SETUPRG.TXT Setting up Renegade BBS Software for your first time is really very simple if you follow these simple step by step instructions, and use the files I have included in this archive..... 1. Unarj RENEGADE.ARJ into the directory you wish your BBS to be located, I suggest you use C:\RENEGADE because that is the default in most utilities etc. 2. Go to the directory Renegade is in, and type INSTALL, this runs the installation program. Answer all the questions it asks, and pretty much use all the default settings. 3. When Renegade loads up, press "S" to do System Config, now press "B" for modem configuration. Set the com port # to the comport # your modem is in, in most cases, this is set to "1". Now change the modem init string to ATV0S0=0&C1&D2M0E0| P.S. don't forget the "|" at the end of the init string 4. Exit the Renegade program. 5. Now you will need to copy the file BNU.COM to your C:\ directory. BNU.COM is included in SETUPRG.ARJ (check the directory you are currently in) 6. Now add a line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file that says "BNU.COM" this will load up the fossil driver that is needed for Renegade to run. 7. If you don't want to add a line to your autoexec.bat file, then you can load up bnu by simply typing BNU in the C:\ Directory (or where you copied it to) 8. Now all you need to do is copy DSZ.COM to C:\RENEGADE\PROT the directory where all the external protocol files are kept. 9. The last thing you need to do is type RENEGADE from the C:\RENEGADE directory. 10. Now you should call my BBS -- CiRCUS of PAiN -- (208) 667-9209 and check the file base RENEGADE RELEASES, and download the latest version of Renegade, and you also might want to check out the RENEGADE SUPPORT file base. NewUsers have access to both of these bases, and 30 mins. That should be plenty of time for you to get what ya need to get before I even verify you!! and local callers can get instant access for 2 hours a day if they run the callback verification. I hope this file helps you get your BBS started, I know that if there were more files like this, there would be alot more SysOps out there in BBS land.