Renegade Frequently Asked Question List Created by - Paul Reed (85:823/207) Created 09/04/92 Last Revised 03/22/93 Q. What is the Latest version of Renegade Available? A. The latest version of Renegade released to the public is Renegade 03-05Beta. Q. How come in the newest version of Renegade all my Menu prompts have these HEART shaped ASCII characters within them.. A. as of version 2-27 Beta's release the Ascii-3 (or Heart) coloring system has been COMPLETELY removed.. you should obtain the file CLRFIX.ZIP or ARJ whatever the case may be. and follow the directions included.. for those of you who have an aversion to reading DOCS i will include the steps to take to run it successfuly on your system place clrfix.exe into your main BBS directory. the DATE on Clrfix.exe should be 2-1-93 at 00:26am or it is too old of a version and will not convert all the DATA files that need to be converted.. do NOT run clrfix on the data files by passing *.dat to clrfix.. you WILL destroy your data files if you do this.. at the dos prompt type CLRFIX and press Enter which is NOT the long key at the bottom of the keyboard couldn't resist Cott. you will see it process several different .DAT files.. then when it is done type CLRFIX MENU\*.MNU to convert your menus.. then use CLRFIX MISC\*.ASC to convert your ascii text files.. Q. Why does the built in .QWK door give all of my bases a base number of 0 and then put all the messages into all the bases in the reader? A. With the release of version 2-27 Beta the message bases now have a permanent Index Number used for .QWK packets.. you should run the program PERMINDX.EXE contained in the distribution archives for RG 2-27Beta and Later.. RUN THIS ONLY ONCE.. when you run it it will ask you for the path to MBASES.DAT which is located in your DATA directory.. Q. What the hell happened to all the Header colors?? its all grey on black!!! A. With the release of RG 2-27 Beta a New color configuration System was implemented.. you should go into the color configuration setup (K) from the System Configuration menu and configure a default color system.. Q. Why won't Renegade respond to my modem, or why wont it even load up? A. All versions of renegade require a fossil driver to operate at ALL Renegade WILL however load up without a fossil driver installed if the -L option is used on the commandline.. the 2 most popular FOSSIL drivers out are BNU and X00.. most boards should have these available it is beyond the scope of this manual to explain how to set up a FOSSIL driver. Q. Where are the DOCS!?!?!?!? A. Currently Theo Van Dinter has released a doc file for Renegade.. However.. these Docs have not been Sanctioned by Cott Lang at least that i am aware of anyways..but should serve to get you through until a release approved by Cott Lang. Q. Why are there so many bugs.. stuff never seems to work right!! A. Renegade is still in Beta form.. this means that it is NOT a standard release.. at this point in time everyone that sets up a renegade BBS is in effect a Beta tester.. or bug hunter if you will.. as such BETA releases have bugs.. it is one of the drawbacks of getting new versions at least once a month.. Q. How do i become a BETA site? A. if you are running the software technically you already are.. currently though there is NO official Beta site structure.. although Cott Lang has stated that once a standard release is made he may go to a Beta testing structure.. at this point in time it does not even pay to ask as the answer will always be NO. Q. How the HELL do i make the PCR system work... its really confusing.. A. first you have to go into System config and set up the PCR system as to what security levels are going to have one and how many messages each user has to post to meet the PCR. Next any command that you want to be restricted based on the PCR you would insert a ZZ somewhere in the ACS field for that command.. conversely you can set up a linked command (see the docs on how to do that) with an acs of !ZZ to display a file or message to the user saying their PCR is out of balance... its really quite simple but it really is one of the most confusing things to set up it seems... Q. How come SOME people have copies labeled ALPHA if there are no Alpha Sites? A. About the easiest way to answer this questions is that the Alpha versions seem to be distributed to people who make clear and concise bug reports about the software.. also it seems to be released to the utility authors so they can get a head start on converting a old utility to match the new structures of renegade if needed and to test them before releasing them so they can be released at nearly the same time as the next Beta. Q. When will the Standard Release of Renegade be made? A. When its made.. all indications are that it won't be too much longer Q. How much does Renegade cost to Register it? A. Currently there is no registration fee asociated with renegade.. At some point when the Standard release is made a registration fee may be required.. Cott hasn't quite made up his mind on how much he is planing on charging for registration.. Or even if a fee will be charged at all. Q. How do i set up HSLINK/BI-MODEM with Renegade? A. At this point in time Renegade has built in bi-directional protocol support.. but only HS-LINK is supported at this time.. Bi-Modem is NOT recommnded as there are some potential security risks to someone holding a registered copy.. HSLINK can best be configured by grabbing PROTOCOL.ZIP off of Cott Lang's or any other Renegade Support board that has it.. this is a copy of Cott Langs own protocol.dat file with most of the popular protocols installed including HSLINK.. Cott has suggested that the best way to configure HSLINK itself is NOT to configure it.. just straight out of the BOX should work for most people... Q. How do i set up Renegade multi-node?? A. this probably has to be the MOST asked question in renegade's history. and in actuality it is probably one of the easiest things to set up. Basically if you have desqview, windows, OS/2 or any other program that allows 2 programs to be run simultaneously you can run MULTI-NODE this document will explain how to setup one dial up node and one local only node... from there you should be able to set up as many --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the settings i use for Renegade with Desview running a 3 node system with front door on node 1.. i am only going to post the frodo node 1 and renegade node 2 entries.. as the node 3 is completely identical to the node 2 settings i will also post the batch files i use for both.. If you are using DESQview.. TURN MANAGE PRINTER CONTENTION OFF or you will not be able to load more than one node.... Change a Program Program Name............: Renegade Node 1 Keys to Use on Open Menu: R1 Memory Size (in K): 200 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Program...: runfd.bat Parameters: Directory.: c:\fd ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Options: Writes text directly to screen.......: [Y] Displays graphics information........: [N] Virtualize text/graphics (Y,N,T).....: [Y] Uses serial ports (Y,N,1,2)..........: [N] Requires floppy diskette.............: [N] Change a Program Advanced Options System Memory (in K).......: 0 Maximum Program Memory Size (in K)..: 600 Script Buffer Size.......: 1000 Maximum Expanded Memory Size (in K): 1000 Text Pages: 1 Graphics Pages: 0 Initial Mode: Interrupts: 00 to FF ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Window Position: Maximum Height: 25 Starting Height: Starting Row...: Maximum Width.: 80 Starting Width.: Starting Column: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Shared Program Pathname..: Data......: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Close on exit (Y,N,blank)......: [N] Uses its own colors..............: [Y] Allow Close Window command.....: [Y] Runs in background (Y,N,blank)...: [Y] Uses math coprocessor..........: [N] Keyboard conflict (0-F)..........: [0] Share CPU when foreground......: [Y] Share EGA when foreground/zoomed.: [Y] Can be swapped out (Y,N,blank).: [N] Protection level (0-3)...........: [0] Change a Program Program Name............: Renegade Node 2 Keys to Use on Open Menu: R2 Memory Size (in K): 200 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Program...: node2.bat Parameters: Directory.: c:\renegade ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Options: Writes text directly to screen.......: [Y] Displays graphics information........: [N] Virtualize text/graphics (Y,N,T).....: [Y] Uses serial ports (Y,N,1,2)..........: [N] Requires floppy diskette.............: [N] Change a Program Advanced Options System Memory (in K).......: 0 Maximum Program Memory Size (in K)..: 600 Script Buffer Size.......: 1000 Maximum Expanded Memory Size (in K): 1000 Text Pages: 1 Graphics Pages: 0 Initial Mode: Interrupts: 00 to FF ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Window Position: Maximum Height: 25 Starting Height: Starting Row...: Maximum Width.: 80 Starting Width.: Starting Column: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Shared Program Pathname..: Data......: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Close on exit (Y,N,blank)......: [N] Uses its own colors..............: [Y] Allow Close Window command.....: [Y] Runs in background (Y,N,blank)...: [Y] Uses math coprocessor..........: [N] Keyboard conflict (0-F)..........: [0] Share CPU when foreground......: [Y] Share EGA when foreground/zoomed.: [Y] Can be swapped out (Y,N,blank).: [N] Protection level (0-3)...........: [0] and now my batch files for frodo and for renegade node 2 this is the RUNFD.BAT that the node1 window calls... cd\dv device c:\zansi.sys :START cd\fd fd if errorlevel 150 goto WEEKLY if errorlevel 100 goto UNPACK if errorlevel 90 goto NIGHT if errorlevel 85 goto HS if errorlevel 80 goto FAST if errorlevel 70 goto MEDIUM if errorlevel 60 goto SLOW if errorlevel 40 goto LOGON if errorlevel 10 goto QUIT if errorlevel 5 goto START :HS cd\renegade renegade -N1 -B9600 -Q if errorlevel 2 goto scan goto START :FAST CD\RENEGADE RENEGADE -B2400 -N1 -Q if errorlevel 2 goto scan GOTO START :MEDIUM CD\RENEGADE RENEGADE -B1200 -N1 -Q GOTO START :SLOW CD\RENEGADE RENEGADE -B300 -N1 -Q GOTO START :LOGON CD\RENEGADE RENEGADE -N1 -L GOTO START :UNPACK IF EXIST C:\FD\FILES\*.TIC GOTO TICK IF EXIST C:\FD\FILES\*.MO* GOTO TOSS IF EXIST C:\FD\FILES\*.TU* GOTO TOSS IF EXIST C:\FD\FILES\*.WE* GOTO TOSS IF EXIST C:\FD\FILES\*.TH* GOTO TOSS IF EXIST C:\FD\FILES\*.FR* GOTO TOSS