HANDS ON Remote Access VENDOR.txt Page 1 Version 5 HANDS ON Remote Access is an ASP member Shareware product. Last updated: February, 1995 This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors BBS sysops and Computer Clubs who wish to distribute the Hands On remote access package. This is yet another EASY UP AND RUNNING release for Hands On. It is easier to "get going" than previous releases. Try it. Please, if you are an ASP member vendor tell us that you are carrying the product. Please just tell us when and how, you don't have to ask again. For sample descriptions which you may use to describe the product please refer to the Introduction in the HANDS ON HO.txt text file. The README.txt has a file listing with descriptions. The FILE_ID.DIZ has an abbreviated BBS oriented description. Of course if you find vendinfo information, you might use it to get the information that you need. Portions of the Hands On distribution actually alter other .exes in the distribution. This sharply reduces RAM memory usage and .EXE file size while increasing speed, but you may find virus checkers that go bonkers. Also, if you pklite or diet the .EXE's to make them smaller, you will be destroying vital configuration information in the individual .EXE. Please note that over 95% of our support calls, between July and September 1994 (after the initial widespread release of version 5.00) involve people who have incomplete copies of Hands On, primarily from BBS's. We have reduced the default BBS distribution in an attempt to reduce any arbitrary file shuffling. There is now an 'extra's file HO5X.ZIP for the BBS distribution. Or you can glom onto a full copy from a disk vendor, and some BBS's. Computer Clubs and User Groups wishing to add the product to their disk library may do so in accordance with the Distribution Restrictions listed below. ASP Approved Vendors in good standing are hereby given permission to distribute the product. Please notify P. C. HANDS ON Remote Access VENDOR.txt Page 2 Softsmith if you are distributing the product. Don't ask just inform us, preferably over the internet. Its a good idea to include the version number, just in case you obtained old stock. Of course we can send you updates directly if we know that you carry a product. Other Vendors: P.C. Softsmith policy is that its products may be carried by any vendor that meets or exceeds ASP standards. If you 'protect' your customers and software authors to ASP-like standards you have permission to carry P.C. Softsmith products. Please inform us if you carry our products. The complete list of included files is changing with ongoing additions and options. If you perceive that the set that you have 'in hand' is incomplete, please contact us to obtain more material and/or complete product suitable for use and distribution. Additions to the product, such as any product that uses Hands On for optional support are welcome. You may distribute core portions of Hands On with its documentation along with your product or products that you perceive can benefit from shared distribution and use. No price or other compensation may be charged for selling the product without prior arrangement. However, a distribution fee may be charged for the cost of the diskette, shipping and handling, as long as the total (per disk) meets industry norms. You may not list any of our products as "Free software", "PD software", or "Public Domain Software". Shareware is "Try-Before-You-Buy" software, it is not free. Please try to avoid distributing outdated software. Vigourously hassle us if necessary. Thank you Vic Williams P. C. Softsmith (604) 433 - 5189 INTERNET:vic_williams@mindlink.bc.ca. (accessible from Compuserve) P. C. Softsmith Suite 606 6455 Willingdon Ave HANDS ON Remote Access VENDOR.txt Page 3 Burnaby, B. C., Canada V5H 4E4