YaBom V1.10

                            What's New since 1.00

                              Berin Lautenbach

     1.10 from 1.10á/f

     o    Added the 'N' command to the outbound help screen.  This is
          NOT a new command, it was there all along, but wasn't well
          documented.  (Wasn't at all actually <GRIN>).  The 'N' allows
          you to redirect a packet to any node in any zone/domain
          combination, not necessarily the current.

     o    Didn't support "direct" in route.cfg.  Now supported.

     o    Added directories into the file search function.  Can now move
          around the disk while searching for files to send, as long as
          those directories are within the file mask.  I.e. selecting
          c:\binkley\*.* will show all the directories off Binkley,
          followed by all the files in the same directory.

     o    Fixed a STUPID bug that caused the manager to hang when
          opening a packet with messages that contained a ^AFLAGS field.

     o    Added "F10" to the file search function, to allow use over

     o    Fixed up some of the share problems with the V7 nodelist.  Now
          opens everything in deny write mode, unless actually writing
          to the file involved.

     o    Allowed for up to 24 outbound directories.

     o    Fixed cosmetic problems with the domain window and empty
          outbound window.

     o    Will not put garbage on the screen when a message being viewed
          contains a "%" character.

     1.10áf from 1.00

     o    Fixed a strange bug that just appeared one morning.  YaBom
          would delete the old packet when adding new mail to it.  Made
          for some VERY strange mail leaving the system.

     o    Fixed a MAJOR problem when YaBom was running under only one
          domain.  It would not recognise that one domain properly when
          packing mail.  (There was a memory allocation error that for
          some reason only made problems under one domain).

     o    Added a nodelist lookup function when entering an address.
          Pressing F2 will now bring up a list of nets in the current
          domain and zone (providing YBNode has been run on the
          nodelists).  Choosing a net will bring up a list of nodes int
          that net, and choosing a node will tell YaBom that is the
          address you want.  If the node in question also has points,
          then these will be listed for selection.  (The main node is
          the first, so pressing return twice will select the node).

     o    Created the program YBNode to compile the nodelists for YaBom
          to use.  It must be run AFTER the V7 nodelist has been
          compiled, and simply creates a list of nets in the nodelists.
          (It compiles all the nodelists).  No additional setup for this
          program is needed, it runs from the YaBom configuration file.

     o    Completely re-wrote the outbound interface.  Now has a menu
          type system, where you move the line to the entry you want to
          manipulate.  Pressing Return will activate the default
          function for that mail type (for instance opening mail and
          file attaches and going into a points directory).

     o    Added sorting on the outbound area.

     o    Added a help line to YBConfig - it now tells you what the
          entry is for.

     o    YaBom now has the ability to edit certain fields in the V7
          nodelist entries - these are the password, phone number, modem
          flags and general flags fields.

     o    Fixed a problem of choosing the right domain.  Previously
          YaBom was always assuming that the Zone field in a message
          header was correctly filled out.  It turns out it isn't :>.
          YaBom now tries to match a net with a zone, and if it fails,
          it uses the main zone of your address list.  This will
          automatically be overridden by an INTL or MSGID kludge line.

     o    'N' on a packet in the outbound area will re-route the packet
          to a new destination, including a new zone.

     o    Del on a file attach now checks if there are any files that
          need to be truncated and/or deleted in the ?LO file.  If so
          asks the user if they should be.

     o    New command line options for starting up YaBom in the outbound
          area :

          YABOM 3         - Start in the first zone 3 outbound found
          YABOM 3 fidonet - Force startup in zone 3 of fidonet

          At this point in time, YaBom exits from the outbound straight
          back to DOS.

     o    You can now create progress files from the main menu.  And
          progress files now show up in the outbound area.

     o    YaBom can create point and zone directories

                                 Known Bugs

     o    When a new zone directory is created, the change is not noted
          in the domain menu.  Exit and restart YaBom for the changes to
          take effect.

     o    File sharing only exists in the YBNode - it will open the
          index files in deny-write mode, allowing others to read.
          However, the outbound manager opens EVERYTHING in deny all

     o    Has a tendency to do funny things when it runs out of memory.
          If windows fail to open properly, then YaBom has run out of