млллллм лллллллл лл пп лл лл ллллл лллл лллл лл лл ллллл лл ллллл лллллл лл лл лл ллмм лл лллмлл лл лл лл лл лл лл ммм лл мм ллллл пплл лл ллпллл лл лл лл ллллл лл плл плллллп лл лл лллл лллл лл лл ллллл лл лл лл лллллл ---------- Written by Guy Filippelli / An ATS 1990 Release ---------- CasinoTAG is a gambling door for use with TAG BBS Systems allowing you ,the user, to gamble your online time and Download credits. There are three games, BlackJack, NumberGuess, and High-Low. Each game gives you double your gambling amount in the event of a win. BlackJack is just what it says. The goal is to have the total value of your cards as close as possible to 21, without going over. Winning occurs when : 1. The player has a total of 21, and the dealer's total is not 21. 2. The player's total is less than 21 and greater than the dealer's total. 3. The player has accumulated 5 cards, and the value is less than 21. 4. The dealer reaches a total greater than 21. Losing occurs when : 1. The dealer's total is 21. 2. Dealer's total is equal to player's total. 3. The player reaches a total greater than 21. When the card's value is either a 10,Jack,Queen, or King, it is represented by the letter "F" (Face Card) and is given the value of 10. When the card's value is an ACE, it is given the value of 1, except when coupled with a face card, giving it a value of 11, meaning BlackJack. NumberGuess involves trying to guess a number from 1 to 1000. The player is given 9 tries in order to do so. After each guess a message will be displayed telling if the guess was too high or too low, or if the guess was correct. High/Low is a simple game. The player is given a random number from 1 to 50, then prompted with a "[H]igh/[L]ow" input. If "H" is selected, and the unknown number is greater than the given number, the player wins, but if he/she guesses incorrectly, the player loses. The same reasoning applies to "L". ************** INFORMATION ON CasinoTAG v1.0 ************** Hanging up on the system while in CasinoTAG in order to abort any bad gambling mistakes is not beneficial to the user, since all stats will be saved no matter where the user hangs up on the game. When gambling download credits, actual number of downloads are also recalculated depending on the average K-Bytes per download for the user. If you enjoy this program, leave your sysop a note telling him to continue setting up the most current releases. By registering the program for $10.00, the sysop will be sent most recent versions directly to his/her home 2 weeks earlier than normal releases.