sysop menu -emulation, intermediate 5072 [] -sysop menu -emulation, novice 5073 [] -sysop menu -emulation, beginner 5074 [Sysop Functions] -sysop prompt -emulation 5075 [] -sysop menu -TTY, expert 5076 [] -sysop menu -TTY, intermediate 5077 [] -sysop menu -TTY, novice 5078 [] -sysop menu -TTY, beginner 5079 [Sysop Functions] -sysop prompt -TTY 5080 [bbslistm] -bbs list menu -emulation, expert 5081 [] -bbs list menu -emulation, intermediate 5082 [] -bbs list menu -emulation, novice 5083 [] -bbs list menu -emulation, beginner 5084 [BBS Listing] -bbs list prompt -emulation 5085 [] -bbs list menu -TTY, expert 5086 [] -bbs list menu -TTY, intermediate 5087 [] -bbs list menu -TTY, novice 5088 [] -bbs list menu -TTY, beginner 5089 [BBS Listing] -bbs list prompt -TTY 5090 [automesm] -automessage menu -emulation, expert 5091 [] -automessage menu -emulation, intermediate 5092 [] -automessage menu -emulation, novice 5093 [] -automessage menu -emulation, beginner 5094 [Automessage] -automessage prompt -emulation 5095 [] -automessage menu -TTY, expert 5096 [] -automessage menu -TTY, intermediate 5097 [] -automessage menu -TTY, novice 5098 [] -automessage menu -TTY, beginner 5099 [Automessage] -automessage prompt -TTY 5100 [artgalm] -art gallery menu -emulation, expert 5101 [] -art gallery menu -emulation, intermediate 5102 [] -art gallery menu -emulation, novice 5103 [] -art gallery menu -emulation, beginner 5104 [Art Gallery] -art gallery prompt -emulation 5105 [] -art gallery menu -TTY, expert 5106 [] -art gallery menu -TTY, intermediate 5107 [] -art gallery menu -TTY, novice 5108 [] -art gallery menu -TTY, beginner 5109 [Art Gallery] -art gallery prompt -TTY 5110 [doorsm] -door menu -emulation, expert 5111 [] -door menu -emulation, intermediate 5112 [] -door menu -emulation, novice 5113 [] -door menu -emulation, beginner 5114 [Doors] -door prompt -emulation 5115 [] -door menu -TTY, expert 5116 [] -door menu -TTY, intermediate 5117 [] -door menu -TTY, novice 5118 [] -door menu -TTY, beginner 5119 [Doors] -door prompt -TTY 5120 [wfcm] -wfc menu -emulation, expert 5121 [] -wfc menu -emulation, intermediate 5122 [] -wfc menu -emulation, novice 5123 [] -wfc menu -emulation, beginner 5124 [WFC] -wfc prompt -emulation 5125 [] -wfc menu -TTY, expert 5126 [] -wfc menu -TTY, intermediate 5127 [] -wfc menu -TTY, novice 5128 [] -wfc menu -TTY, beginner 5129 [WFC] -wfc prompt -TTY 5130 [statsm] -statistics menu -emulation, expert 5131 [] -statistics menu -emulation, intermediate 5132 [] -statistics menu -emulation, novice 5133 [] -statistics menu -emulation, beginner 5134 [System Statistics] -statistics prompt -emulation 5135 [] -statistics menu -TTY, expert 5136 [] -statistics menu -TTY, intermediate 5137 [] -statistics menu -TTY, novice 5138 [] -statistics menu -TTY, beginner 5139 [System Statistics] -statistics prompt -TTY 5140 [xeditm] -ext edit menu -emulation, expert 5141 [] -ext edit menu -emulation, intermediate 5142 [] -ext edit menu -emulation, novice 5143 [] -ext edit menu -emulation, beginner 5144 [Extended Editor] -ext edit prompt -emulation 5145 [] -ext edit menu -TTY, expert 5146 [] -ext edit menu -TTY, intermediate 5147 [] -ext edit menu -TTY, novice 5148 [] -ext edit menu -TTY, beginner 5149 [Extended Editor] -ext edit prompt -TTY 5150 [usrudm] -user file edit menu -emulation, expert 5151 [] -user file edit menu -emulation, intermediate 5152 [] -user file edit menu -emulation, novice 5153 [] -user file edit menu -emulation, beginner 5154 [File Editor] -user file edit prompt -emulation 5155 [] -user file edit menu -TTY, expert 5156 [] -user file edit menu -TTY, intermediate 5157 [] -user file edit menu -TTY, novice 5158 [] -user file edit menu -TTY, beginner 5159 [File Editor] -user file edit prompt -TTY 5160 [batchm] -batch menu -emulation, expert 5161 [] -batch menu -emulation, intermediate 5162 [] -batch menu -emulation, novice 5163 [] -batch menu -emulation, beginner 5164 [Batch Transfers] -batch prompt -emulation 5165 [] -batch menu -TTY, expert 5166 [] -batch menu -TTY, intermediate 5167 [] -batch menu -TTY, novice 5168 [] -batch menu -TTY, beginner 5169 [Batch Transfers] -batch prompt -TTY 5170 [newscanm] -newscan menu -emulation, expert 5171 [] -newscan menu -emulation, intermediate 5172 [] -newscan menu -emulation, novice 5173 [] -newscan menu -emulation, beginner 5174 [Newscan] -newscan prompt -emulation 5175 [] -newscan menu -TTY, expert 5176 [] -newscan menu -TTY, intermediate 5177 [] -newscan menu -TTY, novice 5178 [] -newscan menu -TTY, beginner 5179 [Newscan] -newscan prompt -TTY 5180 [filescnm] -filescan menu -emulation, expert 5181 [] -filescan menu -emulation, intermediate 5182 [] -filescan menu -emulation, novice 5183 [] -filescan menu -emulation, beginner 5184 [New File Scan] -filescan prompt -emulation 5185 [] -filescan menu -TTY, expert 5186 [] -filescan menu -TTY, intermediate 5187 [] -filescan menu -TTY, novice 5188 [] -filescan menu -TTY, beginner 5189 [New File Scan] -filescan prompt -TTY 5190 [filelstm] -filelist menu -emulation, expert 5191 [] -filelist menu -emulation, intermediate 5192 [] -filelist menu -emulation, novice 5193 [] -filelist menu -emulation, beginner 5194 [File Listing] -filelist prompt -emulation 5195 [] -filelist menu -TTY, expert 5196 [] -filelist menu -TTY, intermediate 5197 [] -filelist menu -TTY, novice 5198 [] -filelist menu -TTY, beginner 5199 [File Listing] -filelist prompt -TTY 5200 [globmanm] -global mgmt menu -emulation, expert 5201 [] -global mgmt menu -emulation, intermediate 5202 [] -global mgmt menu -emulation, novice 5203 [] -global mgmt menu -emulation, beginner 5204 [Global Mgmt] -global mgmt prompt -emulation 5205 [] -global mgmt menu -TTY, expert 5206 [] -global mgmt menu -TTY, intermediate 5207 [] -global mgmt menu -TTY, novice 5208 [] -global mgmt menu -TTY, beginner 5209 [Global Mgmt] -global mgmt prompt -TTY 5210 [fsysopm] -file sysop menu -emulation, expert 5211 [] -file sysop menu -emulation, intermediate 5212 [] -file sysop menu -emulation, novice 5213 [] -file sysop menu -emulation, beginner 5214 [File Sysop] -file sysop prompt -emulation 5215 [] -file sysop menu -TTY, expert 5216 [] -file sysop menu -TTY, intermediate 5217 [] -file sysop menu -TTY, novice 5218 [] -file sysop menu -TTY, beginner 5219 [File Sysop] -file sysop prompt -TTY 5220 [filem] -file menu -emulation, expert 5221 [] -file menu -emulation, intermediate 5222 [] -file menu -emulation, novice 5223 [] -file menu -emulation, beginner 5224 [File Area] -file prompt -emulation 5225 [] -file menu -TTY, expert 5226 [] -file menu -TTY, intermediate 5227 [] -file menu -TTY, novice 5228 [] -file