******************************************************************************* CLMOUS10.TXT ******************************************************************************* Copyright (c)1995 Gregory Thacker. All rights reserved. FILES INCLUDED WITH CLMOUS10.ZIP -------------------------------- CLMOUS10.LIB - Mouse function library file. DEMOMOUS.PRG - Program file to demonstrate the mouse functions. CLMOUS10.TXT - This file. NOTICE ---------- These files are provided as SHAREWARE with the following limitations: These files are SHAREWARE and are not to be resold or distributed for sale in whole or in part with or within other programs, applications or files which are for sale. These files are distributed AS IS with no warranty or claim of fitness or reliability, and as such the author shall not be held liable for any loss or damage due to the use, misuse or inability to use these files. These files may be distributed freely as SHAREWARE so long as they are distributed together and are in no way changed, modified or altered from their original form. INTRODUCTION -------------- CLMOUS10.LIB is a shareware mouse function library containing nine simple functions for use with CA-CLIPPER ver 5.2. All functions are compatible with the MS-MOUSE drivers ver 6.25 and up. For a complete mouse function library that may be used within commercial applications read the section on REGISTRATION. LINKING --------- To link, simply add CLMOUS10.LIB to the library list. example: RTLINK FILE LIBRARY CLMOUS10 is your object file(s) list. To link with CA-TOOLS add CLMOUS10.LIB to the library list. example: RTLINK FILE LIBRARY CLMOUS10,CT is your object file(s) list. CLMOUS10.LIB contains functions for a text mouse cursor and is not compatible with some of the functions within CA-CLIPPER's extended driver CTUS.OBJ. Therefore, linking CLMOUS10.LIB with CTUS.OBJ is possible but not recommended. example: RTLINK FILE ,CTUS LIBRARY CLMOUS10,CT is your object file(s) list. FUNCTIONS INCLUDED IN CLMOUS10.LIB ---------------------------------- - MOUSTART() - MOUSEND() - MOUSHOW() - MOUSHIDE() - MOUSX() - MOUSY() - MOUS_RB() - MOUS_LB() - MOUSWAIT() DESCRIPTION & USAGE --------------------- ******************************************************************************* MOUSTART() - Reset mouse driver ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYNTAX MOUSTART() --> nValue RETURNS MOUSTART() returns a numeric value of 0 or -1. Zero if the mouse driver is not installed or reset. Negative one if the mouse driver is installed and reset. DESCRIPTION MOUSTART() checks to see if the mouse driver is installed, if the mouse driver is installed it then resets the driver. This function must be called before any of the other mouse functions. ******************************************************************************* MOUSEND() - Reset mouse driver before quitting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYNTAX MOUSEND() DESCRIPTION MOUSEND() resets the mouse driver for the purpose of exiting your application. MOUSEND() must be called before exiting your application. ******************************************************************************* MOUSHOW() - Show mouse cursor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYNTAX MOUSHOW() DESCRIPTION MOUSHOW() displays the mouse cursor on the screen. ******************************************************************************* MOUSHIDE() - Hide mouse cursor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYNTAX MOUSHIDE() DESCRIPTION MOUSHIDE() hides the mouse cursor. Multiple calls to this function will require multiple calls to the function MOUSHOW() in order to unhide the mouse cursor. ******************************************************************************* MOUSX() - row position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYNTAX MOUSX() --> nValue RETURNS MOUSX() returns a numeric value from 0 to 24. DESCRIPTION MOUSX() returns the value corresponding to the row position of the mouse cursor. ******************************************************************************* MOUSY() - column position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYNTAX MOUSY() --> nValue RETURNS MOUSY() returns a numeric value from 0 to 79. DESCRIPTION MOUSY() returns the value corresponding to the column position of the mouse cursor. ******************************************************************************* MOUS_RB() - right button status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYNTAX MOUS_RB() --> nValue RETURNS MOUS_RB() returns a numeric value of 0 or 1. DESCRIPTION MOUS_RB() returns one while the right mouse button is pressed otherwise it returns zero. ******************************************************************************* MOUS_LB() - right button status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYNTAX MOUS_LB() --> nValue RETURNS MOUS_LB() returns a numeric value of 0 or 1. DESCRIPTION MOUS_LB() returns one while the left mouse button is pressed otherwise it returns zero. ******************************************************************************* MOUSWAIT() - wait for button press ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYNTAX MOUSWAIT() --> nValue RETURNS MOUSWAIT() returns a numeric value of 1 or 2. DESCRIPTION MOUSWAIT() pauses program execution until a mouse button is pressed. MOUSWAIT() returns 1 if left button was pressed or 2 if right button was pressed. ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION -------------- If you wish to register and receive full rights to the mouse functions for commercial applications please send $25.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling ( US or Canadian funds only ) to: Gregory Thacker Site J-1, Comp. #6, RR2 Nanaimo, B.C., Canada V9R 5K2 Please indicate you wish to register CLMOUS10.LIB. If you have any questions or comments I may be reached at the address above or email: thacker@island.net The following is a list and brief description of additional functions you will receive upon registration. XM_RANGE(, ) - limits mouse cursor's vertical movement range. YM_RANGE(, ) - limits mouse cursor's horizontal movement range. MOUSMOVE(, ) - moves mouse to specified row and column position. MOUSENSE(, ) - sets the mouse senitivity. RB_PRESS() - returns 1 if right mouse button is pressed. RB_PRROW() - returns row position of mouse cursor when right button is pressed. RB_PRCOL() - returns column position of mouse cursor when right button is pressed. RB_PRCNT() - returns number of times right mouse button has been pressed since last call to one of the RB_PR???() functions. LB_PRESS() - returns 1 if left mouse button is pressed. LB_PRCOL() - returns row position of mouse cursor when left button is pressed. LB_PRROW() - returns column position of mouse cursor when left button is pressed. LB_PRCNT() - returns number of times left mouse button has been pressed since last call to one of the LB_PR???() functions. RB_RELE() - returns 1 if right mouse button is released. RB_REROW() - returns row position of mouse cursor when right button is released. RB_RECOL() - returns column position of mouse cursor when right button is released. RB_RECNT() - returns number of times right mouse button has been released since last call to one of the RB_RE???() functions. LB_RELE() - returns 1 if left mouse button is released LB_RECOL() - returns row position of mouse cursor when left button is released. LB_REROW() - returns column position of mouse cursor when left button is released. LB_RECNT() - returns number of times left mouse button has been release since last call to one of the LB_RE???() functions. ---------------------------------- End ----------------------------------------