StarClash Documentation Most of the commands and rules are self explanatory, but here is a list of stuff... The OBJECT of StarClash is galactic dominance. Whoever controls the whole galaxy wins. This is achieved by building up your empire. The most important aspect of an empire is its income. Controlling planets, bases, and empty space all contribute to your income (Basic Resource Points). Here is the income listing: Control of: Habitable System 25 BRPs Minor Planet 50 BRPs Major Planet 75 BRPs Key Planet 100 BRPs Dock 6 BRPs Base Station 12 BRPs Battle Station 18 BRPs StarBase 24 BRPs Empty Sector 1 BRP Misc (all players) 15 * TECH level BRPs Note- if Tech level is decimal, it will keep decimal when computing. Note- you recieve income for each you have. If you have a sector with a base and a planet, you get income for all of these. Also note that your income accumulates everyday, regardless of if you play. If you die, your BRP total is reset to 0, and all your income is gone and your tech level is reset. Map- The map is represented by a 20x20 grid. The top left sector is 1, top right is 381, bottom left is 20, and the bottom right is 400. Note- if you are in sectors 1-20, you cannot move left; sectors 381-400 cannot move right. You also can not scroll off the top; ie you can not move from sector 1 to 20. Normal Menu: A)ctivate mines- if you have a mineship, you may place mines. Mines will damage any fleet that passes through the sector, unless they also have a mineship. If they have a mineship, they may sweep the mines, or they can take damage. B)uild ships- self explanatory. Note that as your tech level goes up, better ships become available. The better the ship, the more expensive. If you have a base, the price is reduced. The better the base, the better the price... C)olonize- this will upgrade a planet. If it was a Habitable planet, it becomes a minor planet. This is expensive; it costs lots of BRPs, but is a worthy investment if you can hold it. D)ock- will put you in base menu. Only applicable if there is a friendly base in your sector. E)ntire map- will show you your empire in grid form with ASCII. F)und transfer- this command can give BRPs to other players from your own account. Nice for alliances. G)arrison and move- same as move, but allows you to leave ships behind. H)elp- online help. I)nventory- this will show all the sectors you have stuff in, how many ships are there, your bases, and planets under your control. It is free. L)ocal info- this shows how many of each ship you have in the current sector, plus planets and bases if applicable. M)ove- Will move all ships in your sector to one of four adjacent sectors. Note- on borders of map, you ay have less than 4 possible moves. The cost of moving is roughly 1/20 of the cost to build the fleet. N)ews- today's news. O)utpost construction- will build a DOCK in your current sector. A DOCK is a base, and can be upgraded. It costs 80 to build a dock. Note that all crippled ships are automatically repaired if they are left at a base overnight. The cost for repair is 1/4 of the price of the ship. P)robe sector- will scan a sector adjacent to you. This costs 1 BRP. It will tell you who controls the sector, how many of what kind of ship, base, and planets... Q)uit- returns to BBS. R)&D- will imrove your tech level by one day. This can be expensive, but can give big advantages later in the game. S)can- this will do a quick scan of all adjacent sectors. It will tell you if anything is in the sectors. This costs 1 BRP, and is an effiecent way to scout for things (though you won't how much is there without a probe.) The 'mass rating' is an approximation of non-solar mass in the sector. T)ransfer- this will move you to another sector with friendly ships. Very useful if your ships are split up, or several battles are begin fought. This is free. U)noccupy sector- this will surrender a sector to anyone you chose. All ships in the sector will be also handed over, unless you immediately move them out. W)rite mail- allows you to write mail to other players. X)pert mode- if on, the menu will not be printed unless you press '?' Y)our info- this will do 2 things. It will show you what is in your sector, and will tally up your forces (ships, planets, and bases.) It also gives you your predicted income for the next day, assuming you do not lose any of your assets. BASE menu: B)uild ships- same as normal. Don't forget about discount for a base. L)ong range scan- you can scan ANY sector in the map. It works the same as PROBE from normal menu. This costs 2 BRPs. Q)uit base - returns to the regular menu S)can- better than sector scan, and free. Advantage of base. U)pgrade- this will increase the durability and income of your base. This will cost 40 BRPs more than your last expenditure on the base. IE upgrading a DOCK (normally 80 BRPs) to a Base Station would cost 120 BRPs. Notes on BASES- Bases are excellent defensive posts. They become near impossible to destroy as the increase in size. Also note that your maximum size of your base increases with you TECH level. You may have a DOCK at any level, BASE at 3, BATTLE STATION at 5, and a STARBASE at 7. COMBAT----- If you move into a sector with an enemy, you get the combat menu. Combat menu:- E)ngage main ships- this will fight a battle between you and the opponent. Observe some important factors: 1 Command rating- each fleet will pick its best ship as a flag ship. The flag ship can command a limited number of ships in battle. Your best ships will be commanded (by firepower). Note that cripples will not be engaged unless all other ships are gone... 2 Punch power- each ship has a offensive strength. The bigger, the more damage the enemy takes. 3 Defense power- each ship has a defensive value. The bigger, the more PUNCH it absorbs. Big ships aren't always killed when they are hit, instead they are crippled. Engaging is free. D)ogfight- will engage fighters (if you have any) with the opponents'. The cost of dogfighting is 1/2 of the number of fighters (i.e. if you sent 20 fighter squadron, it would cost you 10 BRPs). B)omber raid- will engage enemy with your bombers. Bombers will do massive damage if they penetrate, but will fail miserably if the opponent has fighters. The cost of bombing is 1 BRP per bomber (this covers the cost of high-grade nuclear arsenal used.) S)top fighting- basic retreat. Remember, the defender always has a significant advantage. If the defender has a base, then the attacker can expect to lose a lot more. A base has an excellent command rating, and a super firepower. Both punch and shock of a base increase with each upgrade. Tech level- all players start off at a tech level of 2. About once a week, this will go up. As your tech level goes up, you will be able to build better ships. You economy will improve, and you will just become a nastier opponent in general. The moral- don't die.