This file is to enhance the usage of the External Editor option. If you use a external editor that is compatible with the way Gedit operates then it may be possible to use that other editor..... Check your other editor and see if it is compatible with the command line used to call gedit. Here is the syntax of the command line TC-MM uses to calling the editor: path+filename COMPORT BAUDRATE TIMELEFT INACTIVITY where: path+filename is supplied by you in MMCONFIG COMPORT = communications port in use BAUDRATE = baud rate currently being used TIMELEFT = user time remaining INACTIVITY = inactivity time out (set for 3 minutes) ********************************************************************** So, it seems feasible to me, if your external editor used a similar command line and supported the msgtmp type interface, that you could place them name of you excutable in the appropriate place in MMCONFIG. -tom