First, if you haven't read FIDOINFO.TXT and SOFTWARE.TXT, do so now. It will make this process much simpler. You will need as a bare miniumum for your point set-up BBIG_240.ZIP (a mailer), QM_100P.ZIP (a packer), and a (a message reader). It will also be beneficial in the long run fully study the documentation for the configuration file for each utility. You will need to create a directory under the root to place a majority of the system files, as well as a series of sub-directories. You may name them as you wish, but names will be assumed here for simplicity. Create the directory POINT under the root, followed by the directories NETMAIL, NETFILE, OUTBOUND, and, BADMSGS. In addition, you will need to create a sub-directory for each EchoMail Conference you will be receiving. One area will be assumed here as MERELY AN EXAMPLE, which may be modified and repeated for as many areas as desired. The hypothetical EchoMail area National Conference for the Endowment of Blue Balloons will be used. Each Echo area is characterised by a "symbol name." This is the term used in net administration as unique identification for a particular Echo. The sub-directory which will hold messages for this EchoMail area may be named anything. Whatever sub-directory is chosen for this area, it's precise directory name will be used in a declaration in various configuration files. For this example, the symbol name "BLUE_BALLOONS" will be used. The sub-directory name BALLOONS will be used. This directory is to be made below the POINT directory. Now, unpack BBIG_240.ZIP (BinkleyTerm - mailer), QM_100P.ZIP (QMail- packer), and MSGED200.ZIP (MSGED - message reader) into the POINT directory. Each will have it's own configuration file which must be set for your own unique system. You will be declaring, among other things, full path names for many of the directories just created, your name, and matrix address. Any file statements given here are not mandatory, but you will probably want to cover the documentation of your own and add additional configuration to each according to your own taste. BinkleyTerm uses a configuration file BINKLEY.CFG. You will need to open this file and locate the following configuration statements and place the appropriate information in each, and place the appropriate parameters where appropriate: System, Sysop, Boss, BossPwd, Address, Port, Baud, Init, Carrier, Prefix, StatusLog, BinkleyTerm, Downloads, CaptureFile, LogLevel, NetMail, NetFile, Hold, Nodelist, NewNodelist, AfterMail, Reader, ScreenBlank, BoxType, SwapDir, and JanusBaud. In addition to these files, BINKLEY.EVT, an "event file" will also need to be set-up for automatic polling, if desired. To begin with, if the batch ErrorLevels in POINT.BAT haven't been altered, you may merely change the event time on the sample event shown for the desired time. Remove the semi-colon ";" on that line to engage this event. REMEMBER: Once you have made all necessary changes to BINKLEY.CFG and BINKLEY.EVT, you must compile these files to a binary format by running BTCTL.EXE (without any command line parameters). In additional to the statements above, SCAN.BAT, AREAS.BBS, and POINT.BAT will need to be configured for your system. Sample files with brief explanations, suitable for point use, have been included with this text file. For proper MSGED set-up, MSGED.CFG will need to be altered for your own point system. You will need to declare your name, matrix address, and any EchoMail areas. The path and sub-directory name must be declared EXACTLY as they are in AREAS.BBS. One additional parameter is declared here that is not used in AREAS.BBS. This is the conference name enclosed in quotation marks (see MSGED.CFG). This declarered the literal string to be printed on the MSGED area selection menu. This is arbitrary, and may be indicated as desired. Next, MSGED.BAT will need to be modified for your own system use. Instruction are included for modifications. This is the batch file called within BinkleyTerm when shelled to the declared reader. QM.CFG will need to be modified accordingly. Full explanation for point use is provided. Also, QMROUTE.CFG is set-up simply as a point system. This file permits node by node routing of mail packets and is used extensively by nodes and mail hubs. If you plan to use a NODELIST, you MUST obtain a program which compiles the distribution copy of a NODELIST into a Fido compatible data structure, such as XLAX_232.ZIP. This is not necessary for point operation, but you may want this list for information purposes, or use as a dialing directory under BinkleyTerm. A configuration file will also need to be set-up which is explained in it's documentation. Finally, obtain and un-compress a FOSSIL, either OCOM_530.ZIP or X000V123H.ZIP, which ever suits your needs as explained in SOFTWARE.TXT. This is MANDATORY to allow BinkleyTerm to function properly. A VFOSSIL is also highly recommended, VIBM_110.ZIP In each of the archive files, a full, commented configuration sample is given. There are configuration and batch files included in this archive, are simplified for fast point installation. Merely use the files included here in place of these files which are included in the original archived packages. Further information concerning point operation may be found in the full documenation and configuration files included with each utility. Remember, examine ALL files in this archive. Only those declarations indicated as needing to be changed are required for modification. Good Luck! Brian Crawford 19 August 1990 FidoNet: 1:114/15.12 INTERNET: