02/08/95 - Initial Release v0.90á 02/09/95 - Release v0.91á þ PgUp & PgDwn Moves from (x,1) to (x,24) þ Alt-Left & Alt-Right now actually Deletes the column. þ Delete with a Non-Black Background 'Bug' is fixed. þ Cleaned up some small Cosmetic problems. þ AdeptXBBS META Variables are now Sorted into Categories. þ It was saving an Additional Blank Line, that has been fixed. 02/12/95 - Release v0.92á þ *HUGE* bug fixed.. the way it was saving the file was causing the remote end to not seeing carriage returns. So the remote user was seeing lines overlapping each other.. The sysop side looked fine.. 02/19/95 - Release v0.93á þ Some problems with ALT-Left, ALT-Right fixed. þ AdeptGrab Fixed to Grab only 24 Lines. þ TYPEA.EXE Included to type Adept files from a DOS command prompt 02/23/95 - Release v0.94á þ Fixed the 'Bug' that wouldn't let you type in (80,25) þ Better File Loading Routing, Allows Wildcards. 03/02/95 - Release v.94.10á þ OS/2 Executable, Thanks to Dan Polivy for Porting it for me until I can Afford an OS/2 Compiler.