How to contact me : Internet E-Mail : TIM_BENOIT@IDS.NET FidoNet NetMail : 1:374/22.2 Snail Mail : Tim Benoit P.O. BOX 410578 Melbourne, Fl. 32941-0578 The preferred way is via Internet (it's a lot faster). What's new in UUCPLog v2.00 =========================== - Added 5 new programs : 1. UULOG-X - Analyzes your logs for News Group traffic. (32,767 News Group Limit). 2. UUEMAIL - Analyzes your logs for E-Mail traffic (1,300 User Limit). 3. UUEM-X - Analyzes your logs for E-Mail traffic (32,767 User Limit). 4. UUTRIM - Log trimmer for both NEWSACTY and ACTIVITY Logs. 5. UUMAINT - Configuration/Utility program. - Added sorting routines to UUCPLog. It's now possible to have the output sort by either Total Mesages Imported, Total Messages Exported, Total Bytes per area (highest to lowest), or Alphabetically. - Fixed a problem with UUCPLog missing the Start Date with some dates. - There was a problem with the display header in the .BBS output files would add one space to the display when the file was viewed. Subtracted one character from header. - Added an @CLS@ in the upper left-hand corner of .BBS output file to clear the screen before it's displayed. - Gave UUCPLog a Face-Lift. - Enabled "Hot Key" Menu selections... No more pressing return. - UUCPLog configuration file is no longer ASCII. - Increased the total News Groups supported to 32,767 (Theoretically). - Added "Status Bar" Indicators to the screen output to show UUCPLog's progression. - Added a running clock. - Added command line switches to speed up the programs. When used, they "Turn Off" the running clock and status bar, thus speeding up the programs. There is also a Full Quiet mode, with no screen output after the initial screen is displayed. - Eliminated the restriction on the length of the NEWSACTY.LOG from 2200 lines of log to process to UNLIMITED. - Added an INCLUDE/EXCLUDE List option for both UUCPLog and UUEMail. This option will allow you to INCLUDE the specific News Groups and Users in your output files that you wish, or EXCLUDE the specific News Groups and Users in the output files. - Added the option to not display certain News Groups if they have not imported or exported a certain number of messages, or imported a certain number of Bytes. This is user configurable. - Added the option to UUEMAIL and UUEM-X to not display certain Users if they have not received a certain number of messages, or sent out a certain number of messages. This is user configurable.