Falken SIMBBS V7.05 by Herb Rose SIMBBS is a BBS simulator to aid Falken door programmers in their testing. To run the program, do the following : Copy the contents of your Falken directory into a new directory, and copy the SIMBBS.EXE file into the new directory. You do this because you are going to change BBSCFG somewhat. Or run creatfil.exe, and > idxmaker msgansi.msg > idxmaker msgtext.msg > idxmaker msgrip.msg Use BBSCFG to set up a Falken system with 8 lines defined, using FFFF as the hardware address for all 8 lines. Use XON/XOFF flow control, or NO flow control. No flow control is probably better. Run SIMBBS Use the F3 feature (Emulation channel) to log in on line 8. Once you have started the Emulation, you may press ALT-F1 through ALT-F8 to activate logins on the other 8 lines. Press ALT-F9 brings you back to the emulation line. Output to each line is stored until you switch to that line. This allows you to have 9 concurrent logins at the console, to test things with. The hardware level I/O functions have been removed, and replaced with code to hold output until you switch to that line. The actual BBS code and multitasker are EXACTLY what is running in Falken.