ADDFILE (C) 1994 DYNAMOUS Software -- adds CD-ROM files using files.bbs to the UltraBBS II filebase in share mode. ADDFILE is a Freeware Utility written by DYNAMOUS Software and is intended to be used with UltraBBS II (C) 1993 written by Craig D. Baker Command Line Usage: addfile [d:]\zips\newgame\ game This command will add the list of files in d:\zips\newgame\files.bbs to the UltraBBS II filebase.dat and set the dir id to "GAME". It will set the location of the files to the path of files.bbs. In this example it would be "D:\ZIPS\NEWGAME\FILENAME.EXT". Where FILENAME.EXT would be the name of the file in the file.bbs list. It will set the Uploaded by to "SYSOP via ADDFILE". It's a free program, hope you don't mind if we take a little credit. Look for lots of file management and other utilities by DYNAMOUS Software for use with UltraBBS II. We currently are beta testing a slick file manager with all the capabilities of U3MANAGE and UBFILE and much, much more. This program should be run in the \UBBS directory and assumes that the file base record is .\FILES\FILEBASE.DAT. Here is a sample of a files.bbs I had available to me. 1CRYSTL.ZIP 194,013 10-23-91 Crystal Caverns from Apogee. Fantastic Game If you have a different file lay-out, contact DYNAMOUS Software for changes. DYNAMOUS Software Customer Support BBS - Hat's Place BBS - Rochester, NY Fidonet 1:2613/386 (716) 594-5572/4267 USR HST D/S 16.8K 24 Hrs Daily