menu -TTY, beginner 5229 [File Area] -file prompt -TTY 5230 [votem] -topic vote menu -emulation, expert 5231 [] -topic vote menu -emulation, intermediate 5232 [] -topic vote menu -emulation, novice 5233 [] -topic vote menu -emulation, beginner 5234 [Voting Booth] -topic vote prompt -emulation 5235 [] -topic vote menu -TTY, expert 5236 [] -topic vote menu -TTY, intermediate 5237 [] -topic vote menu -TTY, novice 5238 [] -topic vote menu -TTY, beginner 5239 [Voting Booth] -topic vote prompt -TTY 5240 [subscnm] -subscan menu -emulation, expert 5241 [] -subscan menu -emulation, intermediate 5242 [] -subscan menu -emulation, novice 5243 [] -subscan menu -emulation, beginner 5244 [Sub Area Scan] -subscan prompt -emulation 5245 [] -subscan menu -TTY, expert 5246 [] -subscan menu -TTY, intermediate 5247 [] -subscan menu -TTY, novice 5248 [] -subscan menu -TTY, beginner 5249 [Sub Area Scan] -subscan prompt -TTY 5250 [msgm] -msg menu -emulation, expert 5251 [] -msg menu -emulation, intermediate 5252 [] -msg menu -emulation, novice 5253 [] -msg menu -emulation, beginner 5254 [Message Menu] -msg prompt -emulation 5255 [] -msg menu -TTY, expert 5256 [] -msg menu -TTY, intermediate 5257 [] -msg menu -TTY, novice 5258 [] -msg menu -TTY, beginner 5259 [Message Menu] -msg prompt -TTY 5260 [confm] -conf menu -emulation, expert 5261 [] -conf menu -emulation, intermediate 5262 [] -conf menu -emulation, novice 5263 [] -conf menu -emulation, beginner 5264 [Conference Area] -conf prompt -emulation 5265 [] -conf menu -TTY, expert 5266 [] -conf menu -TTY, intermediate 5267 [] -conf menu -TTY, novice 5268 [] -conf menu -TTY, beginner 5269 [Conference Area] -conf prompt -TTY 5270 [miscm] -misc menu -emulation, expert 5271 [] -misc menu -emulation, intermediate 5272 [] -misc menu -emulation, novice 5273 [] -misc menu -emulation, beginner 5274 [Misc Menu] -misc prompt -emulation 5275 [] -misc menu -TTY, expert 5276 [] -misc menu -TTY, intermediate 5277 [] -misc menu -TTY, novice 5278 [] -misc menu -TTY, beginner 5279 [Misc Menu] -misc prompt -TTY 5280 [mainlevm] -main level menu -emulation, expert 5281 [] -main level menu -emulation, intermediate 5282 [] -main level menu -emulation, novice 5283 [] -main level menu -emulation, beginner 5284 [Main Level] -main level prompt -emulation 5285 [] -main level menu -TTY, expert 5286 [] -main level menu -TTY, intermediate 5287 [] -main level menu -TTY, novice 5288 [] -main level menu -TTY, beginner 5289 [Main Level] -main level prompt -TTY 5290 [mainm] -main menu -emulation, expert 5291 [] -main menu -emulation, intermediate 5292 [] -main menu -emulation, novice 5293 [] -main menu -emulation, beginner 5294 [Main Menu] -main prompt -emulation 5295 [] -main menu -TTY, expert 5296 [] -main menu -TTY, intermediate 5297 [] -main menu -TTY, novice 5298 [] -main menu -TTY, beginner 5299 [Main Menu] -main prompt -TTY 5300 [V)iew news L)ist news U)pload news D)elete news W)rite news Q)uit] -news area menu 5310 [C)hange dir D)OS drop E)dit file F)ile list|9] -file mgr menu option prompt 5320 [D)elete user E)dit user S)kip user V)alidate user Q)uit ] -user scan menu option prompt 5330 [Q)uit A)gain P)ost L)ist R)eply CR) next K)ill D)ownload /)Multiline F)ast list ] -sub search help 5500 -extra menus: Menu number*10+500, for use with celmenu.ini extra menus.)