AdeptXBBS version 1.0 will officially be released on June 5, 1995 at Cyber.Xpo.95 in Las Vegas. AdeptXBBS for the PowerPC (OS/2 version) will be officially unveiled at PC Expo between June 20-22. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many Sysops that have supported us during the Wide Beta of AdeptXBBS. Your comments, complaints, compliments and paid registrations have helped us to continue development of the BBS and assure that AdeptXBBS will continue to grow for a long time to come. As a thank you to those "early adopters" who took a chance by trying our beta product and to those Sysops that have been waiting for version 1.0 to ship, we are extending a special "thank you." All Sysops who have paid their registration fees by June 23, 1995 will be receive FREE UPGRADES THROUGH VERSION 2.99 for AdeptXBBS for OS/2, on any platform that OS/2 and AdeptXBBS for OS/2 may become available for. Previously you where entitled to upgrades to v1.99. Although v2.x is not due for some time to come it's about the best thank you we could think of giving you. Anyone registering after June 23 will receive free upgrades through version 1.99 and will be entitled to use AdeptXBBS for OS/2, on any platform that OS/2 and AdeptXBBS for OS/2 may become available for. WHERE ARE WE GOING FROM HERE?? We've been spending the last several months outlining the future direction we plan on taking with the AdeptXBBS. After v1.0 of AdeptXBBS is released (June 5th, 1995) we will within 60 days be making available to registered sysops betas of the following versions of AdeptXBBS. AdeptXBBS v1.0x -series This series will be reserved strictly for bug fixes having to do with the release of v1.0. The v1.0x series of betas will ONLY contain bug fixes for those of you who do not want or feel comfortable with a constantly changing feature set that could cause new bugs to creep in or break already working features. AdeptXBBS v1.1x -series New Features BETA will go into testing. Changes will include a completely new user base sub-system, and a complete set of Lan and Networking functions. Along with additional features to be determined based on sysop requests and needs. A text mode version of AdeptXBBS. This is a version of AdeptXBBS v1.0 that runs in text mode. It runs extremely well in a Window or Full Screen. A FAT Compatible version of AdeptXBBS. This is a version of AdeptXBBS v1.0 that will run on a NON HPFS drive. This may create some definite strangeness when it come to Fidonet mail and other areas. If you are a mail hub it is not recommended that you use this version. AdeptXBBS for OS/2 on the PowerPC. Works exactly like the current AdeptXBBS. Absolutely all current features and options will and should work exactly like the OS/2 for Intel version. The PowerPC version will mimic the Intel version point for point feature for feature, build for build. Once OS/2 for the PowerPC is released the AdeptXBBS install program will let you install either the OS/2 for Intel, or OS/2 for PowerPC version.