This file, WHATSNEW.DOC, contains a history of changes made to RamNet/uucp and its associated files and programs. Although every effort has been made to release programs and documents with no errors, this is not always a realistic goal: hardware and software that you've never even imagined (nor did we!) can cause comlications in the compatability of systems as large and complex as RamNet/uucp. Our commitment to you, either our current customer or one of our furure customers is to fix whatever problem we become aware of as soon as possible. RamNet/uucp, Version 1.4 - 6/26/95 ================================== Minor bug fixes: 1. The REG_PROC.EXE has a minor problem recognizing some systems. Fixed. 2. The Permissions file, PERMS, did not address REG_PROC properly, preventing remote sites from registering their site properly. If you've already installed RamNet/uucp, you'll have to edit your PERMS file (usually in the c:\ramnet\sys directory), and modify the section that looks like: LOGNAME=ramreg MACHINE=ramnet READ=c:\RAMNET\uucp;c:\RAMNET\sys;c:\RAMNET\bin WRITE=c:\RAMNET\uucp;c:\RAMNET\sys COMMANDS=ram_proc:rmail <<<<==== Wrong Name! SENDFILES=yes REQUEST=yes PUBDIR=c:\ramnet\public to read as: LOGNAME=ramreg MACHINE=ramnet READ=c:\RAMNET\uucp;c:\RAMNET\sys;c:\RAMNET\bin WRITE=c:\RAMNET\uucp;c:\RAMNET\sys COMMANDS=reg_proc:rmail <<<<==== Right name! SENDFILES=yes REQUEST=yes PUBDIR=c:\ramnet\public 3. RMAIL.EXE had a small problem with some site names causing an infinite loop, which appeared as a system crash. Fixed. 4. POLL.EXE has a problem with certain strange site names. Fixed. 5. The ability to automatically update the RamNet/uucp binaries and executables has been enhanced. RAM.EXE has been updated. RamNet/uucp, Version 1.3 - 6/19/95 ================================== Baseline release of freely distributable eveluation code.