.þßÜßÝÛ ReneWave v1.01 Upgrade Notes ÛÞßÜßþ. Copyright (C) 1995 by Lars Hellsten, All Rights Reserved When upgrading from v1.00.wb1 or v1.00.wb2, please read this ENTIRE file! It contains some important notes on upgrading. FOREWORD - Version 1.01 is a MAJOR upgrade from v1.00. Much of the code has been completely revamped (although, not quite rewritten), and MANY changes have been made to the internal workings of the door. This will make it better, more stable, require less memory, and make it an all around better program. We were planning an upgrade for some time, but had intended it to have more features, and be labelled version 1.10. Due to the fact that, as most of you know, ReneWave v1.00.wb2 wasn't compatible with Blue Wave v2.20 *.NEW packets, the new features had to be put on the backburner so that a new release could be made to fix this problem. As it is, from the time we found out Blue Wave v2.20 was about to be released, we've only had one week to beta test this version, and the week before that was spent getting a beta copy ready. So in essence, we've had to do a lot of work in a very short period of time. Thus, it is quite possible this version will be buggy -- although I doubt there will be anything as major as there was in v1.00.wb1 or v1.00.wb2. At the end of this file, there is a listing of new features we are planning to add for v1.10.g1, which will be a gamma version only available to registered users. Updated documentation is NOT included in this version, simply due to the fact that it is primarily a maintenance release to fix the .NEW packet bug, as well as a few other bugs, and we did not have time to update the documentation. When upgrading, make sure you read the entire WHATSNEW.101 file, so you don't miss out on anything. All major changes in this release are documented in that file. UPGRADING - Before you upgrade, we recommend you make a backup of your entire ReneWave v1.00.wb2 directory, just in case (you never know -- at least this way you have something to fall back on if for some strange reason the new version doesn't work properly. If you are upgrading from v1.00.wb1 (most of this file assumes you are upgrading from v1.00.wb2), you must go through the additional step of running WB1TOWB2.EXE, before you do anything else. The 100TO101 conversion program won't work properly unless you have converted your system to v1.00.wb2. To upgrade to v1.01, simply unarchive RENEWAVE.ZIP into your Rene- Wave directory, overwriting any existing files. Then run the conversion program (100TO101.EXE) included. Once the conversion is complete, you may delete any *.SCN files in your ReneWave pointers directory, and remove that directory. You will then need to modify the way you have your system setup to execute ReneWave from your menus in Renegade. If you run RENEWAVE.EXE with no parameters, you will get instructions on the new syntax for executing ReneWave, and what commandline parameters need to be passed. RWLOCAL.BAT is a sample batch file for running ReneWave locally (using node 2 and user #1) without needing a DOOR.SYS file. All you need to do is simply change the OPTIONS field in your menus to: 6. Options :C:\RENEWAVE\RENEWAVE.EXE -or- 6. Options :C:\RENEWAVE\RENEWAVE.EXE /U:%# /C:%P,%B,%A /N:%N You should then take the time to read through all the changes that have been made since v1.00.wb2. They are outlined in WHATSNEW.101. This file is located in the RW_DOCS.ZIP archive, along with the MCI code documentation file and the v1.00.wb1 full documentation. NEXT VERSION - As was mentioned above, version 1.01 is primarily a maintenance version, released to correct bugs, and fix the 2.20 incompatibility. But, I'm not going to stop here. There has been a slew of features we've been planning to implement. We had to hold off on most of these, in order to get v1.01 as bug-free as possible. This is a list of things currently planned for v1.10.g1: * Internal file list compiler, which would scan for new files based on the user's file area selections, and their last scanned pointers (the *.SCN files). Output will look identical to MSLISTRG, and most of the features will be the same as well. The file list will be user-toggleable (with the sysop having the option of forcing it), and the sysop can still use an external listing. * Menus will be completely configurable, although not to the same extent Renegade's are. They will be text file based, and not as complex as Renegade's, but will work on the same principles. ReneWave will support a few of Renegade's CMDKEYs as well. * Ability to save PERSONAL, PERSONAL+ALL, KEYWORD and FILTER related bundling commands, and automatically re-apply them to the same areas on the user's next download. * Support for QWK ADD/DROP/RESET offline configuration commands. * A server/robot feature. This would take about a page or more to explain, so I won't. But it is a very powerful feature, especially for sysops who do a lot of work remotely. * Gated Internet support. * ALL prompts and strings will be sysop-configurable. Despite the fact that Renegade doesn't support multiple languages, this will likely be implemented anwyay, so sysops can have full control over the door, and allow total customization. * Full support for the new offline mail configuration features provided by the Blue Wave v2.20 reader (as soon as I get my hands on the new data structures). * Any suggestions we receive from you along the way (of course) ... Enjoy! Lars Hellsten larsh@tor250.org