To all users of OILERSoFT utilities: A new policy is now in effect. For every OILERSoFT utility you Register, you will now receive the same Dollar value of other OILERSoFT utilities FREE!!! Example #1: Say you Register FILEEDIT (a $20 value), you can then get 20$ worth of other OILERSoFT utilities FREE!!! Example #2: Say you Register FLMAKE (a $10 value), you can then get 10$ worth of other OILERSoFT utilities FREE!!! Example #3: Say you Register TOPALL (a $5 value), you can then get 5$ worth of other OILERSoFT utilities FREE!!! To take advantage of this offer, just fill out a Registration form and send it to the address on the form, and let me know which FREE REGISTERED utilities you would like along with the one you are Registering. The total value of the FREE OILERSoFT utilities you want, must be equal or less than the value of the utility you are Registering.