Guidelines for Entering Establishments: First of all, the entries in the guide are labeled as ESTABLISHMENTS because there may be several different guides available (i.e. RESTAURANTS, CLUBS, HOTELS, etc.) and the information on file needs to appropriately correspond to the type of guide currently selected. You are encouraged to enter establishments into the guide - the only consideration is that you be fair and provide ACCURATE, DETAILED information. If you don't know the address, find it out before adding it to the guide. If you see information on file that is obviously wrong, please CORRECT it. Also if an establishment has closed down, edit the item and MARK it for DELETION - the sysop will take steps to remove it. Eventually, the guide files for THIS city will be given to other sysops around the country for their BBS's. Likewise, we will receive Guides from other cities. Over the course of time, the City Guide will be expanding to cover other cities and maybe even other countries! Please keep this in mind when entering information: keep things concise and accurate.