CLIPMOUS.LIB ------------ CLIPMOUS.LIB is a simple library for mouse support under CLIPPER. It can be use with Summer '87, 5.0 and 5.01 version. Source code of the CLIPMOUS library is written with Borland Turbo C 2.0. Look at file MOUSTEST.PRG (included) for code example. ______________________________________________________________________________ Included functions are: Minit(): mouse initialisation (must be use at the begining of your program) - return 1 if mouse is detected and correctly installed. - return 0 if mouse is not detected. Mend(): desinstall mouse (to use at the end of your program or sub) Mshow(): turn on mouse cursor. Mhide(): turn off mouse cursor. Mx(): column position of the mouse cursor - return a value bettween 1 and 80. My(): line position of the mouse cursor - return a value bettween 1 and 25. Mwait(): pause until a mouse button is pressed - return 2 if the left button was pressed. - return 8 if the right button was pressed. - return 10 if both buttons was pressed. Mbout(): return buttons status (initialized to 0 when moving) - return 2 if left button is pressed - return 4 if left button was released - return 8 if right button is pressed - return 16 if right button was released - return 10 if both button are pressed - return 20 if both buttons were released Mlast(): return last buttons status (not initialized to 0 when moving) - see Mbout() for returned values ______________________________________________________________________________ Martin Brousseau